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<正>An apparent absence of Silurian fishes more than half-a-metre in length has been viewed as evidence that gnathostomes(jawed vertebrates)were restricted in size and diversity prior to the Devonian.A team led by Professor ZHU Min,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(IVPP)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has unearthed a bony fi sh with an estimated length of about 1 meter from the Silurian Kuanti Formation in Yunnan Province of southwestern China,revealing that pre-Devonian gnathostomes could attain comparatively large sizes.The study published on June 12 in the journal of Scientifi c Reports adds  相似文献   
《简·爱》中简·爱获得意外之财的这一故事情节一直被视为削弱简的坚强,独立形象的一大败笔。本篇则尝试更多地结合当时的社会状况和作者的人生经历,来分析这一情节安排的合理性及其所体现的时代特点。  相似文献   
明清易代作为中国封建社会最后一场朝代更替 ,此际思想演变十分错综复杂。本文认为 :从传统社会中萌生出来的理学、心学在当时事实上都已陷于绝境 ,唯一有希望的社会思想就是刚刚兴起不久的经世致用思想。正是此种思想在易代后得到皇帝与士人的共同肯定 ,为清初社会走向稳定并趋于繁荣提供了思想保证。  相似文献   
高考作为高等学校选拔人才的一项活动,在我国政治、经济、文化等领域引发了一系列被称做"高考现象"的社会现象。"高考现象"的出现表明高考已不仅仅是教育界的事情,而且已经变成整个社会的事情。"高考现象"出现的背后有种种原因,但学历社会的现实是其中一个重要的因素。将"高考现象"放入学历社会的背景下考察可以更清晰地了解这些现象产生的社会原因。  相似文献   
宋代文化中,儒、道、禅合流的趋势更为明显,士人的文化素养及精神结构也从单一向复合型发展。其中,理学思潮对文艺审美的影响不可低估。理学,是宋代兴起的以究心性义理为主的新儒学,有较高的抽象思辨水平。“格物致知”,是理学认识论的核心,也是一种对客观世界客观世界的特殊认识方式。从认识论角度考察,二者有许多相似之处。理学与文学,格物与观物,广义的格物态度与宋人诗家三昧,实有融会贯通之处。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村,构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们党和国家在新时期的一项重大任务。要完成这项艰巨而伟大的历史任务,必须深刻领会胡锦涛总书记提出的和谐社会六项基本特征,并从这六项重要原则出发综合考察和全面推进。  相似文献   
A multiple case study is reported aiming at comparing the degree of taking part and being engaged in classroom activities for children with and without reading and writing difficulties. Observations are made of 23 pupils with reading and writing difficulties (seven with a diagnosis of dyslexia), and 23 pupils in a control group; the observations concern accessibility to, taking part in, engagement and received help in classroom activities. The result is discussed in relation to the two goals in Swedish schools: ‘goals to attain’ and ‘goals to aim for’. A conclusion is that the two goals for the instruction in Swedish language involve a dilemma for teachers, since all children are expected to reach the ‘goals to attain’, while instruction is expected to be directed towards ‘goals to aim for’.  相似文献   
Saving energy is crucial to the survival of animals living in the cold regions of the world. A small marmot-like rodent from the Arctic is world champion when it comes to energy saving. According to YAN Jun from the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, this makes the Arctic ground squirrel extremely suitable for studying the changes that occur at the molecular level during rodent hibernation. Based on this, the scientist and his colleagues aim to discover exactly how the animals can attain such dramatic reductions in their metabolic activity.  相似文献   
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