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绝大多数人身上都有痣,据专家统计,一般人体身上的痣,多者达50颗,一般有15-2O颗。如果浑身上下没有一颗痣,那是极个别的人了。痣是人体皮肤上的良性肿瘤,它的存在,一般不会使携带者因此身患癌症。美国生命科学家研究证实:人体  相似文献   
子宫肌瘤是女性生殖器最常见的良性肿瘤,多见于30~50岁妇女,可能与女性激素有关,一般绝经后肌瘤停止生长,甚至萎缩、消失。三类女性多发子宫肌瘤,即提前进人更年期的未孕女性、性生活影响子宫健康的女性、抑郁女子。  相似文献   
小时候的记忆,总与父母永无休止的争吵重合,甚至叠加拳脚相加的片段。那些冷漠的记忆里,不堪回首的童年,让人畏惧。年轻气盛的父亲,为人倔强的母亲,在过去十几年的日子里,相互责骂,没有一方轻易低头。午夜梦回时,我恨不得劝劝他们,放开彼此,从此新生。15岁那年,父亲因为过度饮酒造成了胃穿孔。母亲冷静地拨通电  相似文献   
宝宝终于出生啦!咦?怎么身上有几块胎记!这些斑斑点点需要引起家长们的特别关注吗?是否需要专业的治疗?色素痣很常见,几乎人人都有,仅数量不同而己。痣多对人体无害,一般无需治疗。不过,有恶变标志出现或者发生在身体易摩擦部位就应引起重视了。据统计,和宝宝胎记有关联的疾病有40余种,常见的仅有四五种,如神经纤维瘤病、结节性  相似文献   
如果你浑身上下没有一颗痣,那你不是万里挑一,也是千里挑一了,因为绝大多数人身上都有痣.据统计,一般人体身上的痣,多者可达50颗,一般平均有15~20颗.  相似文献   
To screen and evaluate protein biomarkers for the detection of gliomas (Astrocytoma grade Ⅰ-Ⅳ) from healthy individuals and gliomas from brain benign tumors by using surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) coupled with an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm. SELDI-TOF-MS protein fingerprinting of serum from 105 brain tumor patients and healthy individuals, included 28 patients with glioma (Astrocytoma Ⅰ-Ⅳ), 37 patients with brain benign tumor, and 40 age-matched healthy individuals. Two thirds of the total samples of every compared pair as training set were used to set up discriminating patterns, and one third of total samples of every compared pair as test set were used to cross-validate; simultaneously, discriminate-cluster analysis derived SPSS 10.0 software was used to compare Astrocytoma grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ with grade Ⅲ-Ⅳ ones. An accuracy of 95.7%, sensitivity of 88.9%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 90% and negative predictive value of 100% were obtained in a blinded test set comparing gliomas patients with healthy individuals; an accuracy of 86.4%, sensitivity of 88.9%, specificity of 84.6%, positive predictive value of 90% and negative predictive value of 85.7% were obtained when patient's gliomas was compared with benign brain tumor. Total accuracy of 85.7%, accuracy of grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ Astrocytoma was 86.7%, accuracy ofⅢ-Ⅳ Astrocytoma was 84.6% were obtained when grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ Astrocytoma was compared with grade Ⅲ-Ⅳ ones (discriminant analysis). SELDI-TOF-MS combined with bioinformatics tools, could greatly facilitate the discovery of better biomarkers. The high sensitivity and specificity achieved by the use of selected biomarkers showed great potential application for the discrimination of gliomas patients from healthy individuals and glioma from brain benign tumors.  相似文献   
人无完人,就说身体吧,即使像潘安、西施那样的俊男靓女,身上也是有“瑕疵”的。因为他们与普通人一样,都长有痣。现在就来看看小小黑痣后面的大秘密吧。  相似文献   
失而复得是幸福,有时也是奢望。得而将失呢?它可以是悲痛,也可以是新的开始。如果一个月后你将永远失聪,你会怎样度过这宝贵的30天?为大家献上一个感人的故事,希望大家即使面对困境,也不要放弃希望,正如歌词所说:假如你认为你不曾得到胜利,你就很难改变失败的方式……  相似文献   
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