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本课题针对内蒙古自治区档案馆保存的蒙古文"档案砖"解粘难题,利用水的物理特性,结合造纸和现代的物理、化学、计算机等技术,研究出了一套用纸加固层析的方法给"档案砖"解粘揭粘的技术和设备,从理论研究、应用技术、设备和材料上,成功解决了"档案砖"解粘揭粘技术难题。为国家重点档案的抢救与修复,乃至图书、文物等纸张文献的抢救与修复提供了一套安全有效的专业技术。  相似文献   
本文通过对惠州地区建筑工程所用墙体材料的调查与分析, 并通过对烧结普通砖与新型墙体材料各项物理力学性能及经济指标的比较, 着重阐述了在实际工程当中惠州地区应广泛采用新型墙体材料的重要性, 以及大力推广墙体改革的必要性.  相似文献   
民间剪纸是一种独特的民间艺术形态,是民俗文化的形象载体。作为一项重要的非物质文化遗产,民间剪纸发展到今天,已经走到了一个机遇与危机并存的时期。刻纸作为剪纸的一大艺术派系,特别是金坛刻纸作为民间剪纸重要的组成部分,有着深厚的民间基础。对金坛刻纸当下多元化的生存状态进行分析与研究,对民间剪纸的现代转型进行粗浅的探究与思考,有利于金坛刻纸较好地传承与发展。  相似文献   
南阳市的玉雕产业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南阳市地处中原,拥有丰富的玉雕资源,其利用资源优势把特色文化注入特色产业,通过嫁接融合提升特色经济内涵,有力地促进了玉雕产业的快速发展。在产业发展的基础上加强对玉雕人才的培养,完善当地的玉雕产业市场发展秩序。南阳市的玉雕业发展具有一定的特点与优势,相对也存在缺乏创新和怎样完善合理的人才培养模式等问题,当前的首要目的就是怎样合理利用有利资源解决这些问题,为南阳市的玉雕产业有利发展扫清道路。  相似文献   
In November 20th 2007 Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality confirmed its list of buildings earmarked for conservation. The confirmation was related only to Tel Aviv cultural heritage, the city that was founded in 1909, along the Mediterranean seashore, next to old Jaffa. The list was published 4 years after part of the old urban center of Tel Aviv was nominated as World Heritage Site for its architectural uniqueness (Tel Aviv the White City). The list and the nomination were focused on architectural styles, which are based on building material, the silicate brick, used in Israel throughout the years 1918–1948. This building material and technology left its imprint on Tel Aviv's landscape and is also a part of Tel Aviv's history and development. In spite of its importance, all concerned in Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality and urban planning, have totally ignored this phenomenon.The thrust of this discussion is that the silicate bricks phenomenon, a building material and technology, due to its importance to Tel Aviv heritage and its vast distribution in Tel Aviv landscape, should be integrated into the current urban renewal development process in the old city of Tel Aviv. The discovery of its history and its role in Tel Aviv cultural heritage will change the attitudes of Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality to this building material; instead of a vernacular phenomena, a common brick or a frequent building technology, it will get a better appreciation. Urban landscapes of many cities around the world are based on vernacular phenomena, which are ignored by the urban municipalities. The silicate case should serve as an example of the role of a vernacular heritage, and in this case a common building material, in the urban renewal and conservation process.  相似文献   
李明杰 《出版科学》2007,15(6):68-71
以史料的挖掘、分析为基础,本文从出版体制、人员配置、经费来源、校勘程序、版权保护、选刻对象、发行渠道诸多方面探讨了宋代国子监的出版发行模式.  相似文献   
保存于避暑山庄永佑寺内的乾隆御制石碑以其装饰精美的龙型纹饰倍受世人瞩目.这些纹饰形象丰富、造型优美、雕刻精致、气韵生动,是不可多得的艺术精品.保护好这笔文化财产,是每一个文博工作者的神圣职责.  相似文献   
今存宋蜀刻本《孟浩然诗集》三卷,自清迄今的版本目录学家多误以为是南宋中期刻本。根据宋人的各种文献记载考察入手,再结合鉴定古籍版本所使用的避讳等方法,进行多重论证得出宋蜀刻本的刻印时间应该在北宋中叶即宋英宗时期。唐代王士源编定本《孟浩然诗集》三卷本是宋蜀刻本的祖本,但它在流传过程中发生了变化,已经不是王士源本的原来面目。宋人刘辰翁对宋蜀刻本进行批点后,在明代广为流传,先后有顾道洪、李梦阳、袁宏道、毛晋等人批评、参校的多种刻本出现,显示出宋蜀刻本的版本价值。  相似文献   
Cheb relief intarsia is one of the most significant artistic techniques used in the early and middle baroque furniture manufacturing. The origin of this exceptional technique is closely tied to the city of Cheb and in a wider perspective, similarly to rondocubism or cubism applied in architecture; it is a branch of decorative arts distinctive just only for Czech lands. Here we report on the findings made on the basis of non-destructive X-ray micro computed tomography (μCT) analysis for determination of the condition and characteristics of the inner structures of an original plate of Cheb relief intarsia. The results of this analysis not only helped to clarify the manufacturing process itself, but also contributed to aim the future actions of the effective intarsia conservation in regard to the spreading internal cracks and defects in the plate discovered by μCT analysis.  相似文献   
四川边茶提取物对脂肪酸合酶的抑制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川边茶(康砖)是黑茶的一个主要品种,所含茶多酚与绿茶和红茶不同。本研究利用酶动力学方法测定了边茶萃取物对脂肪酸合酶(Fatty Acid Synthase, FAS, E.C.的抑制作用,近几年研究报道该酶是减肥和抑癌的双重潜在靶点。结果表明,边茶萃取物对FAS有可逆和不可逆抑制双重作用,最佳萃取溶剂为50%的乙醇,在常温下5 h即可达到最佳萃取效果。用开水泡茶的方法经两次浸取可提取出近60%的抑制FAS有效物,比绿茶的浸出效率约高1倍,但需较长的浸泡时间。边茶的新茶对脂肪酸合酶的抑制能力并不强,存放数年的边茶抑制能力最好,其后有所下降,但大部分抑制活性可保持20年以上,而30年以上保存期可能会使抑制能力明显下降。边茶提取物与底物乙酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A的竞争性质都是竞争性与非竞争性的混合型;对FAS中的酮酰还原反应的抑制不明显,这说明酮酰还原酶结构域并不是其主要作用位点;这些和绿茶及红茶都有不同。由实验结果分析边茶中的抑制剂不同于红茶和绿茶,可能是茶多酚中的茶褐素,其抑制能力高于儿茶素而接近茶黄素。这些结果表明边茶在减肥、抑癌等方面可能具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
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