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In Modeling Theory in Science Education, Halloun (2004) adopts the word ‘paradigm’, but his use of the term is radically different from that of Kuhn. In this paper, I explore some of the differences between Kuhn’s paradigms and Halloun’s paradigms. Where Kuhn’s paradigms are public, community-defining exemplars of practice, Halloun’s paradigms are private, individualized ways of thinking. Where Kuhn writes of the paradigm shift as a revolutionary, vision-altering conversion experience, Halloun writes of a gradual evolution from one way of thinking to another and an easy back-and-forth switch between paradigms. Since Kuhn’s paradigms are self-enclosed and incommensurable, there is no objective standard by which one paradigm can be shown to be superior to the other. But Halloun uses ‘viability’ as a standard for paradigm choice. Underlying all of this is the more basic question of whether the history of science is an appropriate metaphor for student progress in the classroom. I conclude with some brief thoughts on this question.  相似文献   
范式产生于自然科学范畴。这一术语十分重要,内涵十分丰富,却很难定义。尽管有很多种不同的理解和用法,其实还是有其明确的基本思想和基本规定性,那就是学科基质。虽然在社会科学研究中使用范式概念至今还是一个亟待研究的问题,但是范式对于教育科学研究的文化价值意蕴却是鲜明的:通过对范式的研究,推动教育科学的改革,以人的主体性构建研究共同体。增强研究的规范性和示范性。  相似文献   
针对图书馆学是前科学还是常规科学这一问题,认真研读了《科学革命的结构》一书,发现库恩所说的"范式"仅存在于自然科学之中,"图书馆学是前科学还是常规科学"这一问题其实是一个伪问题。社会科学多范式之说,已经变换了范式的概念。图书馆学是一门成熟的社会科学性质的学科,不存在统一的范式,只存在不同的观点和学派,并且处于不断地争论和竞争的状态。  相似文献   
托马斯·库恩是20世纪最伟大的科学哲学家和科学史学家。由他划时代著作《科学革命的结构》产生出来的"范式"和"范式转换"已经成为我们的日常生活用语。一方面,库恩自认在哲学上的最大贡献是"不可通约性",但这一点遭到多方非议。另一方面,当他被认为是"科学知识社会学"(SSK)强纲领的思想先驱时,他却拒绝承认SSK的主张;他在学术上的同路人少得可怜,与他在思想界的巨大影响完全不成比例。库恩从登上学术舞台开始,就遭到不同程度的误解,他一直在寻找自己的身份定位。本文试图通过梳理矛盾的库恩形象,他与学生的关系以及影响他的思想形成的几大事件,从"误解"与"被误解"的角度来阐释库恩的心路历程。我们的目的不是"去魅",更不想树立新的偶像,而是试图还原一个真实的库恩。  相似文献   
科恩与库恩都对哥白尼进行了研究,但对于是否存在哥白尼革命持相互对立的观点。这种对立在于两人对哥白尼革命的界定、评价标准以及两人对科学史分析方式和研究目标上的差异。科恩不承认哥白尼革命的存在,因为它不能通过历史的实证,库恩眼中的哥白尼革命则是他运用其历史主义科学观进行理性重构的结果。  相似文献   
费耶阿本德与库恩同为历史主义的主要代表人物,思想有许多共同之处,更确切的说费耶阿本德的思想是对库恩范式思想的继承和发展。深入探讨库恩范式对费耶阿本德科学观的影响,可以更清晰、准确地了解费耶阿本德的科学观,有利于整体把握后现代科学观发展的脉络,有利于探讨当代科学哲学发展的趋势。  相似文献   
According to Thomas Kuhn, a significant part of “normal science” is the fact gathering, empirical work which is intended to illustrate an existing paradigm. Some of this effort focuses on the determination of physical constants such as the astronomical unit (AU). For Kuhn, normal science is also what prepares students for membership in a particular scientific community and is embodied in some form in our science textbooks. However, neither Kuhn nor the textbook says much about the individuals who practice normal science, especially those who had been relegated to the “hack” duties of long and arduous measurement and calculation. In this paper, to provide a context for students of astronomy, I will outline the story of the determination of the AU and in particular the contribution of William Wales, an obscure British astronomer. Wales, toiling in the shadow of Halley (of Halley’s comet fame), Mason and Dixon (of Mason and Dixon line fame) and the infamous Captain Cook endured a brutal winter in northern Canada for a brief glimpse of the 1769 transit of Venus. In the end, Wales supplied one small piece of the puzzle in the determination of the AU and he exemplified the human spirit and persistence of a Kuhnian “puzzle solver”.
Don MetzEmail:
库恩在《科学革命的结构》中讨论新发现和新理论的突现,用格式塔转换类比范式转变,认为范式转变后科学问题,解答标准和词项的意义都发生变化,科学家在不同的世界工作,范式不可通约。后期库恩较少谈论突现。就他思想整体范围来看,库恩持一种范式的整体突现观。  相似文献   
范式产生于自然科学范畴。这一术语十分重要,内涵十分丰富,却很难定义。尽管有很多种不同的理解和用法,其实还是有其明确的基本思想和基本规定性,那就是学科基质。虽然在社会科学研究中使用范式概念至今还是一个亟待研究的问题,但是范式对于教育科学研究的文化价值意蕴却是鲜明的:通过对范式的研究,推动教育科学的改革,以人的主体性构建研究共同体,增强研究的规范性和示范性。  相似文献   
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