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论大众媒介的全球性及其传播的异托邦与伊托邦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化使得地方文化的构成更加复杂,社会流动性的增加导致多样的文化景观的出现。多元文化之间的流动与交融,经由媒介,正在重建"巴别塔"。从现实来看,资讯的发达使隔离状态瓦解,交流成为必然。在全球化进程中,媒介对于形成城市及城市文化的异托邦(heterotopia)与伊托邦(e-topia),具有极其重要的作用。尤其是诸如网络之类的全球性媒介,更是打造了一个伊托邦之城。  相似文献   
福柯提出的“异质空间”概念当代电影批评具有独特的理论价值。本文内容分为三个部分:第一是文化研究者对异质空间的不同阐述和理解,第二是异质空间概念对艺术批评的意义,第三是异质空间概念对当代电影批评的意义。  相似文献   
This paper presents findings from a study of students’ writings about the erotic. These occurred in the form of graffiti and were scrawled on toilet doors for female students attending a higher education institution in Malta. The study explores how the erotic was defined and perceived by students, and how they attempted to create alternative spaces to explore their erotic selves through their writing. Foucault’s notion of heterotopia, which refers to spaces enacted for the Other, informs the analysis. Heterotopias subvert the order of spaces and mirror other dominant sites that make up the social fabric. This framework considers the lavatories as heterotopias, through which students broke silences and taboos about the erotic by challenging perspectives concerning sexual relatedness and erotic fantasy. In the absence of sexuality education in the curriculum of the institution in which the study took place, the study suggests that students may have sought out and constructed new ways of learning.  相似文献   
通过对4年来就诊的858例异位妊娠病人的临床资料进行综合整理,分析放置宫内节育器(IUD)140例与异位妊娠发生率的关系,认为带宫内节育器的妇女易并发盆腔炎症,其异位妊娠的发病率增加,误诊率增高,因此放置宫内节育器前了解适应症和禁忌症是至关重要的.  相似文献   
在福柯"异托邦"概念的观照下审视文学与文化研究,是当代空间诗学的重要生长点。异托邦是一些特殊空间,处于边缘、交界之处,在事物表象秩序间制造断裂。文学文本作为可能的"异托邦",呈现和颠倒现实空间的事物秩序,构筑奇特的审美场域。它与现实空间异质,却又相互促使彼此的生成。从文本阐释的角度而言,文本的空间意义凸显出来,文本空间的多元异质不仅是绘制世界之网的复杂线条,也为读者打开了多重审美之维。文学异托邦作为社会权力实践的场所,与意识形态构成不可分离的关联。  相似文献   
通过对4年来就诊的858例异位妊娠病人的临床资料进行综合整理,分析放置宫内节育器(IUD)140例与异位妊娠发生率的关系,认为带宫内节育器的妇女易并发盆腔炎症,其异位妊娠的发病率增加,误诊率增高,因此放置宫内节育器前了解适应症和禁忌症是至关重要的.  相似文献   
For 40 years, the ‘staff teaching seminar’ has aimed to prepare academics to meet the complex demands of university teaching. In Aotearoa/New Zealand (NZ), as elsewhere, the seminar emerged in the late 1960s–early 1970s, and preceded centrally funded academic development (AD) centres. Targeting new academics, the programme typically focused on core activities of university teaching and blended presentations by experienced academics from various disciplines with group activities and plenary discussions. Several decades on, this pedagogical space is plainly recognisable as a core site of AD in NZ today. In order to problematise AD’s ambitions for this site and others like it, this essay refracts past and present versions through the prism of heterotopia. In so doing, we sound a warning about AD’s implication in the inexorable rise of governmentality in our institutions. We also, though, recognise the ways in which the staff teaching seminar eludes such forces.  相似文献   
Heterotopias are counter-sites of enacted utopias through which reality is simultaneously represented, contested and inverted. They are physical or mental spaces where, although norms of behaviours are suspended, there are connections with a plethora of other spaces. This article constructs a collective biography as a heterotopology of the academy. Academic subjectivities are produced and often constrained within powerful Higher Education discourses. Constructing an affective assemblage of becomings as a heterotopology, the authors deploy poststructural philosophy to re-story academic life experiences and conceptualise agency in the academy. Taking licence with the notion of academicity and heterotopia, the article describes how spaces in the measured university can be deterritorialised through generative lines of flight. An affective assemblage is presented that ruptures the discursive orientation of category boundary work where academics are constituted as ‘productive metric-minded knowledge workers’. The collective biography research approach facilitates a mapping of affective cartographies as a heterotopology and a critique of the discursive production of selves. The subjectivations of identity politics in matricised assemblages may be, even if momentarily, evaded, refused and agentically resisted.  相似文献   
福柯提出的"异质空间"概念当代电影批评具有独特的理论价值。本文内容分为三个部分:第一是文化研究者对异质空间的不同阐述和理解,第二是异质空间概念对艺术批评的意义,第三是异质空间概念对当代电影批评的意义。  相似文献   
《海上钢琴师》是意大利作家亚历山德罗·巴里科的代表作之一,其中主人公一九〇〇至死不愿下船的行为引起过学者们的广泛探讨。多数学者的观点因过多关注了这一行为的消极影响从而滑向了童年决定论。但若从异托邦的视角出发,对一九〇〇所处的空间进行异托邦特征解读并详细探讨作品中异托邦空间和主流空间的权力关系,便会发现一九〇〇拒绝下船的行为代表了异托邦空间中他者的力量对主流空间内权力入侵的反抗。在主流权力企图以各种形式规训身处异托邦中的他者的同时,他者自身也在有意识或者无意识地抵御着来自主流空间的控制,而这正是一九〇〇不下船行为的动力所在。  相似文献   
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