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证据确定性因子的求取是不确定推理的关键。对于不确定性推理中证据是多个条件的合取或析取连接的情况进行了较为详尽的探讨和分析, 提出了新的算法,并通过实例进行运用示范,尽管计算量有所增加,但准确性可大为提高。  相似文献   
由于人们理性认识上思维方式的偏差,知识的确定性与不确定性在现实中被人为地割裂。然而知识的确定性与不确定性都是生活中的客观存在,并不遵从非此即彼的原则。为此,我们要探求的知识观应是确定性和不确定性的“中间”描述。  相似文献   
上个世纪80年代中期以后,中国哲学界出现了一股强劲的主体性思潮,它为我国哲学的和发展作出了极为丰富的思想理论贡献,这股学术热潮的兴起具有深刻的历史必然性,概括地说,改革开放伟大实践的理论需要,西方人本主义哲学的思想影响,现代自然科学的积极推动和马克思主义哲学理论探进的内在要求,是其迅速产生和发展的主要原因。这股思潮的主流是对头的,中国哲学需要继续推进主体性问题的研究。  相似文献   
前人对句尾"了"的语法意义所做的概括还存在一些不尽人意的方面,通过对句尾"了"用法的分析可以看出,句尾"了"其实可分为两个不同的"了",一个是侧重于表现事态现实性的变化义,一个是侧重于表现事态真实性的确认义。事态的现实性与真实性之间存在着内在的联系,具有一致性,所以句尾"了"的变化义与确认义之间也不是截然分开的,而是存在中间地带,某些变化义从另一个角度来看,也是确认义。  相似文献   
阿来《尘埃落定》中的“傻子”是土司制度巩固、走向瓦解的参与、思想、见证人,是作品在历史的厚重中凸显空灵的灵魂人物,他以其自我审视与历史审视的眼睛,既显示出他对土司权力的略带侥幸的患得惠失的不懈图谋,又显示出他长远瞩望不得其真的无奈,他只能无可奈何地站在广漠历史天幕下踟躇独行,矛盾重重地成了一个历史“化亡灵”的记忆。  相似文献   
In this paper I analyse Francisco Sánchez’s role in the Quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum debate. Despite some studies on the philosophical and medical scepticism of Sánchez and, his extant letter with Christopher Clavius, a participant in the debate, we have few analyses about Sánchez’s position regarding the certainty of mathematics. Sánchez discussed some problems that Clavius analysed in his Prolegomena to propose an empirical basis for mathematics through a questioning of its certainty. I will trace the conceptual connections between Sánchez’s 1589 letter to Clavius and the Quaestio debate, to introduce Sánchez’s sceptical approach to analysing the certainty of mathematics.  相似文献   
作为新写实小说的代表,池莉小说中出现了理想化色彩。在强化生存困窘、凸显人与生存境况紧张关系的同时,又呈现出悲剧性质和生存希望独特的审美旨趣,从而具有了超越阶段性学思潮的某些品格。  相似文献   
The concept of teacher certainty and one means of measuring this is presented and critically assessed in the following article. In this study teacher certainty has been operationalized as a second order latent variable with three first order latent variables consisting of four observed items each. The first order latent variables measure a teacher's perceived didactic certainty, practical certainty and relational certainty. A clustered, yet random representative sample of 1153 Norwegian teachers in elementary and junior high schools took part in this study in spring 1998. The theoretical and empirical framework for analyses and discussion are confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and generalizability theory (GT). This combination is not usual, but is found to be fruitful. GT focuses on both the theoretical and empirical domain, making it necessary for the researcher to contemplate questions of substance in addition to statistical calculations. The measurement model described above is therefore arrived at through a theoretical and empirical review and reasoning and is then tested in LISREL. Results indicate a good model fit. GT provides additional information by estimating how well the scores can be generalized to the defined universe. In this article a major question is whether the design specified for the generalizability study should be mixed or random. The two possibilities are explored and, in this case, both g coefficients computed are regarded as good.  相似文献   
This article introduces a type of uncertainty that resides in textual information and requires epistemic interpretation on the information seeker’s part. Epistemic modality, as defined in linguistics and natural language processing, is a writer’s estimation of the validity of propositional content in texts. It is an evaluation of chances that a certain hypothetical state of affairs is true, e.g., definitely true or possibly true. This research shifts attention from the uncertainty–certainty dichotomy to a gradient epistemic continuum of absolute, high, moderate, low certainty, and uncertainty. An analysis of a New York Times dataset showed that epistemically modalized statements are pervasive in news discourse and they occur at a significantly higher rate in editorials than in news reports. Four independent annotators were able to recognize a gradation on the continuum but individual perceptions of the boundaries between levels were highly subjective. Stricter annotation instructions and longer coder training improved intercoder agreement results. This paper offers an interdisciplinary bridge between research in linguistics, natural language processing, and information seeking with potential benefits to design and implementation of information systems for situations where large amounts of textual information are screened manually on a regular basis, for instance, by professional intelligence or business analysts.  相似文献   
This article discusses how political factors influence the outcome of improvisations. Improvisations are unexpected actions rooted on intuition and aimed at solving particular crisis. It is argued that the effectiveness of an act of improvisation is greatly influenced by political factors. Those performing the improvisation require being in a position of power,and the discourse that follows the improvisation has political connotations. The argument is developed through the discussion of concepts of power and improvisation and through the analysis of a case study. The case study concerns the outsourcing of the administrative information systems of the two largest hospitals of a Latin American country. The contributions of the article are twofold: (1) It identifies the relationship between power and improvisations and (2) it draws practical lessons on how to manage outsourcing.  相似文献   
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