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A novel method for mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION A key prerequisite for a truly autonomous robot is that it can simultaneously localize itself and accu-rately map its surroundings (Kortenkamp et al., 1998), which is known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), which, when phrased as a state estimation problem, involves a variable number of dimensions. Murphy and Russell (2001) adopted Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) as an effective way for representing alternative hypotheses on robot paths and ass…  相似文献   
蚂蚁的眼睛是由成百上千的单个眼睛结构构成的复眼,而每个单眼结构就像一个简单的眼睛一样发挥作用。然而这么多的眼睛并没有帮助蚂蚁更好地洞悉周围发生的一切。它的视野只有3度,而它的视力只有人类平均视力的十分之一。因此,如果用蚂蚁的这套眼睛结构取得与人类眼睛一样的效果,它那小小的身躯上就得安上直径6米的大复眼。  相似文献   
SLAM is one of the most important components in robot navigation. A SLAM algorithm based on image sequences captured by a single digital camera is proposed in this paper. By this algorithm, SIFT feature points are selected and matched between image pairs sequentially. After three images have been captured, the environment's 3D map and the camera's positions are initialized based on matched feature points and intrinsic parameters of the camera. A robust method is applied to estimate the position and orientation of the camera in the forthcoming images. Finally, a robust adaptive bundle adjustment algorithm is adopted to optimize the environment's 3D map and the camera's positions simultaneously. Results of quantitative and qualitative experiments show that our algorithm can reconstruct the environment and localize the camera accurately and efficiently.  相似文献   
hainabaicai39999@163.com问:我的儿子去年在幼儿园体检时查出弱视加远视,配戴眼镜以来,他的视力还是停留在0.4~0.5。我们按照医生的要求帮助他训练,一直没有  相似文献   
Determination of relative three-dimensional (3D) position, orientation, and relative motion between two reference frames is an important problem in robotic guidance, manipulation, and assembly as well as in other fields such as photogrammetry. A solution to pose and motion estimation problem that uses two-dimensional (2D) intensity images from a single camera is de- sirable for real-time applications. The difficulty in performing this measurement is that the process of projecting 3D object features to 2D images is a nonlinear transformation. In this paper, the 3D transformation is modeled as a nonlinear stochastic system with the state estimation providing six degrees-of-freedom motion and position values, using line features in image plane as measuring inputs and dual quaternion to represent both rotation and translation in a unified notation. A filtering method called the Gaussian particle filter (GPF) based on the particle filtering concept is presented for 3D pose and motion estimation of a moving target from monocular image sequences. The method has been implemented with simulated data, and simulation results are provided along with comparisons to the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) to show the relative advantages of the GPF. Simulation results showed that GPF is a superior alternative to EKF and UKF.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The problem of creating a virtual human has received a lot of attention in the last few decades, due to the increasing popularity of applications involving human figures, such as movies and computer games. There are many approaches to create a virtual human body. Traditional ways for creating a virtual human figure include employing 3D body scanners or using 3D modeling techniques based on understanding of human anatomy. Detailed 3D human body model can be acquired easily us…  相似文献   
在山东省临沂市到处流传着这样一个故事。一位只有一只眼睛的残疾老人靠捡破烂为业,将自己的孙女培养成大学生。近日,记者独家采访了这对爷孙。下面是这位大学生对残疾爷爷的深情描述:父亡母嫁,爷爷撑起了这个家我叫郭秀艳,今年24岁,是临沂师范学院2003级由专科升为本科的学生。我的家在临沂城西一个叫前桃园的村子。家中只有我与眼睛有残疾的爷爷相依为命。在我两岁那年,父亲因患脑肿瘤撇下了我和母亲、弟弟及年迈的爷爷独自撒手西去。未出一个月,不堪忍受生活重负的母亲便抱着不满两个月的弟弟不辞而别,再也没有回来,只将家中累累的债务和…  相似文献   
立体视觉的形成因素有生理因素和客观因素两类,据此可以将立体视觉分成双眼立体视觉和单眼立体视觉。本文尝试分析了单眼立体视觉在观察平面性图象时的规律,并探讨了如何提高这种单眼立体视觉的效果并加以应用。  相似文献   
从表面上看,昆虫和其他动物一样,也长着两只眼,但昆虫的两只眼和其他动物的不一样,是复眼。除此之外,昆虫还长着第三只眼,即单眼。这第三只眼  相似文献   
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