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"人的形象"是人基于对自身的观念性认知而形成的图示概括,它在教育技术学研究中有着重要的理论、实践和时代意义。文章对其进行了"解构"和"建构"的完整研究。教育技术学研究传统中"人的形象"主要包括"技术人","理性人"和"经济人",文章在概括它们的主要特征和揭示其理论不足的基础上,重新建构信息化时代的教育技术学研究中由"文化人","游戏人"和"信息人"为主体构成的"人的形象",并就其合理性进行阐释,以期能为教育技术学研究提供更为合理的人性论指导。  相似文献   
This paper reviews two main historical approaches to creativity: the Romanticist approach, based on the culture of the irrational, and the Enlightenment approach, based on the culture of the objective. It defends a paradigm of creativity as a sum of rich semiotic systems that form the basis of distributed knowledge and learning, reviews historical ideas of the university, and identifies two conflicting mainstream models in regards to understanding of the university as a public good: the ‘Public’ University circa 1960–1980, and the ‘post-historical’ university. Based on practical experiences, and on previous works by Peters and Jandri?, it develops the new model of ‘the creative university as digital public university’, and argues that it provides a useful philosophical goal for directing present and future practices of the contemporary university.  相似文献   

This paper explores LGBTIQ+ students’ experiences of knowing, performing and holding queerness in a tertiary educational environment. Through interviews conducted with LGBTIQ+ students at a large Australian metropolitan university, we examine the students’ engagement with other LGBTIQ+ students in the tertiary educational space. Although originally intending to explore LGBTIQ+ students’ experience of violence, harassment and abuse on campus, the study identified a number of themes concerning the normalisation of a set of beliefs, practices, presentations and performances. Drawing on frameworks of hetero/homo and trans-normativity, we explore how LGBTIQ+ students articulated concerns in knowing, performing and holding ‘authentic’ queerness. We find LGBTIQ students experienced barred access to knowledge, hostility and dismissal by other LGBTIQ+ students when they were either perceived as too queer, or not queer enough. Behind these interactions and at the heart of these tensions is the notion of an authentic queer identity in a post-gay era and the continuous challenges all LGBTIQ+ students face within a heteronormative society. New insights into how LGBTIQ+ students negotiate, manage and shape their interactions in a higher educational settings are provided, and the implications for tertiary educational institutions, in particular the need to support a diverse LGBTIQ+ community, are discussed.  相似文献   
按照出现的不同格式对《拍案惊奇》中的同形动量词进行分类,并且将其与《五灯会元》中的同形动量词的情况进行比较,可以发现,到《拍案惊奇》时代,同形动量词数量增多,用法更加丰富,形式比较成熟,并且出现了新的形式。同形动量词已经发展得相当成熟。  相似文献   
In The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era Luciano Floridi and his associates examine various aspects of the contemporary meaning of humanity. Yet, their insights give less thought to the political economy of techno-capitalism that in large measure creates ICTs and leads to their further innovation, development and commercialization. This article responses to Floridi’s work and examines political economy of the blurred distinction between human, machine and nature in the postdigital context. Taking lessons from early history of the Internet across the Eastern and the Western Bloc, it examines ideological underpinnings of development of information and communication technologies. The paper points towards the postdigital challenge of the rising importance of biological sciences, their mutual connection with information sciences, and the society at large. It introduces the concept of bio-informational capitalism, and closely examines the relationships between biology and information. Based on authors’ previous works the chapter introduces the concepts of homo economicus and homo collaborans, and claims that their mutual differences do not make a case for a dualist philosophy—instead, the two concepts should be understood as opposite poles of a continuum. However, it shows that the biological challenge is not a mere continuation of our existing (research) questions, and that it introduces new postdigital ways of understanding our reality. In conclusion, the chapter calls for developing a new, postdigital language of inquiry, which reinvents the digital challenge and invents its relationship to biology.  相似文献   

This paper resists normative definitions of ‘creativity’ to argue that the concept is constructed by neoliberal discourses in education policy. The analysis is firstly centred on the Australian context, and this is further informed and complimented by a global perspective. Focusing on two pivotal policies, The Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for Young Australians and PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving, the paper argues that universal versions of creativity, such as those that align the concept with problem-solving or design endeavour, are a product of market logic. Using Foucault’s concept of homo economius, it traces how creativity is subsumed into discourses of workplace readiness and rapidly changing environments, and proceeds to identify how select and partial discourses of the concept, such as creativity as instrumental and determinable are supported, while there is a silence around alternative conceptualisations. The paper concludes with a discussion on how the discursive positioning of creativity by neoliberal themes and formations brings about real effects: certain work practices are valued more than others and particular student and teacher subjectivities are endorsed or demoted ‘in the name of’ creativity.  相似文献   
安提戈涅被"判刑"后所处的位置,是一个被悬置的公共空间。安提戈涅虽未被判死刑,但实际上与死人无异,因为她已被排除在政治共同体之外,亦不受律法的保护,沦为了阿甘本笔下的"裸命",成为一名"活死人"。但这并不意味着她失去了政治性,因为制造"裸命"是主权者最原初的政治活动,所以成为"牲人"的她实际上暴露了这种深层次的相互依存之关系。其中也体现了法的暴力以及统治者、牲人与法律三者之间相互依存又相互排斥的矛盾关系。而最后安提戈涅的自我了结则让她成功斩断这种关系,并超越受害者的身份而成为悲剧英雄。《安提戈涅》警示我们注意当下西方社会中在"民主法治"外衣下的"主权暴力"现象。  相似文献   
后现代主义是对现代主义所产生的负面过程或结果的反思,它为人们重新审视三维教学目标提供了新的视角。新课程三维教学目标一方面在后现代主义的比照下其目标分类、科学理性取向等品质凸显出来,另一方面在后现代理论的涤荡下,三维教学目标又呈现出了:批判逻辑实证主义,构建概念模糊性教学目标;否定"理性人",塑造"游戏人"和"文化人";消解中心和边缘的界限,倡导多元情感价值观;反对结果至上,重视过程生成性等一些后现代特点。  相似文献   
阿伦特认为,西方政治哲学起源于古老的政治和哲学之争,由柏拉图所奠基的"沉思生活"高于"积极生活"的等级秩序以及"制作"代替"行动"的思维方式始终支配着西方政治哲学传统.在对西方传统政治哲学的批判中,阿伦特表达了她对政治的看法--政治是一种以自身为目的的活动,政治哲学的基础应当是对人类事务多样性的"惊异".  相似文献   
The neoclassical homo economicus has escaped the narrow confines of economic theory and is today embodied countless times over in the everyday behaviour that so much of the modern economy is set up precisely to serve. Not all of the authors of leading books on economic principles have named the neoclassical homo economicus, but when they have done so it is overwhelmingly in the same way. They have given him the human form of a Robinson Crusoe figure, despite the fact that his behavioural motivations and his practical conduct owe next-to-nothing to Daniel Defoe’s original characterisation. I suggest that the route to today’s cultural familiarity with the neoclassical homo economicus instead passes through the entirely unwitting hands of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He substituted Defoe’s account of the castaway’s continuing deference to prevailing social norms with his own idealised vision of how the individual might use solitude to escape the corrupting influences of modern society. It is altogether another desocialised individual also bearing the Crusoe name who has latterly shaped many of the economics textbooks’ renderings of the neoclassical homo economicus. However, we can get to him only by first understanding the essential features of Rousseau’s Crusoe myth.  相似文献   
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