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在现代信息化生活中,网络已全面侵入我们的日常生活,儿童少年乃至老年人都在使用手机、电脑。由于长期不良的久坐姿势会造成人体形态的改变。其中在青年人中骨盆前倾尤为常见。本文主要运用文献法、问卷调查法从造成骨盆前倾的原因及对人体的危害上进行阐述,引起人们重视,继而提出卷腹运动、太极拳桩功对骨盆前倾的改善方法。  相似文献   
对盆底脏器脱垂疾病(简称POP)的临床诊断和症状学进行调查研究,评估该疾病对日常生活的影响及治疗后,临床疗效的观察;能够客观反映POP程度的国际量化分期系统,在临床研究中应用较为广泛;引起POP的相关危险因素,制定相应的预防措施;POP的治疗方式,包括非手术治疗和手术治疗的适应症及适用人群,比较了传统手术方式的利与弊,论述了现较为流行的网片修补技术的不足,展望了新兴的盆底重建外科学的发展前景及临床应用价值。  相似文献   
论述语文学科的愉快教学概念、性质、作用及实施的原则、形式以促进愉快教学这一教学形式的研究、探索 ,提高语文学科质量  相似文献   
刘禹锡作为中唐诗人,具有中唐诗人特有的参与政治的高度热情,其人生也因此备加坎坷:既有家世之痛,也有贬谪之苦,进而是老病蹉跎之叹。面对这些痛苦,他总能很好的超脱,达到人生的自足,这跟他达观的天性和崇高的人格有关,也与他作为博学之士的开阔视野有关。更重要的是,他把孤愤著书作为化解“愁沮”的力量,融合儒佛道的思想又让他很好地调整心境,最终铸就了“诗豪”的美名。  相似文献   
Many undergraduate students in kinesiology are interested in clinical careers and seek research opportunities for advanced study and unique learning experiences. This article describes a process of engaging undergraduate students in a multi-disciplinary, National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded program project investigating factors that may affect pelvic floor support and symptoms in primiparous women during the first year postpartum. Students complete general and protocol-specific training prior to engagement, have specific tasks that reinforce skill development and require independence, and are invited to participate in additional opportunities with the investigative team. The topic of pelvic floor health is novel to most students and participation in this research expands their knowledge beyond a mainstream kinesiology curriculum. Institutionalizing this type of program could formalize undergraduate student research experiences and facilitate ongoing clinical research efforts with a kinesiology focus.  相似文献   
A lecture is not necessarily a monologue, promoting only passive learning. If appropriate techniques are used, a lecture can stimulate active learning too. One such method is demonstration, which can engage learners' attention and increase the interaction between the lecturer and the learners. This article describes two simple and useful tools for demonstration during gross anatomy lectures. One is an apron for demonstrating midgut rotation and the other is a simple “human” model for demonstrating the relationship between the uterus and the peritoneum. Anat Sci Educ. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
Skeletal remains of 35 individuals from the Croatian excavation site Kamen Most – Kaldrma from the fourteenth to fifteenth centuries were analyzed anthropologically. Due to specific skeletal characteristics, eight of them were analyzed in great detail in this study. The results of additional analysis indicated that all bone elements, except pelves, of all eight persons belonged to males. All pelvic girdle have characteristics of female sex and pronounced muscle attachments that are both indicative of horse riding. All eight persons had at least two of six changes on femora indicative of horse riding. Vertebrae of seven persons (one person did not have preserved vertebrae) have Schmorl's nodes. Signs of advanced osteoarthritis were found on all joints in all eight persons. All of them also have visible signs of periostitis especially on lower extremities. Pathological signs of trauma were found in five persons. Two of them had skull fractures and the rest had fractures of extremities which are also characteristic for horse riders. The average age of all eight persons was above 45 years at death. DNA analysis confirmed male sex for seven individuals. The results were additionally confirmed by later archeological findings of tombstones with illustrations of horse riders.  相似文献   
张兆和的小说能真正从儿童本位出发,深入儿童内心世界,揭示儿童内心的寂寞童真,挖掘儿童成长中的痛苦,堪称中国现代文学史上的一绝。  相似文献   
文章论述了作者三十年来呕心沥血从事传记文学采访写作及理论批评和研究的艰辛历程和酸甜苦辣,也总结了传记文学创作和研究的心得体会和经验教训。  相似文献   
慢性盆腔疼痛是常见的妇科症状 ,病因复杂 ,病情常反复发作 ,时轻时重 ,临床上常常不易鉴别 .要了解能引起慢性盆腔疼痛的各种疾病的症状 ,相关的辅助检查对正确诊断及鉴别诊断有不能忽视的作用 .  相似文献   
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