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数字企业是一种新的企业形态。信息代理也是图书馆信息服务一种新的尝试。本文探讨了图书馆基于数字企业的信息代理的模式、信息代理的组成以及智能代理在图书馆中的应用。  相似文献   
近年来,福建泉州中院邀请人大代表协助诉讼调解的司法实践,在福建乃至全国都产生较大影响。针对这一颇有理论价值和实践意义的课题阐述了若干看法:着重从宪政角度分析人大代表协助诉讼调解的正当性与合法性,力图从多个角度、多个层面剖析这一制度所蕴含的宪政价值,回应了部分学者对这一制度提出的一些质疑。充分肯定了人大代表协助诉讼调解的创新性、可行性。但在推广这一制度的同时,必须谨防它的副作用。在司法理念上,仍应坚持程序正义的大方向,必须给人大代表协助诉讼调解制度一个正确、合理的定位。  相似文献   
A growing body of research has emphasised the importance of school leadership practice for quality improvement in schools. Yet, little attention has been paid to the investigation of how principals reshape their leadership role and leadership practices when schools reorganise the leadership team with the purpose of increasing the number of formally assigned leaders. As such, this study provides additional insight into how moments of transitions may reshape institutional logics regarding principal leadership practice. Drawing on interviews and contextual observations of five principals in lower secondary schools, framed within a distributed perspective and theory of sense-making, we address this issue by demonstrating that regulative changes influence the normative and cognitive aspects of institutions. We argue that principals re-conceptualise leadership when they move from being solo leaders to sharing leadership, and this allows for subjective interpretations. We have identified two approaches for principal leadership practice which the reorganised leadership team can provide – the exchanging information – and collaborative discussion approaches.  相似文献   
Pre-1992 English universities are changing the way they appoint their deputy and pro-vice-chancellors (PVCs). Traditionally, PVC posts were filled by internal secondment from within the professoriate, but these days an increasing number are appointed by means of external open competition involving advertisement and/or executive search. So has this ‘opening up’ of PVC positions created new career progression opportunities for professional services managers? Findings from a census, online survey and interviews with a range of senior university managers suggest not. Despite the PVC role becoming more managerial, those getting the jobs remain overwhelmingly career academics. Professional services managers confront a glass wall, excluded from consideration by a non-negotiable requirement for academic credibility. Aware they have little chance of getting a PVC job, they are unlikely to apply. The continued monopolisation of PVC posts by academic managers represents a form of social closure that serves to maintain their elite status.  相似文献   
学界通常认为唐代以降的法律发展是礼法融合的过程,强调礼法的一致性而忽视二者之间存在的矛盾和冲突。集中体现在帝国的晚期:清代礼制高度发展,州县官仪卫制度化、使用日常化。造成的结果是强化了官民差别,促成了官民壁垒,司法面临诸多困境。最终司法模式改变,司法走向腐败、黑暗。其深层次原因既包括清代礼制背离礼的基本精神,和法发生冲突,也包括礼和法本质的矛盾。  相似文献   
平儿是《红楼梦》中王熙凤的心腹通房大丫头,又是贾琏的爱妾,能够很好地处理和他们之间的关系,并在协助或代替凤姐理家时展示自己的才华和品德。平儿处在上层主子和下层被压迫者中间位置,却能很好地处理与他们之间的关系,并维护被迫害者的利益。平儿如何凭借自己的个人能力和品质等处理她周围的关系,在“金陵十二钗”册子中的位置以及其结果如何,值得深入研究。  相似文献   
部分人大代表集执行权与监督权于一身,产生了人大代表身份制度悖论。人大制度的理论渊源和制度设计为悖论的产生提供了可能,对人大制度原理的曲解、人大代表构成党政化、代表权公平性的差异、人大代表利益的错位等问题促成了悖论的产生。通过实行“一府两院”人大代表表决回避制度、部分人大代表专职化、提高代表权公平性等三项措施,可以消除人大代表身份制度悖论。  相似文献   
高校图书馆副研究馆员职业高原问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对高校图书馆副研究馆员职业高原现象及其成因进行了深刻分析,从图书馆组织层面和副研究馆员自身调适两方面提出了一些措施和办法,值得图书馆管理者和同行深思。  相似文献   
罚金量刑是否符合正义要求,受社会观念和法律规定的双重影响。在罚金量刑上,中英法院都避免“以罚代刑”观念;在量刑原则上,我国注重普遍平等,英国注重罚金刑个别平等;在罚金数额计算上,我国主要以犯罪对象为依据,英国在确定适用罚金等级后,需要查明犯罪人财产状况。尽管对罚金量刑的正义内涵理解不同,但我国在罚金量刑正义的制度保障方面需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

This article examines how media reports of police court trials played an important discursive role in the workings of summary justice and the emergence of the policed society in Scotland in the first half of the nineteenth century. It argues that the dominant messages that trial coverage conveyed were laden with middle-class social and cultural assumptions concerning the accessibility, usefulness and fairness of the courts, and the character and guilt of the accused. Above all, the reports spoke to the intrinsic value of lay magistrates as paternal agents of community conflict resolution and police courts and, more subtly, the police as firm but trustworthy levers of urban discipline.  相似文献   
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