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本文将马斯洛高峰体验理论与儿童游戏体验相联系,从体验的角度探讨儿童游戏,从自我实现获得高峰体验这个途径对指导儿童游戏提出建议。  相似文献   
夸张、调侃、戏仿、反讽等手法的杂糅,使得东西小说的创作呈现出"搞笑"的叙述表象.但拔开语言的表层绒毛,东西小说的深层结构袒露出来的是作家对当下人生生存困境的严肃思考.  相似文献   
模因论是基于达尔文进化论观点来解释文化进化规律的理论,它将信息复制的观点引入话语分析中。从语言学的角度看,模因论可以用于解释许多语言现象。文章从模因论的视角出发,对言语幽默中的“戏谑性变异”进行考察,认为,基因型变异和表现型变异是言语幽默制笑的模因理据。对幽默言语黼笑机制的模因学分析证明了语言模因的变异观不失为话语分析的一种有效途径,为言语幽默的研究提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   
Games play a significant role in childhood, fuelling hours of engagement and social interaction, and probably much learning as well. Board games, card games and outdoor games (such as Tag) first come to mind, but more recently, games have also gone digital. In this piece, we offer a new perspective by placing games within the established construct of ‘playful learning’. We review key elements of playful learning and the two subtypes: free play and guided play. We suggest that games promote learning in ways similar to other playful learning situations. Games involve fun, a sense of curiosity and an inhibition of reality, in active, engaging, meaningful and socially interactive contexts. We argue that games therefore belong alongside free play and guided play to form a trio of playful learning experiences. This perspective adds to a growing understanding of the role of games in supporting children’s learning and development.  相似文献   
近年来,“戏说”型历史题材电视剧已经成为化热点,这些“戏说剧”以浓重的市井气息,油滑、搞笑的手法赢得百姓的喜爱,成为电视市场的大卖点。这些“戏说剧”与鲁迅的历史小说《故事新编》比较,从表面上看似乎有类似之处,都有戏谑历史的成分。但是,追本溯源,两揭示的却是两种不同的化语境下对待历史的不同态度。鲁迅的《故事新编》植根于20世纪二三十年代中国的启蒙化语境,而“戏说剧”与全球语境下的后现代化思潮中的大众化有着直接的关系。  相似文献   
The Finnish educational system and curricula lay emphasis on play, collaboration and equality. Modern educational practices allow the learning environment to be enlarged from indoor classrooms to outdoor playful learning environments (PLEs). PLEs have been constructed in schoolyards in Finland with the goal of increasing learning through play in curriculum‐based education and augmenting collaborative play (ColPlay) between boys and girls. In order to better understand and describe such developments, the author set out to ascertain how teachers perceive mixed‐gender play activities in pre‐primary and basic education. Fourteen teachers were interviewed and the obtained data were analysed using the grounded theory as an analytical approach. The research suggests five premises for ColPlay: (1) the most suitable forms of ColPlay are outdoor games and role‐play, (2) gender roles adjust in contemporary play culture, (3) teachers’ pedagogical thinking on ColPlay includes various practices to promote collaborative relationships between girls and boys, (4) teachers have confidence in ColPlay and (5) learning to collaborate with both genders requires practice and reflection. The study offers useful insights for teachers, teacher educators and designers of game content and learning environments.  相似文献   
过去的大众艺意在利用人民大众所喜闻乐见的艺术形式来宣传和普及某种意识形态,而目前的大众艺则是要在娱乐中对意识形态进行解构。故两的不同,并不在于“戏说”或“正说”,而在于对艺的社会作用和艺与生活关系的看法不同。时下的大众艺为了迎合大众,意在逗乐,而不计其他。但艺还是应起到国民精神的灯火作用的。  相似文献   
一、“美学”作为专科研究,是近世从西方传入的概念和实践,因此可能发生“搬”、“套”西方美学条条框框的流弊。二、中华美学本来散见在各种书籍体之中,成语、单词、短论、佳话……内容至广至富至要,而一向缺乏系统的整理辑录,以致并未真正形成此门专学的规模和精义之总汇。三、这些有关词汇、成语、名句、佳篇,处处涉及到中华汉字词语的本源训诂定义和化涵蕴的历史积累(大量的化学艺术的审美信息),皆有待于从头作出新的、准确的解读或“今译”。因此,必须将汉字训诂学、献学、诠释学(笺注学)等紧密地结合起来,方可有望于打开一个中华美学的伟大的崭新局面,推进弘扬中华民族化的胜业。  相似文献   
金庸武侠小说封笔之作《鹿鼎记》,既充满游戏笔墨,又富含历史意趣。金庸对两者的不同处理方式,揭示了隐含在游戏笔墨深处的历史意趣,一部优秀武侠小说不仅有娱众之功,亦可以有深刻的历史蕴涵,从而达到可观的思想高度——关键在于作者是否拥有历史感和历史见识。小说与历史这两种叙事文体,纠结着复杂而难分的关系,为小说审美提供了一个崇高标的。  相似文献   
游戏精神是儿童文学的一种基本精神。儿童是在游戏中长大的,喜欢游戏是儿童永恒的天性,也是儿童原始状态心理的直接显现。游戏在儿童生理、心理和认知发展方面发挥着重要作用。游戏是儿童生活的重要内容,儿童文学要想迎合儿童的审美心理,得到广大儿童读者的认可,就应该把“游戏精神”放到儿童文学的重要地位上来。  相似文献   
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