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大学生良好的身体状况对提高他们的工作效率是非常有益的。良好的身体状况需要通过体育锻炼来实现。但是,由于学生的运动能力不足和体育知识不够丰富,影响了参与体育活动的积极性。而高校体育设施完备、师资力量雄厚,可以保证体育教学多项目地开展,从而保证体育宽口径教学的实施。  相似文献   
Multimedia and Online Video Case Studies for Preservice Teacher Preparation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Case studies have been used successfully as a part of teacher education. There are many possibilities in extending the impact of case studies through the use of technology. Video and the Internet could enable demonstration of more examples, dissemination beyond the walls of the classroom, and discussion between geographically dispersed preservice teachers. Several projects are now investigating the possible ways that technology might enhance or extend text case studies. After exploring four existing products, four essential elements for video case studies are proposed. As video case studies move to the Internet, additional issues arise and these are also explored.  相似文献   
用叠加原理和数值积分法,分别对均匀带电薄圆盘和薄宽圆环的静电势进行数值研究.绘制了电势的空间分布图及其等势线图.  相似文献   
大力扶持少数民族研究生教育,培养少数民族高层次骨干人才,是落实我国各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展这一民族工作主题的重要途径.为民族地区培养进得去、留得住,并能施展其才干的研究生,对于深入持久地实施西部大开发、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大意义.  相似文献   
School‐wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) is a systemic approach for implementing a proactive schoolwide discipline and for improving students’ academic and behavioral outcomes by targeting the school’s organizational and social culture. With a multilevel approach, the present study evaluates the relative effectiveness of SWPBS on teachers’ perceptions of the student behavior (N = 3,295) across schools, teachers, and children using a multilevel approach. We assessed teacher perception of student problem behavior five times during a 3‐year implementation of SWPBS in 23 Dutch schools. Multilevel analyses not only revealed a small increase in perceived prosocial behavior and a small decrease in problems with peers, but also different effects across children, teachers, and schools. Effects were stronger for girls and for students with higher severity of perceived problems at baseline. At teachers’ level, higher mean baseline severity of perceived problems was associated with the reduced impact of SWPBS on perceived emotional problems and problems with peers. At the school level, effects were stronger for regular schools as compared with special needs schools.  相似文献   
在KH模式研发过程中,推出了符合国情,适用于职业学校教育的横向集群、纵向集群两大类开发方法。“宽基础”和“活模块”的开发,均运用以就业为导向的逆向思维,均从职业对从业者素质的实际需要出发筛选、组织教学内容。“宽基础”是学生在一个职业群中择业、转岗、晋升的基础,着力于毕业生今后职业生涯发展;“活模块”是“零距离”上岗能力的强化,着力于毕业生首次就业顸岗能力的提高。  相似文献   
蓝康恒大学是泰国第一所开放大学,在长期的实践中形成了极具特色的办学特点。相对于泰国而言,我国的开放大学建设仍处在起步阶段。电大是开展开放教育的重要阵地,应借鉴泰国的成功经验,努力扩大办学自主权,发展“学术超市”,健全考试考核体系,构建各具特色的校园文化,拓展发展空间,提供优质服务,不断发展壮大。  相似文献   
科学精神是科学的本原和真诠,求真、求是是科学精神的基本内涵。老子对“道”的阐释中就蕴含着丰富的科学精神。尊道还世界的自然本色;返朴归真,实事求是;兼收并蓄,人尽其才以及丰富的辩证法思想都是老子“道”论中科学精神的体现。  相似文献   
可持续发展强调人口、资源、环境和社会经济发展的相互协调。人是实现可持续发展的条件,又是可持续发展的主体。当前我国广大的农村地区中大量的剩余劳动力、较低的人口素质以及众多的贫困人口的存在,成为实现农村可持续发展的巨大障碍。因此,要实现农村的可持续发展,从人口角度,必须对农村剩余劳动力问题进行有效的调控,提高人口素质,并采取措施消除农村贫困人口。  相似文献   
对联盟方式电子图书馆的系统框架设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对国外电子图书馆实践的总结,结合中国的实际情况,指出联盟方式电子图书馆是电子图书馆的发展方向。并且对联盟方式电子图书馆的系统数据、广域网结构、局域网结构、实现方法以及性能优化提出了总体设计方案  相似文献   
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