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The recent migration of 65,000 children across the southwestern border, coupled with allegations of abuse by the U.S. Border Patrol, enables the investigation of an overlooked immigrant category: the unaccompanied youth migrant. Analyzing audience responses to news reports of the abuse, we find that established disparaging immigrant tropes apply, describing the children as an economic burden, disease carriers, and offspring of irresponsible families. We uncover two new themes: Youth migrants are channels whereby criminals may infiltrate the U.S., and manipulate legal authorities to remain in the U.S. Finally, we demonstrate how global compassion is strategically deployed to qualify harsh retaliatory measures.  相似文献   
圣严法师大力提倡的"观音法门"是理解其行愿和法鼓事业的核心。法师曾多次谈到,"法鼓山是个观音道场",并确立了"大悲心起"的法鼓山理念。法师个人的求学修行及弘法事业过程中,受益于"观音法门"颇多,他提倡切实可行的"观音法门"修行方法和次第。进而,他更强调学习观音菩萨"同体大悲,无缘大慈"的平等救济的慈悲情怀。其"观音法门"思想是打开自我奥秘的钥匙,也是沟通自我与他人的桥梁,具有鲜明的时代意义。  相似文献   
There has been growing interest in the mental health benefits of self‐compassion. This study was designed to establish norms on the Self‐Compassion Scale–Short Form, a popular measure of self‐compassion for individuals seeking counseling, and to examine group differences in self‐compassion based on gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, previous counseling, and psychiatric medication use. Data for this study were collected through the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, a practice‐research network of more than 240 college and university counseling centers.  相似文献   
中国古代山水诗在审美方式上用"以物观物"、万物同情的方式观照自然山水;在表现内容上注重生命意识的表达,以个体生命、生机盎然的事物为主要审美对象,以宁静、自由、和谐、永恒之美为主要审美特征;在审美理想上则寻求人与自然的和谐,追求"天人合一"、物我冥合的至高境界。  相似文献   
迟子建论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新时期女作家中 ,迟子建是卓而不群的。她的早期小说着意描写东北边陲的自然景致和乡镇生活 ,而坚执民间立场、倾心“对辛酸生活的温情表达”则贯穿她的整个创作。在“爱与死”的传统题材领域 ,迟子建也作出了新的艺术探索  相似文献   
奥尼尔晚期剧作中的人物往往生活在一个不再有幻景和光明的荒谬世界之中。他们或者从醉乡和白日梦想中寻求解脱,或者积极地追求人与人之间的同情、理解、宽恕,从中获取抗争荒谬的勇气。通过他们在绝境之中挣扎生存的种种努力,奥尼尔具体而形象地对存在的基本问题作出了肯定的回答,为现代世界中的人们指出了自我拯救的生存之路  相似文献   
安德鲁一怀斯的绘画表现出对故乡风物的亲近,并充满诗性.透过欲望、精神、历史与文化的内涵,可以看到他的绘画的主题是人类的悲悯,也可以看到他对自然的眷恋,对生活的挚爱.怀斯的画是乡土的、具象的,其实更是心灵的,他为自己的心灵作画.他认为前卫的探索更应该是一种精神的远行,于是,在这个物质不断丰富的世界里探索人类心灵的境遇,正是怀斯作品的震撼力量之所在.  相似文献   
和陀思妥耶夫斯基所有其他作品一样,《白痴》关注的焦点是现实世界中人的存在和人的价值。作品通过梅诗金的形象塑造揭示出其道德倾向:首先是对近现代用经验理性来规定道德价值判断提出了质疑和否定,同时重新界定了道德情感在道德伦理中的地位,特别是恻隐之心在道德体系中的根本作用,表达了以基督教为核心、以基督为人格美和道德美的标准,并以这种“美”拯救世界的伦理价值观和社会理想。  相似文献   

In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand defends the importance of teaching children moral standards, even while taking seriously the fact that reasonable people disagree about morality. While I agree there are universal moral values based on the kind of beings humans are, I raise two issues with Hand’s account. The first is an omission that may be compatible with Hand’s theory; the role of virtues. A role for the cultivation of virtues and rational emotions such as compassion is vital in accounting for the emotional aspect of morality. The second issue pertains to Hand’s foundational premise of human beings’ rough equality. Following Martha Nussbaum, I argue that contractarian approaches must be critically evaluated to ensure the social contract properly includes and accounts for the human dignity of those who are typically excluded from the benefits of society. Hand’s justificatory arguments rely upon a contractarian premise, and the contract itself needs scrutiny and adjustment if it is to support a viable theory of moral education.  相似文献   
赵朴初是著名的社会活动家、杰出的爱国宗教领袖,也是一位优秀的诗人。他的韵文涉及大量的佛教题材和佛家情怀,主要表现为:弘法利生,促进世界和平;慈悲为怀,乞愿众生离苦得乐;明心见性,表达微妙的禅宗智慧。研习赵朴初的韵文有利于精神文明与和谐社会的建设,有益于世道人心。  相似文献   
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