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从超导体BCS理论出发,阐述了超导电性的理论机制,建立了超导体中电子对的量子力学方程。从而得到求解一般超导体问题的理论方法.  相似文献   
超导性发现的历史,超导的唯象理论,BCS理论的精要,在本文中进行了讨论。  相似文献   
In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in iso-topically pure liquid 4He at low temperatures ~60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons’ (R -rotons) creation by a pulsed heater was studied. Signals were recorded for the following quantum processes: quantum evaporation of 4He-atoms from the free liq- uid-helium surface by the BEEs of the liquid helium-II, and BEEs reflection from the free surface back into the bulk liquid. Typical signals are shown, and ratios of signal amplitudes are evaluated. For long heater pulses from 5 to 10 μs, appearance of the second atomic cloud consisting of evaporated 4He-atoms was observed in addition to the first atomic cloud. It is thought that the first atomic cloud of the evaporated helium atoms consists of very fast 4He-atoms with energies ~35 K evaporated by positive rotons with the special energies ~17 K (~2ER~2×8.6 K with ER representing the roton minimum energy) corresponding to the third non-dispersive Zakharenko wave. The second cloud of slower 4He-atoms was created by surface elementary excitations (SEEs or ripplons) possessing the special energies ~7.15 K representing the binding energy. It was assumed that such SEEs can be created by phonons incoming to the liquid surface with special energies ~6.2 K corresponding to the first non-dispersive Zakharenko wave, which can interact at the liquid surface with the same phonons already reflected from the surface for long heater pulses. Also, some pulsed-heater characteristics were studied in order to better understand the features of such heaters in low temperature experi- ments.  相似文献   
针对库帕博士创编健美操以来健美操的发展现状展开研究,认为库帕博士的创编对健美操基本功能的定位和基本形式的确立的起了重要作用,健美操的功能、类别与具体的知识和技术技能在此基础上得以发展与创新,并将在职业化与医疗保健方面得到快速发展。  相似文献   
The last of the Mohicans was written by American novelist James Fenimore Cooper in 1826, who is considered as the first long novelist of America. The work has no concentrate plots but the white peopl...  相似文献   
《拓荒者》是美国早期小说家詹姆斯.费尼莫尔·库柏的《皮裹腿故事集》中的第一部。从结构、情节和语言等诸多因素来看,它称不上是一部优秀小说。但小说却受到广大读者的喜爱,并使作者一举成名。究其原因,主要是库柏在小说中探讨了较为深刻的社会问题,环境保护就是其中之一。库柏在小说中表达了其强烈的环保意识。他不但深刻地揭露了美国拓荒者在开发边疆的过程中对自然资源的极大浪费和破坏,而且还通过自然主义者那提.班波和环境保护者腾普尔法官这两位人物,就如何保护自然资源提出了自己的看法。在"发展就是硬道理"的美国边疆开发时代,库柏的所为确实需要极大的勇气。  相似文献   
事实上詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏到过边疆与否并不重要,而他的边疆题材的《"皮裹腿"故事集》的艺术影响力经久不衰。其中《最后一个莫希干人》赢得了一代又一代的读者,同名电影更使它在现代社会中扩大了影响。亨廷顿的"文明的冲突"理论是美国政治文化意识的必然沉淀物而并非什么新货,我们完全可以在库柏的《最后一个莫希干人》中找到其早已显露的渊源。  相似文献   
Henry David Thoreau and James Fennimore Cooper are regarded as representatives of American Romanticism.And a close analysis of their masterpieces reveals quite a few ecological traces in them.By comparing their writing styles with eco-literature in America,the present paper finds that they have a lot in common.Based upon this,it is to be believed that the romanticism in the 19th century of America breeds the later ecological literature.  相似文献   
殷彩 《科教文汇》2014,(31):115-117
库柏的代表作《皮袜子故事集》通过描写白人拓荒者、欧洲殖民者、美洲印第安人和“皮袜子”纳蒂·班波与自然的不同关系,处处闪烁着对人与自然关系的思考和感悟。本文从生态批评的视角分析《皮袜子故事集》中的人与自然,展现了二者既对立冲突又和谐统一的关系,揭示了库柏反对人类中心主义,呼吁人类尊重保护大自然,寻求人与自然和谐相处的生态思想。  相似文献   
In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in isotopically pure liquid 4He at low temperatures ~60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons' (R+-rotons) creation by a pulsed heater was studied. Signals were recorded for the following quantum processes: quantum evaporation of 4He-atoms from the free liquid-helium surface by the BEEs of the liquid helium-Ⅱ, and BEEs reflection from the free surface back into the bulk liquid. Typical signals are shown, and ratios of signal amplitudes are evaluated. For long heater pulses from 5 to 10 μs, appearance of the second atomic cloud consisting of evaporated 4He-atoms was observed in addition to the first atomic cloud. It is thought that the first atomic cloud of the evaporated helium atoms consists of very fast 4He-atoms with energies ~35 K evaporated by positive rotons with the special energies ~17 K (~2ER~2×8.6 K with ER representing the roton minimum energy) corresponding to the third non-dispersive Zakharenko wave. The second cloud of slower 4He-atoms was created by surface elementary excitations (SEEs or ripplons) possessing the special energies ~7.15 K representing the binding energy. It was assumed that such SEEs can be created by phonons incoming to the liquid surface with special energies ~6.2 K corresponding to the first non-dispersive Zakharenko wave,which can interact at the liquid surface with the same phonons already reflected from the surface for long heater pulses. Also, some pulsed-heater characteristics were studied in order to better understand the features of such heaters in low temperature experiments.  相似文献   
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