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综合素质评价既是一种评价观,又是一种评价方式。作为一种评价观,它是素质教育评价体系的基本价值取向。作为一种评价方式,它与中考、高考等外部评价互动、结合,共同构成素质教育评价体系的基本内容。综合素质评价的本质是个性发展评价,也是真实性、过程性评价,还是内部评价。我国当前教育评价改革的误区是依然坚持具有应试教育性质的工具主义素质观和评价观,致使综合素质评价蜕变为强化的外部评价,进而使其成为变相应试教育。  相似文献   
公司归入权主要适用于公司内部人违反忠实义务以及内部人从事短线交易的情形,对此,各国立法均进行了规定。我国新修订的《公司法》和《证券法》对公司归入权的规定较之以前有了进步,但仍有不足。  相似文献   
The present paper discusses three types of research perspective on the insider–outsider continuum: outsider research, (insider's) outsider research, and insider research. It examines the essential features of the insider–outsider distinction with reference to categories such as researcher, students, classroom context, contribution, control of condition, quality criteria, disclosure of information, and example of research. The paper concludes that the insider–outsider perspective can serve as a means of building a strong theoretical base in language teaching research that will help language teacher practitioner–researchers to situate their work within a wide variety of research types.  相似文献   
This article engages with methodological concerns connected to insider education research and the ‘race-symmetry’ shared between the researcher and teacher participants. To do this, race critical reflexive strategies are utilized to show how and why this practice productively contributed to the knowledge about race making constructed in my study, a research process I describe as getting inside my insiderness. However, these reflexive practices also helped me to develop a deeper awareness of the potential for what I now describe as White shadows to infiltrate research of this type. The conceptualization of White shadows is a useful tool to describe research practices that silence or deflect attention away from issues connected to race, and hence, White shadows help expose concerns about the potential for Whiteness to remain protected by research. There are two interconnected aims of this paper. First, to illustrate the sort of race reflexive practices called for, and in doing so, to demonstrate why they are valuable and helpful in (educational) research. Second, I hope to encourage a rethink of the insider–outsider relationship that typifies ethnographic research by shifting attention to explore the inside of insider research.  相似文献   
通过对定向增发预案公告前后超额累计收益率与相对交易量的分析,发现我国定向增发预案公告前后存在严重的内幕交易和股价操纵行为.从定向增发前后日均超额收益与相对交易量、相对换手率变动来看,发现我国定向增发期间,存在流通股股本变动的现象,从流通股本变动的原因分析,我们发现50%的股本变动是由于股改产生的受限流通股解禁上市流通引起的,这证明了全流通时代存在大股东通过选择定向增发时机对中小股东及新股东进行利益侵占.  相似文献   
文章围绕体制转轨时期的国有企业“内部人控制”问题,从股权结构、董事会及监事会的构成、激励约束机制等方面进行原因分析,并提出了解决“内部人控制”问题的基本思路。  相似文献   
探讨了价值观匹配对员工创新行为的作用机制.结果表明:人-价值观匹配不仅正向作用于员工创新行为,而且通过内部人身份感知间接对创新行为产生显著正向影响;批判性思维正向调节内部人身份感知与员工创新行为之间的关系.  相似文献   
教育学者介入实践,是对传统的“局内人”信条与“局外人”信条的方法论突破。它改变了教育学者和教师的习惯性生存方式,实现了教育理论与教育实践之间的相互滋养与双向建构。教育学者介入实践,必须在疏远与接近、“抽离”与“卷入”之间保持一种合理的张力。保持对研究对象群体的疏远,是为了对研究对象保持一种陌生化和理性化,以便能够有充分的思维空间,以审视的立场来研究它;接近研究对象,是为了获得对它的切身感受,获得更为深刻的内心体验。教育学者介入实践,是一种双重介入,因而它改变的不仅仅是理论与实践的关系,更是两种不同行动主体各自的生活和彼此的交往方式。  相似文献   
This article uses the notion of a ‘sensitising concept’ in order to understand insider and outsider dynamics in cross-organisational field research. The analysis is based on a study of learning and innovation in the social and health care educations in Denmark. As these educations combine classroom training and workplace internships, the students and educators frequently cross organisational boundaries as part of their training and educating. In my attempt to understand the boundaries as learning and innovation resources, I reflect on my own shifting insider and outsider positions as a field researcher. It is argued that the researcher's experience of changing insiderness and outsiderness in cross-organisational field studies can serve as a starting point from where to investigate emotional and material aspects of boundary-crossing.  相似文献   
This paper complicates the contested assumptions surrounding native research by exploring the burden of representation placed on native researchers because they are seen as insiders. This particular issue of representation is important for native researchers to consider, especially in instances where the research is on an understudied or politically charged group, because of the ways in which the socio-political climate influences both the telling and the reading of such research. Drawing on the author’s personal struggles as a Pakistani researcher conducting ethnographic research with Pakistani immigrants in the United States in the post-9/11 climate, this paper explores and critiques the role of the native researcher and the issues involved with representing understudied groups. Specifically, the paper focuses on authenticity, positionality, audience, and accountability. Thus, the paper is a call for researchers to be more reflective and to think more deeply about their positionality and its impact on the various constituents as they research and write. To encourage such reflexivity, the article provides a set of questions for researchers to consider at different stages of the research and writing process.  相似文献   
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