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The establishment of the so-called “Norman World” is a debated phenomenon. The influence of the Normans can be found throughout Europe in matters of politics, warfare, and cultural interaction. The empire established by the Normans from the tenth through the thirteenth centuries was based upon the fighting prowess and military might of a people led by notable men such as William the Conqueror and Robert Guiscard. The similarities and differences between the Norman conquests of the eleventh century reveal reciprocity in contact, influence, and exchange among Norman populations. Similarly, the autonomy and distinctness of Norman populations from England to the Mediterranean remained. This article explores the extent of Norman contact, areas of influence and methods of exchange during the most active Norman conquests of the Middle Ages.  相似文献   
路遥在其短暂的四十三年人生中,优秀作品《人生》、《平凡的世界》等超越他的生命而流传,他甘为理想奋斗、吃苦、献身的博大胸怀和坚忍不拔的人格力量对读者产生了、并仍在继续产生着深刻的精神影响。他的这些人格魅力和作品影响主要源于其创作和生活中的征服心理。从他创作小说、改变生存环境、追求爱情三方面来探析他那种不服输的征服心理。  相似文献   
叶淑香 《科教文汇》2013,(10):111-112
朱元璋推翻蒙元政权后,为了完成全国统一,巩固明朝统治,在其"内华外夷"、"华夷同体"的民族观指导下制定和推行了军事征伐、怀柔恩抚、战略防御的对蒙政策,这些政策对削弱和遏制故元顽固势力,争取大多数蒙古部众,恢复和发展社会经济都具有重大意义和作用。  相似文献   
公元1271年。忽必烈正式建立大元王朝。他积极采用儒家文化治理本国领地,但仍旧保留着蒙古民族崇尚武力。征服四方的雄心。元朝在忽必烈统治时期,对安南就发动了三次战争,另外还有三次战争由于各种原因而搁浅。本文就两国之间的战争的原因,经过,结局以及影响来做一些探讨。  相似文献   
In summer 2002, Yao Ming, the Chinese basketball player from Shanghai, was drafted by the Houston Rockets as the overall first‐pick. His advent to the NBA quickly brought about a phenomenal impact, both economically and culturally. He was not only voted by the fans to the All‐Star game and replaced Shaquille O'Neal as one of the starting five in the Western Conference team, but also boosted the ticket sales of the Rockets' game to an increasing Asian American spectatorship. Instantly, he is more than the ‘little giant’ from China, but the great ‘yellow hope’ for Asian Pacific Americans — representing the ‘Chinese’ and the Chinese market in the age of globalization. Considering entertainment sports as a distinct place for transnational labour and commodity transactions, this paper takes Yao and his proliferating cultural economic impact as an occasion to analyse and critique the China Global as a national‐capitalist fantasy that is materialized at the expense of ‘stylized’ bodies. Acknowledging, although not endorsing, Julianne Malveaux's crude metaphor of basketball plantation, this paper suggests that Yao articulates a different mode of global capitalism than that represented by Michael Jordan in the 1990s. This mode of global capitalism is not so much about the labour of conquest as epitomized by black athletes, but about the attraction of the market and the availability of labour supply as inscribed in the history of Chinese immigration. The American dream of Yao, ultimately, is the capitalist and nationalist desire for ‘bigness’.  相似文献   
从文化角度探讨秦亡之原因,不失为一种新的,可行的思路:选择秦文化为统一政策主体,是秦文化政策失败之关键;采用战争和征服手段,是其失败的加速器;文化的差异冲突与六国旧贵族的顽强抵抗是秦文化统一政策失败的客观原因。  相似文献   
我国古代哲学家在对宇宙的起源、结构、变化和本质等问题的不断研究和认识中,形成道论和阴阳论两种主要观点,他们从整个宇宙的广阔角度来考察人生,揭示出“天人合一”、“天人相分”和“天人相胜”三种天人关系  相似文献   
中世纪盛期,欧洲天主教会发动了旨在进攻波罗的海异教徒的北方十字军。该十字军历时近4个世纪,相继征服了汶德人、立沃尼亚人、爱沙尼亚人、普鲁士人等。此间,西欧、斯堪的纳维亚的基督徒、波罗的海的异教徒以及东正教的罗斯人都卷入了战争。北方十字军对欧洲历史的发展产生了深远影响:它将原始信仰的波罗的海地区纳入了拉丁基督教世界并重新定位了中世纪渡罗的海文明的发展方向;影响了罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚地区间的关系,成为东北欧地区种族矛盾的重要渊源。  相似文献   
在目前的地方史研究中,有关东北三将军的专著及论文已有很多,但对清政府设立三将军治理东北三地之前的一段历史还鲜有论及。文章浅议清初年至设立三将军之前东北的形势以及清官方政府的态度变化以及对应举措。  相似文献   
在法国大革命时期建立起来的法国督政府在历史上仅仅维持了1473天就迅速解体,其原因何在呢?政治制度的软弱无力、优柔寡断是根本的原因;经济政策的“失效”和财政状况的不断恶化,是督政府崩溃的重要原因;而督政府对外征服的不断扩张则直接促成了它的灭亡。  相似文献   
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