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对"红杏枝头春意闹"的解读"见仁见智",涉及到诗词的读解方面"无理"、"有情"等深层次的矛盾关系。诗词有它的特殊规律、结构特点和表现手法,只有反复咏诵,熟读精思,把握诗的艺术特质,才能领会诗的真意,才能得出符合诗的实际的解释。  相似文献   
“难怪”最早出现在元代。在元明时期,“难怪”多带体词宾语,作为动词短语使用。到清代,出现了大量“难怪+主谓短语”的用法,其中主谓短语表示消极意义。到清代晚期,“难怪”后面的主谓短语可以表示积极意义,这种用法的出现标志着“难怪”词汇化的完成。  相似文献   
陆士谔自觉将上海作为创作对象,把上海塑造成一个中外文化交融的“奇观”化大都市。其小说创作既体现出上海地域文学的风貌,又具有超越性的一面。上海成为关照社会的镜子和隐喻。中西对比、对上海世俗风情的批判与对西方现代化的向往构成了其小说隐含的内在结构,使其成为了社会风俗批判的文本。不过,这种“奇观”书写也给其小说创作带来弊端。  相似文献   
《庭院里的女人》自公映以来 ,反响较大 ,出现了种种批评的声音。我们应清醒地看到这些批评存在的偏颇性 ,充分认识影片的内涵与价值 ,也应看到罗燕为沟通东西方文化所做的努力与贡献  相似文献   
唐太宗魏征君相缔造了贞观治世,堪称我国政治史上的绝唱。其建立在迅速恢复和发展小农经济基础的治国理念、思想,以及相应建置和制定的经济,政治、军事、文化制度和政策,使传统的国家、政府、人民三者的关系,调整到十分和谐的状态,开辟出我国儒家民主政治的最高境界,成为历代王朝效仿的楷模。  相似文献   
审美惊奇论是在美学领域中新兴的理论,把它用于实践文本分析是一种新的尝试,也能给人们带来全新的审美感受。在《站在高高楼顶上》和《回望沙原》两篇小说中,读者对作品中的人、事、情、景的"片断的、零碎的"的感受,被一下子"接通为一个整体"了,让读者在作品中"发现"了惊奇。  相似文献   

There are various programmes currently advocated for ways in which children might encounter philosophy as an explicit part of their education. An analysis of these reveals the ways in which they are predicated on views of what constitutes philosophy. In the sense in which they are inquiry based, purport to encourage the pursuit of puzzlement and contribute towards creating democratic citizens, these programmes either implicitly rest on the work of John Dewey or explicitly use his work as the main warrant for their approach. This article explores what might count as educational in the practice of children ‘doing’ philosophy, by reconsidering Dewey’s notion of ‘experience’. The educational desire to generate inquiry, thought and democracy is not lost, but a view that philosophy takes its impetus from wonder is introduced to help re-evaluate what might count as educational experience in a Deweyan sense.  相似文献   
从学科专业建设的微观视角,论析加强学生化素质教育的基本原因及其现实对策,在化素质教育研究中尚属少见。本基于高师院校体育教育专业学生化素质教育现状的理性思考,从显性和隐性的层面深入阐析了影响学生化素质教育的基本原因、主要表现及其负面效应,并从可操作性的角度提出了加强高师体育教育专业学生化素质教育的相关对策。  相似文献   
冰波是中国新时期“抒情派”童话的代表作家,《阿笨猫全传》是他近年推出的一部系列短篇童话集,显示出迷人的童话智慧。从奇幻美、意外感、幽默感三个层面揭示了《阿笨猫全传》的童话智慧及其呈现方式。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of affect within education. Within this paper, the authors make a distinction between affective pedagogy, which they refer to as ways of teaching that are designed to evoke particular emotional states, and affective knowledge, which they refer to as aspects of knowledge or knowing which seem to bring forth particular emotions organically. Using explicit grammar knowledge as a test case, they explore student teachers’ affective responses to learning, drawing upon interview data and observations made during a series of grammar courses. They argue that grammar learning is a potential source of pleasure, wonder and intensity. The findings provide an important counter-narrative to the prevailing discourse of grammar as dull and threatening. They also draw broader conclusions about the significance of affect in education, drawing upon affect theory and recent work on epistemic emotions.  相似文献   
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