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潘光旦是中国较早运用家谱族谱进行家庭望族研究的社会学家之一,他从优生学的视角研究中国宗族社会中的望族群落,注重家族世系、遗传、环境等要素的研究,在其望族研究中集中体现了中西方法理论相结合。其望族研究对中国家族史研究具有重要的启发及推动作用.  相似文献   
通过对中国传统中的"文化—婚育—地"关系指出:重视婚育的文化观念与文化延续互为支持;传统文化以知足常乐来制衡人与物的关系。但是,人口过多及人—地紧张引发战争以及灾害等原因又似乎成为调解人口的机制。尽管如此,传统婚育文化仍然存在过于重视量,而忽视个人发展等质的问题。因此宜以优生化解人口过多及其造成的资源紧张等问题。  相似文献   
中国女子被禁锢两千多年,急于依靠教育求得自身的独立,又难免太过火,导致从一个极端走向另一个极端。潘光旦先生在优生学的基础上,以"位育"的眼光看待男女两性差异并以此提出他的女子教育思想——"新母教"思想。  相似文献   
作为一项国策,古代斯巴达的优生政策是其国家所面临的城邦问题的真实反映,也是其立足于希腊世界的根本。优生政策为斯巴达打造了一支强大的军队,使其能称霸希腊世界,但由于忽视人性发展,斯巴达文化严重滞后,使其在辉煌灿烂的古代希腊文化中黯然失色。  相似文献   
根据元极学理论,要想达到优生,就必须根据人天整体运化的规律,研究天时,地利,人和,祖辈和父母本身要加强道德修养,选择天清地泰的天地运化,合理的地理环境,父母身心健康两情相悦,即在内外环境高度和谐运化的时刻受孕是优生的基础,怀孕期间亦是如此。  相似文献   
This paper examines the claim, put forward by Roy Lowe over three decades ago, that members of the twentieth-century eugenics movement exerted a major, perhaps even decisive, influence on the structure of secondary schooling in England and Wales – and particularly with regard to the intellectual justification for fairly rigid tracking systems, whereby children were to be directed through separate school routes towards differing career outcomes and contrasting adult lifestyles. Can it, in fact, be argued that Sir Francis Galton and his disciples, and notably Cyril Burt, were directly or indirectly responsible for the nature of the divided system of secondary education that developed in England and Wales in the years following the Second World War?  相似文献   

This article analyses the child psychiatry and psychology developed during the Spanish Civil War and immediate postwar period. The aim is to demonstrate that, despite the existence of a certain degree of disciplinary continuity in relation to the pre-war period, both disciplines were placed at the service of Francoism. This meant that the association of psychology and psychiatry with pedagogy in order to educate/cure children played a key role in legitimising the child intervention policies of Franco’s regime, and this strategy was best reflected in Vallejo Nágera’s proposal regarding “biological pedagogy”. Finally, it analyses how psychiatry and psychology were used outside the school context to re-educate and control an infant population trapped between two worlds as the result of the Civil War.  相似文献   
目的通过分析1例Duchenne型肌营养不良症家系患者的临床资料,对家系相关成员进行了遗传优生咨询和生殖干预,以期减少或避免患儿的出生。方法全面家系调查后绘制系谱图并进行遗传学分析、再发风险评估和遗传优生咨询。结果以先证者为线索调查此家系四代33人,其中有患者5例,均为男性。对家庭成员进行了有效的生殖干预,避免了患儿的再出生。结论对家系成员进行生殖干预对避免患儿的出生有重要指导意义;由于本病迄今尚无有效治疗方法,系谱分析、携带者筛查及产前诊断是预防本病的关键。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to describe the influence of medical knowledge on the organisation of school gymnastics in Brazil, in the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century. For this purpose, the following sources were used: PhD theses approved by the Faculties of Medicine in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia state, and documents from the Academia Nacional de Medicina and the Escola Normal de São Paulo. It was concluded that the hygienist mentality was fundamental for the diffusion of gymnastics in the Brazilian context.  相似文献   
《理想国》是西方哲学史上一座丰碑,是柏拉图的治国计划,其内涵十分丰富。柏拉图认为美就是世界秩序,美要成就的是世间最伟大的事业,即创造一个真的世界。《理想国》中的观点虽然在一些方面比较偏颇,但都是源于哲人建设合理国家和社会的强烈意愿,给后人留下了非常宝贵的思想结晶,非常值得借鉴,而美和秩序的内涵也确实如其所愿愈加完善。站在巨人的肩膀上,后人对于如何建设一个国家显然会更有把握,但其中一些关于个人与城邦关系的观点值得商榷,尤其是“哲人治国”是否可行,尚须探讨。  相似文献   
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