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陈宏 《山东电大学报》2003,(3):35-35,37
根据党的十六大报告提出的“弘扬和培育民族精神”的要求,在电大学生中弘扬和培育民族精神是非常必要的,要创造良好的环境和氛围,使民族精神渗透到学校各项工作中去;要发挥主渠道的作用,对学生进行系统有效的爱国主义思想和民族精神教育。  相似文献   
奥巴马成为美国历史上的第一位黑人总统后,人们对于他的成功表现出浓厚的兴趣。在有着悠久修辞传统的西方世界,奥巴马也是这方面的"高手"。他深谙修辞之术,通过掌控各种修辞资源来达成自己的修辞意图。本文试图运用西方修辞学中的修辞人格理论来阐释其构建修辞人格,树立权威,增强言辞说服力和影响力,从而赢取选民获得胜利的过程。  相似文献   
资源与市场的限制使得中国无法复制现代化国家发展的模式。中华民族精神的培育与弘扬,必须根植于稳定而有活力的村庄生活,而建设老年人协会是乡村建设通过文化重建,重塑村庄生活,培育与弘扬民族精神的重要途径。  相似文献   
全球化背景下各种文化的相互激荡对以民族文化为根基的民族精神产生了影响,民族精神的塑造与弘扬成为时代的诉求。体育运动作为一种日益融入人们生活的社会设置,可以通过促进人们的共识与共同价值体现其塑造民族精神的特殊功能。从激发民族情感、引导社会风气、提高文化认同度、增强政治归属感四层次,论述体育对塑造民族精神的作用。  相似文献   
Aristotle's concept of ethos is primarily one based on civic duty, and as such loses its specificity when extended to the scientific forum. By adapting Aristotle's traditional concept of ethos to contemporary social norms of science, a link can be established between classical theory and contemporary practice. In this essay, I use Robert Merton's theory of the normative conditions of science to perform a meta‐critique of the use of ethos in four case studies. This meta‐analysis reveals the dual structure of ethos as reflected in a surface structure of style and a deep structure of argument.  相似文献   
Concepts of school ‘ethos’ or ‘culture’ have been widely debated in education since the 1980s. This is partly as a consequence of marketisation, partly because ethos has been identified as a low-cost route to school improvement. Corporate, authoritarian, and most recently ‘military’ models of ethos have been widely promulgated in the UK. Another significant strand of educational thinking, however, has emphasised ethos for and as learning: how schools might prefigure alternative, more socially just, worlds. This article argues that accounting for such divergent notions of ethos demands greater attention to the intellectual resources mobilised in interpreting educational processes. We discuss schools that used their work with the English creative learning programme, Creative Partnerships, to develop what we describe as ‘considerate, convivial and capacious’ school ethos. We aim thereby to value their achievements, provide tools to contest dominant discourses around ethos, and advocate more critical, reflexive approaches to researching school cultures.  相似文献   
武术对培育和弘扬民族精神的作用探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
优秀的民族精神是一个民族的灵魂支柱,是维系国家统一、民族团结的力量源泉。历史悠久、源远流长的中华武术之所以被世人所称誉,就是因为它承载着我们中华民族精神的精髓。随着历史的发展,社会的进步,世界各国都把人的全面发展作为最终目的。而体现我们中华民族文化精华和宝贵民族精神的中华武术必将承担起继承和弘扬民族精神的重任。  相似文献   
士风与民风联系密切,而且士风往往对民风起到引领的作用.永嘉学派集大成者叶适,不满南宋士风浇惰现状,对士人蹈虚谈玄、重私轻公等习气加以批评.净化士风宜始于正士,他认为,通过“致道成德”塑造士的理想人格,再借助道德实践,用士风来化导民俗,促进社会的开明进步.  相似文献   
This article focuses upon a crucial aspect of Max Weber's work, one that has been largely neglected by scholars of organization, in cultural economy as much as in economic sociology more generally. That is Lebensführung, the conduct of life. The article argues that Weber's approach to questions of Lebensführung locates him as a late but prodigious practitioner in a tradition of the ethics of office, particularly as the latter becomes a defensive doctrine. In making this case, the vocabulary of office in Weber's work is explored and its importance for an understanding of the ethico-cultural constitution of a variety of instituted personae is highlighted. The article concludes by briefly suggesting why and how a Weberian ethics of office remains a key resource for scholars of organizational life, including those operating in the emergent field of ‘cultural economy’.  相似文献   
This paper reviews changes to the key stage 3 curriculum at a leading comprehensive school. The nature and practical concerns of the changes are described. These move beyond a fresh approach to content; they include issues about engaging students actively in learning for the future, planning around the school's distinctive ethos and expertise in ICT, and using curriculum as a vehicle for providing energy for new staff and heads of department to engage in learning leadership. Theoretical models of curriculum are examined to locate thinking at Brooke Weston CTC in a conceptual framework. The paper suggests that futuristic curriculum development resonates with some classical curriculum models that have been ignored over the past two decades of the National Curriculum.  相似文献   
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