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Cultural values may be seen as the primary determinants of altitudes towards deviant or exceptional persons. The present study deals with the attitudes of Jewish and Arab youth in Israel towards the disabled as a function of cultural identity, existence of contact with a disabled person, and type of disability (blindness, amputation, facial disfigurement, or confinement to a wheelchair).A sample of 510 Jews and 655 Arabs filled out the Yuker Altitudes Towards Disabled Persons Scale (ATDP). The results indicated that overall, Jews were more positive towards the disabled than Arabs. Furthermore, the existence of previous contact with a disabled person was a positive factor in the formation of the Jews' attitudes, and a negative factor for the Arabs. In their ranking of different types of disability, Jews and Arabs differed significantly.The results are interpreted in the context of modern versus traditional cultures, whereby the Jewish youths' more tolerant Western approach seems to engender a more positive attitude than the Arab youths' conservative values.  相似文献   
电影被称为第七艺术.是继文学、戏剧、音乐、绘画、雕塑、建筑之后的又一门新兴的独特艺术.它与其它前辈艺术有着密不可分的继承、借鉴关系,尤其与文学中的小说有着不了的情缘.<巴黎圣母院>是雏克多·雨果的力作,试图通过它的两个电影改编版本之间比较,来探讨经典改编的是与非及电影改编的忠实与否问题.  相似文献   
李真夫 《科教文汇》2011,(2):56-56,196
在雨果的著作中,女性是悲剧的代名词,是时代和社会的缩影。雨果更将女性因饥饿而堕落的问题列为最迫切解决的问题之一。世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。雨果宣扬用人道主义思想去倡导人们改善、引导、包容为生活所迫的贫苦人们,更指出造成女性悲剧的不仅仅是时代的原因,更是因为爱的匮乏。  相似文献   
Studies in Israel relating to attitudes of various ethnic, cultural and religious groups towards the disabled were reviewed. The results indicate that although there were differences in attitudes towards the disabled, these differences appear to be a function of interaction effects between many other variables and not necessarily only related to ethnic, cultural, and religious affiliation.  相似文献   
雨果的长篇小说《海上劳工》、《悲惨世界》、《巴黎圣母院》,通过对人类的自然现象、社会生活和精神意识进行广泛地描写与深刻地揭示,显示了丰富的内容和远大的认识价值。雨果在他的三部长篇巨著中形象地揭示了"三种桎梏"、三种冲突,构成了冲突艺术美,给审美鉴赏者以理性与感性、逻辑与经验、品味与直觉等各方面的思考和感受。文章试以黑格尔的冲突美学观念,即物理或自然情况带来的冲突、自然条件产生的心灵冲突、精神差异导致的冲突,浅要地探索三部长篇巨著的冲突艺术美。  相似文献   
本文从叙事学的视角进入,选择俄罗斯新生代作家维克多·佩列文和他的代表作品《夏伯阳与虚空》,对俄罗斯后现代主义的叙述特征进行探索,发现了碎片化叙述手法;其中时空、人物和语言碎片拼贴出了"三位一体"的"上帝"在俄罗斯寻找精神信仰的过程,最后走向虚无。碎片化明显暗合了西方后现代主义解构的叙述特征,但又有俄罗斯后现代的独特性,即重新叙述俄国精神信仰史、探索上帝和俄罗斯民族的关系。  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine the performance effects of ability grouping and perceived probability of attaining a prize in a Paired-associate (PA) task. Sixty undergraduate students were pretested for PA ability and divided into high, medium, and low ability groups for random assignment to control (no prize probability), low prize probability, and high prize probability treatment groups. The dependent measure was the number of correct responses over four trials for intentional learning and number of correct responses on a single test for the incidental learning condition. Results of two-way ANOVA supported the hypothesis that performance in a PA task is affected by subject's ability and perceived probability of attaining a prize.  相似文献   
让·谷克多既是优秀的诗人、剧作家和小说家,也是法国“优质电影”时期风格独特的重要导演,他的作品启发并深深地影响了“新浪潮”一代电影人,本文借助于“超文本”研究视点,考查了谷克多的生活历程与其各类作品的复杂关系,并对其部分作品进行详细的解读,试图厘清谷克多在法国电影历史中所占据的特殊位置和艺术贡献。  相似文献   
维克多·佩列文的小说〈黄色箭头〉描述了一列形状像黄箭的奇怪列车,列车内住着形形色色的人物,呈现出一副缩印版的当代社会生活图景.佩列文用其独特的叙事风格,以及具有强列象征意义的意象揭露了当代俄罗斯社会麻木不仁、机械化运转的生活现状.作家通过这样一种独特的后现代式的叙事风格,引发读者无限的思考,从而达到了警示和启迪他人的效果.  相似文献   
林杰 《高等教育研究》2007,28(9):93-101
政治模型是20世纪70年代初由美国高等教育组织研究者鲍德里奇率先提出的一种组织模型。它是基于对科层模型和学院模型缺陷的批判,受冲突理论、社区权力、利益群体等多学科知识的启发,针对组织决策过程中的权力、冲突及资源分配状况所进行的微观理论描述。鲍德里奇的政治模型在一定程度上符合现代大学的组织运行现实,但也存在重微观轻宏观,重决策过程轻组织结构的问题。进入90年代之后,不断有学者运用新的多学科理论对其进行修正或补充,使得这一运用政治理论分析高校组织的方法逐渐得以完善。  相似文献   
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