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不同地区文化的比较研究,是考古学的一项重要方法。例如近期发表的鄂尔多斯出土的多圈直纹铜镜,与现藏瑞典的得于张北的镜相似,都与殷墟妇好墓的镜有密切关系,说明商文化和北方文化的关系。周至征集的铜人头像,同广汉三星堆的人头像类似,又不全同,是蜀文化传播的线索。鸟鲁木齐出土的铜鍑,类型同于俄罗斯南部以至中欧的鍑,可能与匈奴的迁徙有关。阿富汗席.巴尔甘发现的连弧纹铭文镜,属西汉晚期,更表明当时中外文化交流的畅通。  相似文献   
马叙伦从"<说文>学"和"六书"说出发考察中国文字,"六书二系"说是他的理论核心;他通过实践分析认为俗字不合"六书","六书"理论适用于金石刻辞文字;并吸收新材料新方法研究"六书",阐释许慎的文字学思想.马氏的文字学思想固守传统,相对保守,但保守之中也表现出进步性,如"三书说"和语源学的思想对今天仍有参考价值.  相似文献   
西周青铜器的精神内涵和相称比例关系既符合力学要求,又体现了视觉的美感要求,并向着简单和实用化的方向发展,在虚实统一、有无相生中突显了器物的实用性和装饰性。其纹饰以平面表现立体特征,粗细线条表明画面元素的前后虚实关系。雕塑技法使器表平面上表现出浑厚、凝重的立体效果。动物纹饰逐渐简化而富有图案趣味。神秘色彩淡化,纹饰重视抒发性情。西周中晚期金文逐步摆脱商金文的影响,以“篆引”为基础,开始形成自家风貌,走向纯粹线条化。字型固定统一,结构取纵势,修长婉丽,圆融内敛,“线”的自足性得到强烈张扬,笔墨韵味获得独立,线条浑厚华滋,凝重自然。西周青铜器的礼制化、系列化特色突出,富于秩序感和庄严感。  相似文献   
自古以来,贺州是中原进入岭南的重要通道,因而,贺州成为青铜器的区域性集散中心。贺州青铜文化吸取各地精华创新发展,表现出了青铜文化的独特性、文化因素多样性和在岭南地区的先进性。但在赵陀统一岭南,定都番禺后,贺州青铜迅速走上下坡路。  相似文献   
2011年最"萌"文物鸮卣在网上走红,成为社会上认知度最高的文物之一。山西博物院馆藏青铜鸮卣是商代晚期器,出土于山西省石楼县二郎坡村。青铜器是"宗庙重器",卣作为礼器中的酒器,将其形象塑造为鸮的形象,是因为鸮是神圣女神、死亡女神和再生女神、战神的象征。  相似文献   
A series of light-fastness tests were conducted on a group of ethnographic objects that will be on exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution Arctic Studies Center, a recent addition to the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center in Alaska. The objects surveyed belong to the collections of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. This work was designed as a feasibility study on the use of a micro-fading tester as a non-contact and non-destructive technique to evaluate the light-stability of materials present in ethnographic collections. A broad range of objects containing a wide variety of materials were selected for the study. The materials investigated included a variety of dyes applied on silk, cotton, and wool substrates along with some unusual materials such as tanned skin and seal gut skin. The results from this investigation have allowed establishing exhibition recommendations taking into consideration the sensitivity of each object, light levels in the museum building, and estimated light exposures based on the duration of the exhibit. The micro-fading tester has proven to be a very useful tool for determining the light-stability of ethnographic materials without causing any harm to the objects. Objects containing equivalent materials are usually classified under a general category based on their probable sensitivity to light. However, micro-fading test results have permitted the detection of dissimilarities among some of these objects, which could be associated to variations in prior fading histories, the quality of raw materials, and different preparation methods.  相似文献   
论戴侗的《说文解字》研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
戴侗的<说文解字>研究在中国文字学史上有着重要的地位.在<六书故>中,戴侗较早地运用钟鼎文并综合文献材料指出了<说文>的许多不足.他称引大量<说文>异本资料以订正文字,改变了<说文>的分部,创立按类编排文字的新体系.他还从文字实际出发,探讨传统"六书"理论,创立了新说.戴侗的<说文>研究对<说文>学的贡献是不言而喻的.  相似文献   
中堡苗族的铜鼓习俗时至今日依然保持着活态的形式,在中堡苗族社群中铜鼓必须与木鼓搭配使用,组成一个不可分割的仪式单元。铜鼓与木鼓作为沟通祖先和神灵的神器被主要运用于周期性的农业岁时节日和作为人生礼仪的"葬礼"中。铜鼓在岁时节日中的使用主要是为了满足人们对于农业生产增殖、丰产的愿望,在葬礼中使用铜鼓则主要是为了隔断死者灵魂与现实世界的联系,实现人们阴安阳乐、回归正常生活秩序的目的。  相似文献   
在对各种技术道德研究路径进行分析的基础上,展开对技术是否可以作为道德行动者的审视,并从道德调节入手,以对构成道德能动性的两个必要条件——意向性和自由——的非人文主义分析为基础,重新思考伦理学中物的地位,借助于阐述物在道义论、目的论、美德论伦理学中的作用来创建认真对待技术道德相关性所需要的空间,即通过道德调节来有效构建通向将技术道德化的理论途径。  相似文献   
Metallographic features of ancient bronze artefacts often hide peculiar micro-chemical processes and corrosion behaviours, which are worth to be studied as they can provide conservators and archaeologists with valuable tools and information. It is widely documented that Chinese bronzes were cast and the way to adjust their properties was to change the alloy composition. In particular, addition of lead, which is insoluble in the bronze matrix, results in the formation of inclusions or globules, which undergo oxidation processes leading to their conversion into corrosion products. The mechanisms through which this occurs were still poorly investigated. The present work was conducted to further study the corrosion behaviour of high-leaded bronze, especially focusing on the behaviour of lead globules. To this aim, a collection of Chinese archaeological bronzes, showing intermediate steps of degradation, were selected and investigated. The use of combined microscopy-based, molecular and elemental, analytical techniques allowed the characterization as well as the precise location of corrosion products, thus enabling us to propose a degradation pathway basing on thermodynamic data provided by Pourbaix diagram. The achieved results will be useful for researchers involved in these kinds of studies to better interpret data obtained.  相似文献   
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