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范泉是上世纪80年代才出现于中国现代学史上的“出土物”。他是名的作家、翻译家,也是一个杰出的学史家。在中国现代学史研究上范泉具有极重要的位置:他是中国现代学史料的拓荒,是大陆研究台湾学的第一人。  相似文献   
The rise of the Mongol empire was a shock to the Arab world and led many Arab authors to describe these conquerors in decidedly negative terms. The great historian Ibn Khaldūn also discusses the Mongols' rise and their conquests. As a nomadic people they challenged and defeated sedentary populations and founded their own dynasties. Consequently, the Mongol conquests perfectly fit Ibn Khaldūn's theories on ?a?abiyya – which is superior in nomadic groups – and the rise and fall of dynasties. For the Maghrebi historian, the rise of the Mongols was a natural step in the course of history. This consequently colours his view of the Mongols and affects the way he portrays them, especially regarding the themes of violence and religion – recurring themes in many contemporary works dealing with the Mongols – and in his depiction of the Turco-Mongolian conqueror Timur, who is presented in a more favourable light by Ibn Khaldūn than he is in many contemporary works.  相似文献   
“通才办报”、“史家办报”、“政治家办报”是中国新闻人才观中最具代表性的理论。这三种理论的侧重点虽各有不同,但相互之间却有着一定的联系。它们对于培养当时的新闻从业者发挥了各自的作用,对今天的新闻工作仍然有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This article examines the presentation of Muslim rulers from the early crusading period, 490–540/1097–1146 in six of the main chronicles written during the first half of the seventh/thirteenth century. It discusses the themes, ideas and topoi in each, demonstrating that the historians appear to have been divided into two ‘camps’ over their presentation of these rulers, based on their personal views of the rulers of their time. The article also examines why this division may have occurred, and considers its ramifications for modern scholarship of Arabic historiography, Islamic history and the history of the Crusades, in both the sixth/twelfth and seventh/thirteenth centuries.  相似文献   
《论撰史》是西方史学史上第一篇史学批评的专文,《史通》则是中国史学史上第一部系统的史学理论专著。卢奇安与刘知幾生活在相差5个世纪的不同国度,但是他们二人在历史真实、史书编纂以及史家素养等基本史学理念上却有着诸多相通之处,并且都对西方与中国史学的发展产生了重要影响。将《论撰史》与《史通》进行比较研究,可以发现中西方史学史上诸多理念的异同,有助于深化中外史学的比较研究。  相似文献   
苏喜珍 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(10):142-145,149
《左传》这一部以鲁国历史为主的编年体的史书为我们全面地展现了春秋时代的社会面貌。而就《左传》的性质来说,它就是一本史书,具有档案的性质,就是一部后人研究先秦社会的史料,也就是春秋时期记录的档案。早期的史官与档案工作者的关系密不可分,很多史官往往兼职档案工作。那么早期史官除了记录资料之外还有哪些职能?试就《左传》所记载的史官们的职能略作探讨。  相似文献   
作为当今负有盛名的历史学家、考古学家、古文字学家和文献学家,李学勤先生早期的治学经历却十分独特。从小酷爱读书,对符号有特殊的兴趣;他希望学习数理逻辑,考进了清华大学哲学系。考进去之后,由于自学甲骨文颇有成绩,被借到中科院考古研究所参加编著《殷虚文字缀合》;再由于认识史学大师侯外庐先生的原因,又从考古所调到了历史二所做侯先生的助手,跟随侯外庐先生做思想史研究(直到“文革”后,李先生才完全回到先秦这一段从事研究工作,另文撰述)。  相似文献   
《法国革命史》是米涅最重要的著作,获得很大成功,不失为一部良史。《法国革命史》的良史风范表现在:史实层次高,着眼于探究事物的本质;求实精神,详细占有资料;夹叙夹议,从史实中抽象出理论;观点鲜明,对人对事评说直言不讳;学而致用,学术研究为现实服务。《法国革命史》也存在一些资产阶级局限性的印迹,但它在诸多方面绽放出良史的丰采,成为世界历史学的典范。  相似文献   
杜甫“号为诗史”的创作倾向受到史官文化的深刻影响,史官文化氛围、史官意识、史官品格和史官的计使命等都制约着杜甫的人生态度和诗歌创作。  相似文献   
用历史教育青年,教育人民,就必须认真搞好历史教学,这就要求历史教师必须具备高尚的“史德”、高超的“史才”和渊博的“史识”。  相似文献   
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