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清初,降清的大批故明汉官成为清朝入关后政治、军事不断取得胜利和稳固统治的重要力量,清朝统治者一方面依靠、任用汉官,将其视为统治集团中的一员,另一方面在涉及满汉矛盾和动摇满洲贵族集团根本利益问题上,毫不犹豫地惩治汉官中异己分子。顺治帝亲政后大胆任用汉官,同时对降清汉官始终保持高度警觉,特别是对江南籍汉官的猜忌和打压尤为明显。严厉惩处江南籍汉官和严禁结社订盟的政策,表明顺治帝对江南文人崇尚气节、复明排满情绪以及可能出现蔓延之势的极度忧虑和恐惧。清初对江南缙绅的猜忌、提防和弹压,是在清朝入关后相当一段时期内政治、军事、经济、思想文化、社会风俗冲突的反映。随着清朝统治的日臻巩固和关外守旧满洲贵族的逐步消失,面对新形势,清统治者对江南缙绅的政策也产生了某些变化。  相似文献   
《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):115-132
The propensity to believe information to be predominately truthful has been called the truth-bias (e.g., McCornack & Levine, 1990), although the lie-bias is the tendency to believe that information is mostly false. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the effect that timing of suspicion and outcome involvement has on biased message processing. A two-way interaction between timing of suspicion and outcome involvement is hypothesized. Specifically, suspicion induced prior to communication will make receivers more suspicious of the communicator and therefore encode more of their nonverbal cues as “suspicious” or “fishy.” This effect is predicted to be magnified in conditions of high outcome involvement. If receivers are already suspicious, and carefully scrutinizing the message, it will be likely that they will note more “fishy behaviors” and demonstrate a heightened lie-bias. In two studies, Participants (Ps) were asked to view videotaped segments of a confederate making true or false statements. The Ps were induced to feel suspicious before or after viewing the videotaped interview. They were also induced to perceive high or low levels of outcome involvement. Results of Study 1 indicated that timing of suspicion has little effect on biased processing, but perceived suspicion did influence biased processing. Results of Study 2 indicated that the timing of suspicion did influence the strength of the truth-bias but did not create a lie-bias. Both studies demonstrated the strong effect of perceived outcome involvement on honesty perceptions.  相似文献   
在《清代学术概论》中,"科学的研究精神"主要体现为实事求是、善于怀疑、注重创新以及"为学问而学问"等四方面的精神。实事求是,主要体现为对研究对象和研究方法的择取:在研究对象上,表现为"从书上求实","从事上求实";在研究方法上,表现为"无征不信"的治学态度。善于怀疑的精神具体展开为两个向度,即对研究对象和主体自身的怀疑:对研究对象的怀疑,集中表现为对古人之言和经典文本的怀疑和不轻信;对主体自身的怀疑,表现为"虚己"和破除"己弊"。创新的精神表现为实证的归纳法的运用。"为学问而学问"的态度是学问能够独立,并得以发展的根本要素。  相似文献   
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