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This article questions some popular cultural assumptions about the nature of everyday discourse. It claims that such discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, we fictionalise ourselves as we talk. Because literary writing has dominated our culture and curriculum, English teachers have not been encouraged to explore an aspect of language that is at the core of how we think and behave.  相似文献   
<怒吼吧,中国!>一剧是20世纪20年代中期英苏之间的矛盾尖锐化的产物,反映的是苏联对以英国为核心的帝国主义联盟的担忧.由于该剧的情节和此后发生的万县案相似,剧作被国内批评家认定为是万县案的写照,并逐步强化了两者间的联系.在这一过程中,史实被人们忽略,反帝话语的影响力则显露无遗,一个秉承苏联官方政治意图的剧作最终被改造为中华民族觉醒的预言.  相似文献   
衔接是建立语篇连贯的重要手段,存在表层/显性的衔接方式和深层/隐性的衔接方式。文章基于当代隐喻的相关理论,探讨了语法隐喻和概念隐喻作为显性和隐性的衔接手段如何作用于语篇连贯性的生成与建立。  相似文献   
从编辑视角看中医药学术期刊的选题策划对中医药学科发展的促进作用,进而影响中医药学术话语能力的提升。中医药学术期刊的选题策划宜从2个角度入手:一为确证角度,是一种以科学语言为基础的通识性表述,是突破中医药与其他学科进行学术沟通瓶颈的手段;二为辨证角度,是中医药增强学术自信的灵魂,是构建中医话语体系的出发点和落脚点。二者不可偏废。  相似文献   
Placing Facebook     
Facebook is challenging professional journalism. These challenges were evident in three incidents from 2016: the allegation that Facebook privileged progressive-leaning news on its trending feature; Facebook’s removal of the Pulitzer Prize-winning “Napalm Girl” photo from the pages of prominent users; and the proliferation of “fake news” during the US presidential election. Using theoretical concepts from the field of boundary work, this paper examines how The Guardian, The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review and Poynter editorialized Facebook’s role in these three incidents to discursively construct the boundary between the value of professional journalism to democracy and Facebook’s ascendant role in facilitating essential democratic functions. Findings reveal that these publications attempted to define Facebook as a news organization (i.e., include it within the boundaries of journalism) so that they could then criticize the company for not following duties traditionally incumbent upon news organizations (i.e., place it outside the boundaries of journalism). This paper advances scholarship that focuses on both inward and outward conceptions of boundary work, further explores the complex challenge of defining who a journalist is in the face of rapidly changing technological norms, and advances scholarship in the field of media ethics that positions ethical analysis at the institutional level.  相似文献   
浅析认知视角下的语篇连贯——从一则广告谈起   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
连贯是一个复杂的语言现象,它涉及到语义、语用及认知等各方面。传统语篇连贯的研究主要集中在从形式或语义角度进行考察,并认为衔接是语篇连贯最重要的语法、词汇手段,然而这只是一个显性手段。实际上,具有连贯的语篇的构建和理解都离不开人的认知能力。基于认知语言学理论,以一则广告为语料分析语篇的连贯性。  相似文献   
“十七年”电影中的性别话语作为一种文化话语是一种功能、运动和关系,其意义也在这些功能、运动和关系中产生、发展和变化,英雄叙事功能本身就构成一个复杂的话语系统。因此,“十七年”电影英雄叙事的性别话语研究就必须结合其他话语系统如意识形态、历史等,才能充分考虑背后的权力关系,即叙事运作的策略性关系。  相似文献   
从语言学的角度讲,阅读教学不能仅仅停留在词汇句法的层次上,而要从语篇的高度去把握。将语篇分析应用到大学英语阅读教学中,能够培养学生的语篇能力,排除阅读障碍,从而增强其英语阅读能力。  相似文献   
Coherence is an essential integrated part of textual analysis. It is also the crucial point of analyzing a literary text. This paper aims to dissect the coherence in Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterb...  相似文献   
This study is a multimodal discourse analysis of an initiative advertisement of the New Cayman released by the official website of Porsche, Follow the Code of Curve, based on the three-dimensional conc...  相似文献   
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