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1985年以后,“朦胧诗人”逐渐引退,“朦胧诗”的单向度写作已经不再为更年轻诗人所满足。随着国人艺术观念的解放,诗歌写作风格也日趋多样。以时间为标志的“第三代”、“70后”、“中间代”、“80后”和以作品价值取向为标志的“知识分子写作”、“民间立场”、“下半身”等命名相继出现;各种写作潮流之间分野日益明显,并引发多次论争;民刊的日益兴盛与互联网的出现,使诗歌写作和发表打破了以前官办刊物的垄断地位。这一切,使近20年来的中国诗坛充满活力。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   This paper argues for an action-oriented conception of learning in higher education: one which marries higher order learning (coming to understand) with apprenticeship in knowledge work. It introduces epistemic tasks, forms and fluency as constructs that are useful in giving a more precise meaning to ideas about collaboration in knowledge construction. Discussion is seen as central to collaborative knowledge work and we examine the role of discussion in supporting weaker and stronger interpretations of collaborative knowledge construction.  相似文献   
本文认为,当前外语课程教学在文化教育方面存在着片面强调语言知识教学,忽视中西方文化背景、文化价值观导入、缺乏文化理解力培养的局限性。语言与文化具有发生学的关系,语言是文化的载体,文化的任何内容都可通过语言来反映。外语教学中要注重文化背景、文化价值观念、文化差异的导入,以培养学生的跨文化交际能力和文化理解力。文化回应是基于语言学立场与文化立场整合的外语教学策略。  相似文献   
运用摄影测量法和Novel Pedar-X足底压力测试系统采集了16名太极拳练习者在太极拳运动和正常步行中足底压力和运动影像信息,并对两种运动方式的单脚支撑姿势持续时间指标进行对比分析。研究表明:与正常步行相比,在太极拳运动中单脚支撑姿势总的持续时间所占比例(标准化值)较少(P<0.05);单次单脚支撑姿势平均持续时间较长(P<0.01);认为太极拳运动可以提高人体单脚平衡能力。另外还发现太极拳运动和正常步行中地面反作用力都在不断变化;太极拳运动中地面反作用力小于其正常步行值。  相似文献   
本文以心理距离为参照点,以汉语日常会话为语料,在语用视点和语用移情及离情理论框架下,探究人称指示语的更换在交际中所起的调距作用和取得的语用效果。通过分析发现,第一人称指示语换指第二或第三人称指示语时,前者拉近了说话人和听话人间的心理距离,增强了话语的亲和力,后者拉近了说话人与第三方间心理距离,便于听话人感受说话人对第三方的情感和立场;第二人称指示语换指第一或第三人称指示语时,前者将听话人移位于说话人位置,两者间心理距离消失,激起情感共鸣,后者将心理距离由远拉近,强化说话人负面情绪,多为严厉批评;第三人称指示语换指第一或二人称指示语时,两者都将心理距离拉远,不同之处在于前者弱化自我意识以增强客观性,后者通过模糊听话人身份来提高礼貌程度。  相似文献   
马步的动作提炼与蒙族人民"胡服骑射"的习俗有关,与"天之骄子"的心态有关,与深邃旷远的精神气韵有关。在基础的课堂训练中学会准确把握民族舞蹈的灵魂,正是高年级舞蹈学员的学习意义所在,本文从教材入手思考,沿着动作形态——风格动势——文化内涵——精神传承的思路,对蒙族舞蹈中"马步训练"这一舞蹈现象作了较为深入地分析,证明了其在身体素质训练方面体现出的功能性,在舞蹈形态学习方面体现出的风格性和在民族精神文化传承方面所体现出的文化性三个层次中的重要性。  相似文献   
In this paper, John Tillson defends an approach to deciding the aims and content of public schooling from the critique of Public Reason Liberalism. The approach that he defends is an unrestricted pairing of the Epistemic Criterion and of the Momentousness Criterion. On the Epistemic Criterion, public schooling should align students' credence with credibility. On the Momentousness Criterion, public schooling ought to include content that it is costly for children to lack the correct view about, where they are otherwise unlikely to have it. Public Reason Liberals seek to restrict both the Epistemic and Momentousness Criteria to within a range that is acceptable to politically reasonable citizens. In response, Tillson argues, first, that the considerations that encourage Public Reason Liberalism instead motivate unrestricted versions of the Epistemic and Momentousness Criteria; and, second, that Public Reason Liberalism faces a dilemma, that it either entails absurd consequences or must undermine itself in addressing these.  相似文献   
Drawing on linguistic anthropological notions of language ideologies and sociolinguistic approaches to stance, this study examines the meaning-making resources through which Spanish heritage language (HL) learners orient toward ideological perspectives on language value and linguistic expertise in classroom interaction. Part of a larger ethnographic study, data in the present study include about 26 hours of audio and video recordings from three different intermediate Spanish HL classrooms and filmed interviews with the students. The analysis indicates that discourses of legitimacy and expertise are embodied within multiple levels of classroom interaction, including affective stancetaking, expert/novice positioning, and the reframing of both ascribed social positions and previous discourse. Results suggest that the role of language ideologies in HL learning can be better understood through an examination of stancetaking in interaction and that the construction of different kinds of expertise should be an important consideration in the development of HL instructional practices.  相似文献   
汉语谈话中否定反问句的事理立场功能及类型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以现代汉语不、没类反问句(即否定反问句)为研究对象,利用自然谈话材料考察其使用环境及语义信息内涵,并由此出发探讨反问句的性质及话语功能。整体结论是,否定反问句常用于地位比较平等的说话人之间,通过已知或常识类知识表达说话人对听话人的不同程度上的负面事理立场。这种事理立场具体体现为表提醒、意外、反对和斥责四个层级,其中以前者最为常见。本文也对语法结构与语用因素的关系问题提出了见解。  相似文献   
张天翼的《大林和小林》,是中国长篇童话的开山之作。他的"新奇的"叙事姿态,奠定了其作为中国儿童文学拓荒者的卓越地位。这种"新奇的"叙事姿态主要表现,一是儿童文学"有益、有趣"的创作标准,二是幻想里折射出的斑斓人生,三是幻想中闪现出的独创光彩,其间的思想与智慧带给小读者独特的艺术审美享受。  相似文献   
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