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先唐诔的作谥职能不断弱化,具体体现为所诔对象的非事功化以及作和所诔对象关系的私人化。这导致了诔述德内容的改变:先秦两汉时期诔述德主要在道德、政治方面;魏晋以来则突出才性、情趣。这些变化促使着诔由礼仪之向抒情之转变,从而也动态地呈现了先唐诔的学化进程。  相似文献   
关于敦煌写本斋文的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐五代宋初,在敦煌佛教徒举行的各种斋会上宣读的斋文,文体结构可分为五个部分:一、颂扬伟的功德法力,称“号头”;二、说明斋会事由,赞叹被追福、祈福者或斋主、施主的美德,称“叹德”;三、叙述设斋的缘由与目的,称“斋意”;四、描绘斋会的盛况,称“道场”;五、表达对佛的种种祈求,称“庄严”。斋文的合集,称“诸杂斋文”。愿文只是其中的一种,不能作为“诸杂斋文”的通称。“诸杂斋文”还包括一些在佛事活动中宣读的类似文书,其中有的文体结构与斋文不同。  相似文献   

Reports of college students using the library for spiritual practices, including prayer and meditation, consist mainly of anecdotal observations, news stories, or press releases about the creation of such spaces within academic libraries. Driven by their own experiences with students using library spaces for prayer, the authors examined how prevalent this was across US academic institutions. Using a large-scale national survey, this study found library professionals observe a wide range of student prayer behavior in a variety of library spaces, regardless of institutional or campus demographics. The results provide academic libraries with evidence to support accommodating students’ spiritual needs in library spaces.  相似文献   
祝辞本为祭祀活动中祝福求福之辞。先秦的祝辞主要有祈祷辞、嘏辞和贺辞等。祈祷辞是祭祀仪式上人对神的赞美和要求,常规祭祀所用的祈祷辞形成相对稳定的格式和套语。嘏辞是祭祀中神尸给主祭者的致福,由祝官来传达。嘏辞多用第二人称“尔”,表示赐福给你。贺辞是人对人的祝福,本质上是嘏辞的世俗化。先秦时的这三种祝辞都沿用四言韵文的传统形式。虽然发生的典礼仪式和针对的对象各不相同。但内容与形式大体相似。  相似文献   
靖国神社是日本军国主义对外侵略扩张的精神支柱。二战结束之后,在日本右翼社会团体和内阁的支持下,靖国神社先后将包括14名甲级战犯在内的大批战争罪犯的亡灵合祭入内,不少内阁政要还多次违宪参拜,其目的就是“神化”战争罪犯,“圣化”侵略战争。它进一步助长了日本国内为历史翻案之风,已经成为影响亚洲稳定的重要因素。  相似文献   
塔列耶夫是19世纪末和20世纪初俄罗斯著名宗教哲学家和神学家。作为教会神学家,他的神学思想却不为非官方教会意识所容忍。他企图建立一个普遍的神学体系,但认为只有基督教哲学是不够的,还需要“生命哲学”。在他的神学思想体系里,教会意识遭到贬低,因此,他具有鲜明的改革倾向。在俄罗斯宗教思想史上,塔列耶夫占有十分独特而重要的地位。本文选择塔列耶夫具有独特性的神学思想进行介绍,特别是他对基督教的本质的理解,对生命的意义的理解,以及对宗教生活中的实质观念如祷告、信、望、爱等的理解。  相似文献   
From its inception in 1922 the BBC pioneered a new medium in the education of children. This article traces the origins and development of a particular broadcast, Children's Hour Prayers, a short worship time for children (appended to Children's Hour) which began in wartime, and ended, along with the host programme itself, in the early 1960s. This article considers the ways in which adult–child relatedness is challenged and changed by the broadcasts, and how disputes over the best approach to teaching the young to pray affirmed the importance of treating children maturely, valuing their religious experience and communicating with them authentically. This paper concludes by arguing that the programme makers' straightforward approach in exploring religious ideas with children was a forerunner of pedagogical development in school RE, speculating whether the demise of Children's Hour Prayers is indicative of the incipient de‐Christianisation of Britain from the 1960s onwards.  相似文献   
Since the Children Act 2004 in both England and Wales, schools are expected to give due attention to the issue of children’s rights, particularly respect for the views of pupils in matters that affect them, as outlined in Article 12 of the UNCRC. However, one theme that has been relatively unexplored in the literature on children’s rights and education is religion and the role it plays in everyday school life, an issue that has relevance for Article 12, but also Article 14, which refers to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This article approaches the topic of religion, schooling and children’s rights empirically, through a focus on rural church schools. It draws on in-depth qualitative research with pupils and other stakeholders from two case study schools in order to explore the significance of ethos values and experiences of religious practices for debates in this area.  相似文献   
经幡是藏民祈求福运升腾的象征物,它寄托了藏民们对未来世界的憧憬和对命运的祈求,同时又是表现藏民族美好精神愿望的载体,是融情感和理性为一体的产物,经幡现象是一种民间行为,唯独在藏区才能见到的一种独特有趣的民俗文化现象,而今藏地的经幡,形成了藏地独特的景观艺术,为世人所赞叹。  相似文献   
《少女的祈祷》,初看这个标题,眼前似乎能展示这样一幅画面:在宏伟空旷的教堂里,一位孤独的少女默默的肃立在圣母面前,虔诚的祷告着、祝愿着、期盼着、幻想着……这只是我们初看题目所能联想到的。当我们聆听了这首优美的乐曲之后,我想我们的思路会更开阔,我们的审美感受会更加丰富。  相似文献   
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