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研究生指导教师(以下简称"导师")担负着培养研究生的责任,其学术水平、学术作风和工作态度直接影响着研究生的健康成长和国家高层人才培养质量。为充分发挥导师在研究生培养中的主导作用,进一步加强对导师的考核管理,优化导师队伍,提升导师对研究生的"指导质量",需引入岗位聘任制。  相似文献   
江苏开放大学已经明确了学生的服务与管理实行"学务导师制",这是学校服务与管理体系中的关键环节。所谓"双导师制"即负责专业教学的课程导师与负责学生服务与管理的"学务导师"。"双导师"负责制是江苏开放大学与江苏电大的不同,也因此区别于其他各级各类的"网校"。学务导师是开放学生服务与日常管理的具体责任人。学务导师负责学员的学籍、选课、甚至毕业的一系列工作。  相似文献   
试论象牙塔里的导师冷暴力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象牙塔里的导师冷暴力尽管出发点各异、表现形式多样、并有一定的隐蔽性,但其具有普遍性。其原因可以用人际交换理论、人际冲突理论、文化认可理论来分析。导师冷暴力是对研究生精神与心理的摧残,同时也会影响导师自身的教学效能感。为此,学校、导师、研究生要采取各种积极的措施予以化解。  相似文献   
Roles and competencies of academic counsellors in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academic counsellors or tutors are engaged as a link between learners and distance teaching institutions. They perform various roles such as facilitating learning of subject matter content, assessing assignments, providing motivation and encouragement, and supervising research/term papers/project work. Each of these roles requires specific competencies to enable them to perform satisfactorily. This paper identifies the roles performed by academic counsellors at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the competencies required for each role. It also provides a generic list of competencies required to perform as an academic counsellor. Based on self‐rating of the competency of a group of academic counsellors, the paper recommends the training of academic counsellors and the development of distance teaching materials for use in competence‐building.  相似文献   
Single courses offered over the Internet have been evaluated over the years, but no reports seem to be available for a group of courses or for entire study programs. Internet learning has increased both in quantity and quality in higher education; not only theoretical but also practical learning can be provided over the Internet. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an entire programme covering basic studies of ergonomics i.e., the Internet-based Ergonetti program of 28 credits provided by the Open University of Kuopio, Finland. The specific aims were to investigate experiences related to learning and how the Internet environment can affect learning, the assignments of workplaces, work communities and environments, and the workload of the courses. An Internet questionnaire including structured and open questions was mailed to the students (n = 46) who were undertaking or had completed the Ergonetti’s Summary-course. The response rate for the questionnaire was 46%. Utilization of learning cycle, combination of the Internet learning environment and the involvement of the workplaces, and the relationship between theory and practices were rated as very successful ways to promote the learning of basics of ergonomics. The involvement of the workplaces and measurements made at the workplaces meant that the workload was well proportioned to the course credits. Based on this relatively limited data it seems that an Internet learning environment when combined with real-world assignments can represent a successful way to provide instruction in a multidisciplinary subject, such as basics of ergonomics.  相似文献   
在实施现代远程教育,探索现代远程开放教育模式的过程中,人们对远程教育中辅导员的职责和作用还缺乏足够的认识,在一定程度上,影响了试点工作的进程。因而加强辅导员的工作,明确辅导员的职责,提高辅导员的管理水平,对现代远程开放教育这一新的办学模式的研究具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
岳建军 《教育科学》2012,28(2):37-40
是否应该立法禁止在职教师从事"有偿家教"行为最近成为社会各界热议的话题,许多地方纷纷采取立法手段禁止这一行为。本文认为在职教师从事"有偿家教"存在一定的合理性,不能够简单的用立法手段予以禁止,而应当对其加以必要的约束和限制,并对于规范在职教师有偿家教行为提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
北京市竞技体育教练员现状与发展战略的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
教练员是竞技体育环链结构中重要的一环 ,在竞技体育的训练过程中 ,教练员是运动员的选拔者和训练者 ,是训练过程、战术方案的设计者和控制者 ,是训练计划的制定者和实施者 ,也是运动员思想、生活的管理者。从运动员的选拔、对他们施以专项技术和专项能力的训练与培养 ,到比赛战术的制定与实施 ,比赛的临场指挥 ,每个环节都反映出教练员的执教水平和综合能力。教练员的文化结构、对所从事专项的理解认知程度、执教经历、执教水平 ,以及敬业精神不仅对对运动员的成长产生着至关重要的影响 ,也对竞技体育总体实力的发展有着决定性的作用。  相似文献   
建立一个良好的人才培养模式和开放教育体系,对基层电大课程专职辅导教师有着举足轻重的地位。由于基层电大课程专职辅导教师所处环境与中央电大、省级电大、地区级电大都不同,所以所承担的教学任务、教学课程和管理对象等都不同。所以,有必要对基层电大在现代远程开放教育模式下的教师角色定位做一探讨,以形成电大良好的发展态势,在现代远程开放教育中更具竞争力。本文主要从基层电大教学专职教师的现状及存在的问题和对于准确定位基层电大专职辅导教师角色的初步设想两个方面对此进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
田建荣 《考试研究》2009,(1):103-120
蒙养教育作为中国传统教育的重要组成部分与科举制长期并存。科举考试使蒙学教育目的与其接轨,使蒙养教材渗透强烈的功名利禄思想。特别是一些科场的失意者,做蒙师便成了他们临时的选择和人生过渡,这不利于蒙学教育质量的提高。但在科举考试的推动下,古代蒙学的确有了长足发展,在识字、写字、读书和作文训练等方面积累了丰富的经验。可以说,科举考试推动、促进并保护了中国古代蒙养教育的发展与成就。  相似文献   
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