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晚清民初中国民族资本工业在中国近代资本主义经济发展中应运而生,爱国华侨兴办的民族工业企业无疑是这一经济浪潮中鲜艳夺目的奇葩,其中陈启沅是近代中国民族工业的开山鼻祖,张弼士更是当时举足轻重、富有影响的人物。据2003年1月5日《光明日报》报道:日前北京客家海外联谊会在北京大学召开爱国侨领张弼士学术研讨会。与会专家称张弼士是中国近代民族工业的先驱,他推动了近代中国的铁路、矿山和现代农业、现代金融业的发展。张弼士研究正引起学术界关注。拟对二人企业经营情况、企业规模及经营思想、经营成效和历史影响等方面进行比较分析,从而认识中国民族工业曲折发展的历程,揭示他们在近代中国资本主义经济发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   
图书馆为企业提供信息服务是一个非常广阔的天地,可以大有作为。论文针对企业的信息需求.就图书馆如何营造信息服务平台以及现阶段信息服务中存在的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
张秀珍 《情报科学》2002,20(10):1019-1021
本文对我国加入WTO后企业专利竞争能力进行分析,在此基础上,找出了不足,提出了今后的发展对策。  相似文献   
基于ISM-Fuzzy AHP的我国中小企业核心竞争力要素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
楼迎军  荣先恒 《科研管理》2007,28(1):97-103
本文首先基于已有研究及调研结果,采用主成分分析法选出7个核心竞争力要素,并以苏州、杭州中小企业为例,通过问卷调查获取数据,并运用ISM-Fuzzy AHP模型分析法对中小企业核心竞争力要素进行实证研究。分析表明,我国企业已日益重视对人力资源、技术创新、市场营销、组织管理能力等核心竞争力要素的培育,但对企业文化的塑造仍不够重视。  相似文献   
分析了工矿企业铁路的特点,简要介绍了我国内燃机车的发展以及国内主要调车 机车的主要型号、内燃机车基本参数计算方法。提出了工矿企业铁路在内燃机车选型时应考 虑的因素。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Because of the critical role that computing sys-tems and networks play in today’s business envi-ronment, it is not surprising that business success often goes to the company with the best information and the most efficient process for delivering that in-formation. As the principal tool for business col-laboration, corporate LANs are a vital resource in enabling today’s enterprises to adopt competitive strategies. The number of users wanting to share and access data across…  相似文献   
科技驱动培训转型升级是实现铁路企业干部职工培训高质量发展的重要基础。分析了铁路企业智能培训的基本特征,从智能培训环境、智能培训资源、智能培训教学、智能培训学习、智能培训管理等五个方面提出铁路企业智能培训业务模型;从铁路企业智能培训服务云平台、用户与参与组织、战略规划与制度规范、技术研发与应用推广机制、发展规划与建设保障机制等五个方面提出铁路企业智能培训体系结构;提出作为核心支撑的铁路企业智能培训服务云平台总体架构以及铁路企业智能培训建设策略。  相似文献   
营口港是近代东北地区开埠最早的口岸,开埠后曾经走过一段辉煌的历程。但伴随着日本殖民者对大连港的开发,营口港逐渐走向衰落。营口港衰落,原因是复杂的,但与满铁的"大连中心主义"政策有直接关系。营口港与大连港的竞争,其背后隐藏的是日本帝国主义的侵略野心,是追求利益最大化的结果。  相似文献   
本文综合研究国内外通用培训相关文献,了解通用培训的理论缘起及发展趋势,为探索我国企业岗前通用培训模式奠定基础。  相似文献   
A high-speed train-track coupling dynamic model is used to investigate the dynamic behavior of a high-speed train operating on a curved track with failed fasteners. The model considers a high-speed train consisting of eight vehicles coupled with a ballasted track. The vehicle is modeled as a multi-body system, and the rail is modeled with a Timoshenko beam resting on the discrete sleepers. The vehicle model considers the effect of the end connections of the neighboring vehicles on the dynamic behavior. The track model takes into account the lateral, vertical, and torsional deformations of the rails and the effect of the discrete sleeper support on the coupling dynamics of the vehicles and the track. The sleepers are assumed to move backward at a constant speed to simulate the vehicle running along the track at the same speed. The train model couples with the track model by using a Hertzian contact model for the wheel/rail normal force calculation, and the nonlinear creep theory by Shen et al. (1984) is used for wheel/rail tangent force calculation. In the analysis, a curved track of 7000-m radius with failed fasteners is selected, and the effects of train operational speed and the number of failed fasteners on the dynamic behaviors of the train and the track are investigated in detail. Furthermore, the wheel/rail forces and derailment coefficient and the wheelset loading reduction are analyzed when the high-speed train passes over the curved track with the different number of continuously failed fasteners at different operational speeds. Through the detailed numerical analysis, it is found that the high-speed train can operate normally on the curved track of 7000-m radius at the speeds of 200 km/h to 350 km/h.  相似文献   
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