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为了检验长期习惯性的体育运动是否影响老年人I型和Ⅱ型T细胞因子的平衡。通过对9名老年妇女(平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(32.2±1.0)mL.kg-1.min-1)进行步行训练;挑选12名不进行运动训练的老年(妇女平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(27.8±0.9)mL.kg-1.min-1)和9名不进行运动训练的年轻妇女(平均年龄(26±1)岁,最大耗氧量(37.8±1.3)mL.kg-1.min-1);然后检测了CD4 和CD8 T细胞中IFN-γ、IL-2和IL-4的水平,并对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞进行了比较。结果:老年人运动组表达IFN-γ的CD4 细胞数目与比青年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);老年运动组表达IL-2的CD8 的T细胞数目与老年非运动组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);青年组表达IL-4的CD8 细胞与老年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);3组中CD4 和CD8 T细胞中IFN-γ/IL-4的比率差异无显著性。实验结果显示年龄对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞的影响比运动训练对它的影响更大。  相似文献   
大学生正处于身心发展的关键时期。面对一系列重大人生课题极易引发心理问题,进而影响到身心发展和健康成才。今天的社会对人才的素质,尤其是心理素质提出了更高的要求。健康稳定的心理状态是形成良好的政治、道德品质的基础和进行学习的前提。心理健康成为大学生的重要素质,必须加强大学生心理素质教育。  相似文献   
文化人类学方法可以确认《九歌·少司命》主角的月亮女神身份。“娥奔月”系由语言疾病导致的假神话 ,其背景则是女神在神话、文化中的地位失落  相似文献   
针对目前公众自行购买非处方药治疗常见轻微疾病的过程中存在的问题,提出了开发基于Web的常见疾病自我诊断系统。该系统采用带有可信度的产生式规则表示法来表示常见病诊断知识,采用正反向混合推理模式,通过可信度的传递以及结论阈值的设定,实现了疾病诊断的数字化。经测试,系统诊断准确度达83%。本系统对完善常见病诊断方式、指导公众安全使用非处方药具有积极的作用。  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a heterogenous disease caused by multifactorial etiology. PD is characterized by the loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra and the accumulation of Lewy bodies. In this study, two Drosophila PD models by exposing Drosophila to rotenone (sporadic PD models) are proposed, and the human α-synuclein A30P protein (family PD models) in Drosophila is expressed respectively. Both models recapitulated the main human PD symptoms including the loss of dopaminergic neurons...  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Conventional coronary artery bypass graftin(CCABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) habeen accepted as an effective and safe treatment fomulti-vessel coronary heat disease. CPB may stilcontribute to the operation field because of threlatively easier technical requirement; but it alscauses a serious systematic inflammatory reactiowhich will lead to dysfunction of important organand higher cost for the patients. Off-pump coronarartery bypass grafting (OPCABG) has r…  相似文献   
图片命名、范畴流畅性等神经心理学测验表明,阿尔兹海默症(AD)患者普遍存在语义记忆的损伤,并随着病程的发展表现出进行性与弥散性特点。AD患者语义记忆的损伤既可能由语义知识的存储障碍造成,也可能由语义知识的提取障碍引发,还可能由存储与提取的双重损伤造成。未来研究应开发出对早期AD检测更为敏感的语义记忆测验,并采用横向与纵向多种研究技术与手段,考虑不同语言文化背景下AD患者语义损伤的情况,以综合分析AD患者语义记忆损伤的实质及其发展趋势。  相似文献   
Chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus, also known as Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS), is a rare complication of successful cardiopulmanry resuscitation often accompanied by action myoclonus and cerebellar ataxia. It is seen in patients who have un-dergone a cardiorespiratory arrest, regained consciousness afterwards, and then developed myoclonus days or weeks after the event. Worldwide, 122 cases have been reported in the literature so far, including 1 case of Chinese. Here we report 2 Chinese LAS patients with detailed neuroimagings. Cranial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of patient 1, a 52-year-old woman, showed a mild hypoperfusion in her left temporal lobe, whereas patient 2, a 54-year-old woman, manifested a mild bilateral decrease of glucose metabolism in the frontal lobes and a mild to moderate decrease of the N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) peak in the bilateral hippocampi by cranial [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic (PET) scan and cranial magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), respectively. We also review the literature on the neuroimaging, pathogenesis, and treatment of LAS.  相似文献   
中国疾病史研究最初是在医学史的脉络下展开的,目的在于总结和汲取前人应对疾病的历史经验。1980年代以后,随着医疗技术的发展,疾病史在医界中的地位渐趋边缘化,而非医界人士加入了研究队伍。虽然目前在疾病自然史、疾病社会史和疾病文化史方面已取得丰硕研究成果,但研究过于细琐,且视野不够宽广。及时吸收相关研究成果,沟通微观与宏观,是今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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