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人们在讨论企业伦理时通常忽视了一个问题 ,即企业伦理与各民族之道德传统的关系。其实 ,企业伦理不仅具有世界性、普遍性的内容 ,还存在与民族文化、历史传统相关联的内容。本文结合日本企业伦理 ,说明它所包含的世界性和民族性的不同方面 ,并借此提出正确对待企业伦理中的上进心与民族性之关系的原则  相似文献   
科学把握普遍性与特殊性,共性和个性的辩证关系,是我们实际工作中必须坚持的世界观和方法论。民族地区扶贫过程同样也是普遍性与特殊性相统一的过程。文章以少数民族地区扶贫政策为例,阐述公共政策的制定要考虑其普遍性与特殊性。  相似文献   
Given the growing use of impact metrics in the evaluation of scholars, journals, academic institutions, and even countries, there is a critical need for means to compare scientific impact across disciplinary boundaries. Unfortunately, citation-based metrics are strongly biased by diverse field sizes and publication and citation practices. As a result, we have witnessed an explosion in the number of newly proposed metrics that claim to be “universal.” However, there is currently no way to objectively assess whether a normalized metric can actually compensate for disciplinary bias. We introduce a new method to assess the universality of any scholarly impact metric, and apply it to evaluate a number of established metrics. We also define a very simple new metric hs, which proves to be universal, thus allowing to compare the impact of scholars across scientific disciplines. These results move us closer to a formal methodology in the measure of scholarly impact.  相似文献   
隐喻的研究有相当长的历史,然而直到1980年,莱考夫和约翰逊出版著作《我们赖以生存的隐喻》之后,隐喻的研究才有了飞速的发展。经济的发展也引起了许多著名的学者对这一领域的广泛关注,他们把研究延伸到了经济方面。笔者主要对英汉有机体隐喻的一个分支"经济是动物"展开深入的调查和对比研究。运用定性分析和共时对比的方法,通过对比研究,旨在指出英汉有机体隐喻的异同,揭露导致这一异同的因素:认知的普遍性和多样性。  相似文献   
车牌定位是车牌识别系统的关键技术,定位的准确与否直接影响车牌识别的结果。本文根据车牌的颜色特征和投影特征提出了一种综合颜色特征和投影特征相结合的定位方法,算法分为粗定位和精确定位。该方法较单一特征的定位方法有较好的通用性,可适应于不同背景、不同光照下的汽车图像,能够确定出车牌区域,准确率得到了较大提高。  相似文献   
荷马是史诗诗人,也是一位古代的人文主义者。《伊利亚特》6.466—474里展示的既是特洛伊英雄赫克托耳的舐犊之情,也是一位父亲对儿子基于血缘和本能的由衷喜爱。对普遍性的重视和对人类本性的理解,在此达成了高度的统一,构成了荷马人文观深厚而隽永的认知底蕴。荷马重视共性的认知取向,极大地影响了后世希腊人对自然与人生的思考。重视事物的普遍性既是一种正确的哲学立场,也是一种极为明智的方法论举措。对于一些重要的人文概念,如果自愿放弃从“属”的高度而不甚明智地选择从“种”的角度加以理解,那么选择者就很可能已经输在了起跑线上。评判一种文化战略竞争力的强弱,标准之一是细致审察它的学术体制能够在多大程度上有效抵御黑社会风气的侵袭。比发展经济和军事能力远为困难的,是决定各种次级体制稳妥建立的文化基本结构的建设,是如何使其中的质素配置尽可能地趋于合理,形成最佳的搭配模式。向古希腊人学习,自然是学习他们的优点。在经过“希腊文明东来说”的大浪淘沙之后,我们仍然能够发现并承认希腊文明的精湛之处并且愿意借鉴它的成功经验,这件事本身就表明它的非同寻常,尽管我们已经没有那样的激情,事实上也不再需要把它当作某种横空出世的奇迹。  相似文献   
Characteristic scores and scales (CSS) – a well-established scientometric tool for the study of citation counts – have been used to document a striking phenomenon that characterizes citation distributions at high levels of aggregation: irrespective of scientific field and citation window empirical studies find a persistent pattern whereby about 70% of scientific papers belong to the class of poorly cited papers, about 21% belong to the class of fairly cited papers, 6% to that of remarkably cited papers and 3% to the class of outstandingly cited papers. This article aims to advance the understanding of this remarkable result by examining it in the context of the lognormal distribution, a popular model used to describe citation counts across scientific fields. The article shows that the application of the CSS method to lognormal distributions provides a very good fit to the 70–21–6–3% empirical pattern provided these distributions are characterized by a standard deviation parameter in the range of about 0.8–1.3. The CSS pattern is essentially explainable as an epiphenomenon of the lognormal functional form and, more generally, as a consequence of the skewness of science which is manifest in heavy-tailed citation distributions.  相似文献   
数学教学对学生素质的培养至关重要,在教学中,应遵循数学学科的基本特点,有目的有计划地培养学生的各种能力,使学生的综合素质有所提高。  相似文献   
权利理论经历了古希腊古罗马的正义理念时代,中世纪的神学正义观念,到现代的平等理念,可以说发展历经曲折,却生机勃勃.庞德的权利理论是在耶林的利益法学思想中创新发展而成的.从庞德权利理论的源头出发进而发掘其主要内容和实质之后,我们将发现其中潜藏着的内在矛盾,若试图对这种内在矛盾进行有效合理的化解,我们不得不运用“放任的态度”.  相似文献   
The authors contend that diversity and its counter-pole universality as such cannot be managed in the normal sense of the word. What can be managed though is the balance between these two poles. Over-emphasis of the one to the detriment of the other will in the long run somehow be penalized. A conceptual-theoretical framework is provided in which the delicate ontic balances that have to be maintained is explained (pedagogically managed). The results of three focus group discussions in which the participants express their opinions about these balances and the possibility of managing diversity are reported and interpreted.  相似文献   
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