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欲望化写作根因于社会转型期人的感性生命活跃的实际,张扬感官放纵和感官享受.其中存在的问题与作家主体的赢弱苍白,与生命本体论文艺观的负面影响关系甚大.  相似文献   
明清艳情小说以扭曲的形态反映了欲望横流的时代风气,另一方面又以近似寓言的形式表达了对色和空的理解。混同三教的似是而非的出世,实际上体现了男性作者对欲望横流的世界的难以割舍。在启悟者缺位的情况下,本应为由色到空转换链务的因果报应成了男性中心的理念表达。对现世报应的强调,固然是现实责任的承担,但是缺少了因果轮回,男性纵欲的果报由女性承担,已从根本上背离了倡导众生平等的佛教观念和因果报应的主旨。  相似文献   
暴力与主体休戚相关,对暴力的真正解读乃是还原其心理的创伤维度。暴力,是在压抑中回归的本我快感,撕裂庸常的中产阶级生活;是超越认同的自我欲望,树立起固执的主体姿态;是对秩序与法的超我补充,呼唤当代集体的出场。各种暴力影像彼此错位、互指、交涉,形成一座庞大的镜城,身陷其中的破碎个体借此获得一种身份的整合。  相似文献   
Crime, which is an intriguing aspect of the human condition, has been the object of great concern amongst many modalities of knowledge. Even when dealing with the so-called "primal crime", dissolution is what always results. If people understand the primal crime of the mythical father as the necessary condition to cross from a horde to a clan state, eventually reaching a fraternal group state, then they should also understand that the social bond, which results from this action, brings in its kernel the scars of irreversible destruction. Freud's tyrannical father was murdered because he kept absolute enjoyment for himself, yet this crime did not set free the authors of the crime from their own enjoyment. The dynamics of the criminal act as a means of lust has been studied with the intent of articulating both perverse subjectivation and the pervert act, as well as considering the convict's standing in social relationships. Symbolization of reality and temporality are significantly altered by imprisonment, due mainly to lack of scopes and systematic conveying references which reflect reality. The study related to the temporal being of detainees is inferred as to better portray questionings on temporal subjection. The analysis of the discourse production lead to conclude: (1) When it is destined to penal institutions, the condemned lose pace with time (time halts); (2) Interns must render time objective (produce time). Rebellion and fights may be endeavors to create rhythm to register time, wherein, the desire to live time is, desperately, externalized; (3) Penal work is a time-reducing factor of imprisonment, therefore, time acquires objective and exchangeable value for the interns; and (4) Three worlds unfold and introduce themselves from the very moment when the imprisoned take place within a penal institution. The internal scope of the penal unit is propagated by the interns as being the inside world, exterior social context and relationships thereof are known as the outside world and the world of crime abides essentially different temporality notions. Within the inside world time halts, in the outside world time escapes and the crime world dimensions time is as time itself.  相似文献   
先秦儒家以“礼、色兼美”与“礼、色之争”的思想主题分别释读《周南·关雎》与《汉广》篇,证实了先秦儒家对情欲等问题极为关注并进行了独特的思考和处理,同时也引发了一系列问题,如欲望的美感与雅化、情欲的窒限与困境等。这些思考也凸显了极为重要的文化意涵和现实意义。另外从“礼、色”关系的角度也可以对“乐而不淫,哀而不伤”等儒家诗学理论做多层面的解读。  相似文献   
女性难以走出的迷幻花园--论苏童的小说《红粉》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏童的《红粉》从一个与众不同的角度揭示了妓女在改造过程中鲜为人知的辛酸与苦涩。出身下层又不愿自力更生的女性在社会中总是被迫以“性——金钱”的方式生存着,妓女的改造不仅意味着她们自身的改造也包括普通人的道德观念的改造。社会要求她们改造,但社会又不接受她们,她们依然在社会的边缘游走。  相似文献   
对《金瓶梅》的五种主旨说笔者不敢苟同,特提出主旨新说:《金瓶梅》表现的是“理”和“欲”的对峙与两难。《金瓶梅》虽然在叙述层面表现出以“理”制“欲”的倾向,而在内的思想层面却是扬“欲”抗“理”,并形成“理”和“欲”的坚韧对峙,这体现了作者思想深处无法调和的矛盾。  相似文献   
This essay posits that masculinity can be usefully understood from a communication perspective, and it specifically defines masculinity as a social and symbolic construct. In this view, the meanings and associations attributed to masculinity are a product of the enduring images and characteristics people have ascribed and assigned to men in groups over time. Based upon a survey of contemporary published research regarding masculinity, it is concluded that masculinity is now a multidimensional construct which attributes ten traits to people viewed as masculine which are examined in terms of: (1) physiological energy; (2) physical characteristics; (3) gender‐related sociocultural roles; (4) idealized gender; (5) gender preferences; (6) subjective gender‐identity; (7) gender‐related age identity; (8) gender‐related racial and national identities; (9) lust; and, (10) male eroticism. Specific questionnaires used to measure these dimensions are reviewed, and based on the responses of 562 subjects, the reliability and validity of one of these questionnaires is examined in detail. The essay concludes by recommending the use of the Perceived Masculinity Questionnaire 47, and it outlines some of the uses that can be made of a Perceived Masculinity Scale, especially some potential classroom uses.  相似文献   
《母亲》构建出了作为文明社会的人在原欲与理性发生冲突时,所经历的巨大的精神痛苦与拼死挣扎,叙述者采用了带魔幻性的叙述话语和隐含的重复性故事的叙事策略,对人物的复杂心理内涵进行了深刻、准确而生动的揭示。  相似文献   
20世纪中国的"女性写作"异彩纷呈,不同时期显现出不同的特点。然而,不管是三、四十年代的丁玲、苏青颇有反响与争议的创作,还是八、九十年代引人注目的私人化写作,女作家们不约而同地选择回归自身的身体与心灵的女性书写策略,突出了女性的主体生命意识,其实质是对男性话语权的挑战,体现出女性为建构自身话语权的努力。  相似文献   
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