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光的衍射有近场衍射和远场衍射两种情形.近场衍射如小孔成像,当孔的尺寸比较大时,光线沿着直线传播,当孔小到一定程度,光线偏离了直线传播发生衍射,孔越小,衍射越显著,物体的几何像失去了清晰的轮廓,而且在边缘附近出现一系列明暗相间的条纹,从而影响了成像的质量;远场衍射如望远镜、显微镜,在物镜的像面上形成的几何像点由于衍射效应变成了一系列的衍射斑,衍射斑重叠越多,像越不清晰,严重影响了成像的质量,使得光学成像仪器的像分辨本领也有了限制.  相似文献   
明清时期扬州经济繁荣 ,成为全国数一数二的消费性城市。在消费时尚的追求下 ,扬州人的服饰不断趋时翻新 ,争奇斗妍 ,妇女尤甚。本文试从妇女的发式、首饰、化妆、手饰、服装、鞋袜诸方面反映明清时期扬州妇女服饰时尚  相似文献   
A modern approach to the diagnosis of artistic heritage makes use of non-destructive techniques which avoid damage to artworks or signs of interaction with the analytical technique used. For this reason, today, the employment of X-rays to study artistic heritage is quite widespread. Computed tomography (CT) Imaging was first used as specialized medical diagnostic tool in the early 1970s. Today, CT scanners have become more common, and non-destructive three-dimensional imaging has found an increasing number of uses in different areas such as materials research, geology, archaeology, and museum conservation. In this work, a new generation of clinical CT (based on the Dual Energy and multi-slice acquisition principle) is used to investigate an Egyptian wooden mummy board with a total acquisition time of 93.23 seconds and a voxel size of 0.078?×?0.078?×?1.5?mm. The use of two distinct techniques of image post-processing, the two-dimensional multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) and the three-dimensional volume rendering technique (VRT) allowed us to: evaluate the state of conservation of the mummy board, determine how the wooden object was implemented, recognize a nineteenth-century intervention of consolidation, and advance the hypothesis that the wooden planks were reused. In particular, we highlight the use of the cardiovascular and pulmonary filter with VRT reconstruction, which allows a virtual elimination of different parts of the mummy board to investigate those areas otherwise accessible only by removing parts of the board and thus damaging the work.  相似文献   
Nucleic acids in plant tissue lysates can be captured quickly by a cellulose filter paper and prepared for amplification after a quick purification.In this study,a published filter paper strip method was modified by sticking the filter paper on a polyvinyl chloride resin(PVC)sheet.This modified method is named EZ-D,for EASY DNA extraction.Compared with the original cetyl trimethylammonium bromide(CTAB)method,DNA extracted by EZ-D is more efficient in polymerase chain reaction(PCR)amplification due to the more stable performance of the EZ-D stick.The EZ-D method is also faster,easier,and cheaper.PCR analyses showed that DNA extracted from several types of plant tissues by EZ-D was appropriate for specific identification of biological samples.A regular PCR reaction can detect the EZ-D-extracted DNA template at concentration as low as 0.1 ng/μL.Evaluation of the EZ-D showed that DNA extracts could be successfully amplified by PCR reaction for DNA fragments up to 3000 bp in length and up to 80%in GC content.EZ-D was successfully used for DNA extraction from a variety of plant species and plant tissues.Moreover,when EZ-D was combined with the loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)method,DNA identification of biological samples could be achieved without the need for specialized equipment.As an optimized DNA purification method,EZ-D shows great advantages in application and can be used widely in laboratories where equipment is limited and rapid results are required.  相似文献   
基于激光角反射器的几何结构模型及倒棱方式,采用光线的折反射定律,推导了在倒棱条件下激光角反射器有效衍射区域的分布模型,并结合激光角反射器位相分布及衍射理论,建立了在不同光束入射角下,棱宽对角激光反射器近场和远场衍射特性影响的数学模型。采用数值仿真的方法分析了棱宽对综合发散角为5"的激光角反射器衍射强度的影响规律。结果表明,随着棱宽的增加,激光角反射器近场衍射的总强度及远场衍射图样中心点强度都出现了不同程度的下降。在整个光束入射角范围内,若棱宽不超过激光角反射器半径的5‰时,近场衍射总强度的下降程度小于1%,远场衍射图样中心点强度的绝对下降量为1.2%。当棱宽接近激光角反射器半径的5%时,近场衍射总强度下降程度达到9.3%,而远场衍射图样中心强度的绝对下降量为12.0%。  相似文献   
从惠更斯-菲涅耳原理出发,利用matlab软件对多缝菲涅耳衍射进行分析,基于菲涅耳衍射积分法,提出了一种针对多缝菲涅耳衍射的数值算法,同时给出了相应的Matlab程序以及仿真结果.从数值分析结果可以看出,该研究结果对于实验验证多缝菲涅耳衍射现象具有重要的理论参考意义.  相似文献   
丹栀逍遥散配合心理干预治疗艾滋病抑郁症60例临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽琴  邓鑫  张亚萍 《大众科技》2013,(6):180-181,132
目的:探讨和研究丹栀逍遥散配合心理干预治疗艾滋病抑郁症患者的临床效果。方法:采用口服丹栀逍遥散治疗30例,并予应用HARRT药物和常规对症治疗的30例进行对照观察,两组疗程均为8周。结果:两组间比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但两组治疗后汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD量表)评分均较治疗前改善(P<0.05),且治疗后的治疗组评分低于对照组(P>0.05)。结论:治疗艾滋病抑郁症应用丹栀逍遥散配合心理干预有良好的疗效。  相似文献   
根据夫琅禾费衍射与傅立叶变换的关系,数值计算了由宽度相同而长度不同双缝组成衍射平面的夫琅禾费衍射光强分布,结果表明双缝长度之比是影响干涉条纹的可见度的主要因素。  相似文献   
分析宽度不等的夫琅和费双缝衍射,得出其衍射光强分布图及衍射图样的特点。  相似文献   
Conversion efficiency of soft X-ray from 0.35 μm pulse laser-irradiated aluminium planar target at laser intensities 1013–1015 W/cm2 on the Xingguang-II facility (laser energy 5–90 J, focal spot ⊃ Ф 200 μm full width of half maximun (FWHM) 400–800 ps) was measured. A simple model was given to explain soft X-ray conversion efficiency. In this model, because of the heat conduction from the laser-heated spot, the conversion was very small at lower irradiance limit, while at higher limit it was bounded by the energy lost in blow off plasma. Consequently, at the laser intensity around 2×1014 W/cm2, the X-ray conversion efficiency reaches a maximum. Project suppoted by Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Foundation (Grant No. T0104), and Science Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education (Grant No. 214680)  相似文献   
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