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The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the USSR boycott of the 1984 Olympic Games and Nicolae Ceausescu’s decision to send the Romanian Olympic team to Los Angeles, from an internal politics perspective. All the existing analyses study the situation from the perspective of international relations but the aim of this paper is to analyze the ways that Ceausescu incorporates this decision into his own ideology and how the Romanian people were informed. The sports news was published in the newspaper Sportul and some in Scanteia (‘The Official Newspaper of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Parti’). We will analyze all the relevant material from January until the end of August 1984 and will focus on the characteristics of propaganda and censorship used to convince the population about Ceausescu’s reasons to participate at the Olympic Games despite the situation. Dominated by the idea of a ‘multilateral developed society’, Ceausescu incorporated sport as part of this ideology and in the case of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, he manipulated the population through the media in a particular manner, centred on his ‘cult of personality’.  相似文献   
巴耶-拉图尔与柏林奥运会结下了不解之缘。一方面,巴耶一拉图尔对“纳粹奥运会”的按时举办起了至关重要的作用。巴耶-拉图尔充分利用他在国际体育界的地位和影响,亲自赤膊上阵为柏林奥运会摇旗呐喊,与抵制运动进行激烈搏斗,从而促成了柏林奥运会的按时举办。另一方面,柏林奥运会给巴耶-拉图尔留下了瑕疵。由于他促成了这场奥运会,起了美化纳粹德国的作用,这不仅受到了人们的广泛批评,也为他留下了终生的遗憾。  相似文献   

Eighty-seven female masters swimmers ranging in age from 20 to 69 were selected for a detailed study of their body composition and physiological responses at rest and during exercise. These women were then placed into two subsets, a highly trained group and a not highly trained group, on the basis of the frequency, duration, and intensity of swimming workouts. Significant differences were detected when comparing the highly trained and not highly trained subjects on measures of weight, body density, percent fat and lean body weight (p<.05). Significant differences which favored the highly trained group were also seen when comparing these same two groups for [Vdot]E max, [Vdot]O2 max (1/min), [Vdot]O2 max (ml·kg–1·min–1), [Vdot]O2 max (ml·kg·LBW–1·min–1), O2 pulse (ml·kg–1·beat–1), and O2 pulse (ml·kg·LBW–1). Both the highly trained and not highly trained swimmers were considerably lower in percent fat than previously reported data for normal untrained women of similar ages. In both groups, however, percent fat across age levels within each training group showed significant increases at approximately 40 years of age (p<.05). In the highly trained swimmers, [Vdot]O2 max (ml·kg–1·min–1) decreased at a mean rate of about 7% per decade, while in the not highly trained swimmers the decline was approximately 8% per decade. It appears that the rate of decline in [Vdot]O2 max in women with aging may be independent of training status.  相似文献   
联合抵制属协议性限制竞争行为之一,国外竞争法早已对其进行规制.联合抵制在中国实行市场经济后已大量出现,严重危害了市场竞争机制和消费者利益.由于中国反垄断法缺失,联合抵制在中国处于放任状态.结合中国联合抵制的特点及美国反垄断法规制联合抵制的司法实践,探讨我国联合抵制的法律调整对我国未来反垄断执法、司法具有重要意义.  相似文献   
洪宪帝制是袁世凯遭世人唾骂的最为关键因素。作为袁氏义结金兰的好友徐世昌经由不赞同、退隐到出山收拾残局的一系列过程,基于对时势的把握,徐氏对洪宪帝制作出了理性抵制的选择。  相似文献   
国外消费者联合抵制,是消费者为了保护自身或其他弱势群体利益而联合起来不予购买某一企业产品或服务的集体行为或行动。国外消费者联合可分为直接抵制或间接抵制,其动机在于促使企业承担社会责任。  相似文献   

Globalization spearheaded professionalization and commercialization of sports, which has contributed and elevated sport labour migration out of Africa. People move far from their home base to improve their standards of living, form new identities, and to enhance national pride, which enabled many African men and women involved in elite sports to become an integral part of global sport competitions. This paper investigates factors that influenced the migration of athletes/players out of Eastern Africa and to understand their transnational experiences in a global context. The World System Theory, transnationalism and neoclassical theoretical perspectives guided this research in broad and specific contexts. Data sources included research journal articles, public government documents, theoretical and philosophical papers, newspapers, and internet documentaries that provide stories about sport migrants individually and as a collective group. Themes emerging from this study focus on the following: (a) patterns of migration, (b) factors that spearhead movement of sport migrants out of Eastern Africa and (c) transnational experiences with exemplifications.  相似文献   
正确地分析和总结新中国史学发展道路,关系到能否自觉地继承、发扬中国马克思主义史学的宝贵思想遗产,而且关系到认清当前史学的发展方向。有的研究者将建国后十七年的史学贬斥为"完全政治化"的史学,认为它毫无学术的独立性,这种看法与历史事实是大相径庭的。从总体看,"十七年"史学虽然经历过严重的曲折,但成绩是主要的。造成评价如此分歧的症结所在,是能否正确把握"十七年"中两种学风的对立及其斗争的实质。"十七年"中存在着两种对立的学风,一种是实事求是、坚持将唯物史观基本原理与中国历史实际相结合的优良学风,一种是教条主义的恶劣学风。"十七年"史学所取得的成就,恰恰是正直、严肃的学者大力发扬优良学风、坚决抵制教条主义恶劣学风而取得的。这是正确评价的关键,也是考察"十七年"史学的一个极其重要的方法论问题。如果离开了这一正确的原则,就会只看到教条化横行,甚至将错误不加分析地归罪于提倡唯物史观,从而怀疑唯物史观科学理论的指导作用。  相似文献   
摘要:随着国家工业化和城市化进程的加快,征地成为一个热门话题,作为强者的国家与弱者的农民,他们是土地利益的双方,大多数农民在被征地过程中表现出一种合作和非对抗抵制的态度,具体体现为互惠性合作以及在政策缝隙中寻找生存空间。认真分析这种合作和非对抗性抵制行为背后的理念支撑,不难发现其实他们身上混合着传统文化和现代理念的“共度性”、生存理性和合作博弈的风险程度的比较、农民骨子里追求公平的观念等。以往和目前征地过程中农民作为弱者,和政府进行“土地交换”,达成妥协的途径:用土地交换就业、用土地换户籍、物业交换补偿、土地换保障、在原村庄划留用地安置,附带其他安置条件等,其中在原村庄留用地安置,是发展的一个趋势。  相似文献   
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