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在二破江南大营战役中,皖南各部太平军积极配合李秀成实施南下皖浙边界、奔袭杭州的战术机动,主动向各自正面敌人出击,牵制皖南清军。同时他们还为建平会议的召开积极准备条件。他们在战役期间均圆满完成了各自的战术牵制任务,为最后战略决战的胜利做出了贡献。  相似文献   
参谋本部是北京政府的军令部门,是大总统军事统率权的具体体现。但在实际执行中,参谋本部无法有效履行法定权力,参谋总、次长及其下属职员的任免,各师、混成旅参谋人员的任免实际上也不受参谋本部控制。各种军政机构肆意侵夺参谋部指挥权,导致前线军队指挥处于混乱状态。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、调查问卷、专家咨询等研究方法,分析了全军总部联考中学员过高的焦虑心理水平产生原因及危害,进而提出调节教学训练过程中学员焦虑心理的方法及相应的对策,帮助学员有效地克服焦虑心理,提高训练效果,顺利通过总部联考.  相似文献   
We advance the attention-based view by presenting empirical evidence that the attention of headquarters and subsidiary managers in a multi-business organization is, at times, out of sync. Based on empirical material that allows us to differentiate between what is attended to and what is ignored by management, we analyze the focus of managerial attention, environmental and subsidiary stimuli, and actions taken in the decision-making process over 15 years, during a period of strategic transformation. We suggest that attentional mismatches occur not only between strategic issues but also between what are considered relevant responses or actions to be taken at any particular time. We analyze the origins of the attentional mismatches and explore ways to avoid such nonalignment in strategic decision making.  相似文献   
红军遵义警备司令部是长征途中成立的具有传奇色彩的军队组织机构,根据史料考证,遵义警备司令部是基于中华苏维埃共和国曾拟定都遵义城而成立,旨在担负"首都"遵义的警备要务。司令部驻址设在湘江河东岸、新城国民党黔军副师长周吉善的公馆里。  相似文献   
广东省济难总会是中国济难会的省级基层组织,其宗旨是为参加解放运动而被难的革命者提供精神上、物质上和法律上积极的帮助。土地革命时期,广东省济难总会在中共广东省委的领导下,按照既定的救济原则和标准,采取种种灵活的方法,卓有成效地开展工作,为广东的土地革命作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
调查深圳市10个辖区的社区体育服务现状,发现存在服务制度不完善、管理呈现“强政府、弱社会”格局、服务欠缺公益性和公平性、服务水平城乡差距大等问题;提出加强社区体育服务立法、壮大社会组织作为服务供给主体、整合社会资源、构建城乡结合部社区体育服务体系的策略,以缓解市民多样化的健身需求与社区体育服务供给不足的矛盾,提升深圳市社区体育服务质量.  相似文献   
No More Sources?     
From June 2013, documents leaked by the National Security Agency (NSA) dissident Edward Snowden revealed that Western intelligence agencies are capable of bulk collection of electronic communications flowing through global telecommunication systems. Surveillance data shared by the “Five Eyes” eavesdropping agencies of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand include journalist’s communications. In the wake of the Snowden leak, Zygmunt Bauman and colleagues called for a systematic assessment of the scale, reach and character of contemporary surveillance practices. This paper explores a specific part of Bauman’s task by assessing the impact of the Snowden revelations on confidential source-based journalism. Interviews were conducted with a range of investigative journalists who have experience of covering national security in Five Eyes countries. All expressed serious concern over the intelligence agencies’ greatly enhanced capability to track journalists and to identify and neutralise their sources. The paper concludes that there is clear evidence of a paradigmatic shift in journalist–source relations as those interviewed regard Five Eyes mass surveillance as a most serious threat to the fourth estate model of journalism as practised in Western democratic countries.  相似文献   
总部经济对经济产生多种效应,促进产业格局和就业格局的形成与发展。企业总部在中心城市聚集必然带动相关服务业,特别是知识型服务业的发展,形成为企业总部服务的知识型服务业产业链,提供更多的就业岗位。同时,总部经济发展本身能充分利用所在区域的智力资源,带来大量高智力就业岗位。  相似文献   
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