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陆增祥字魁仲,号星农,又号莘农,清道光三十年一甲一名进士(状元),《清史稿》有传。约在咸丰十年至光绪五年间,陆增祥任官辰永沅靖道,在湖南近二十年之久。所著《金石补正》130卷,收录金石文献3500余通,重点收录明代以前历代石刻,为宋代迄今成就之最大者,其中得力于湖南永州摩崖石刻之处甚多。  相似文献   
2013年夏秋之际,在云冈石窟五华洞窟檐复建工地,我们发现了500多块石窟塌落的造像残件。其中有的石块可以在1954年水野清一、长广敏雄著的《云冈石窟》第14卷中找到旧照,有的石雕残块与1992年昙曜五窟窟前出土石雕能拼接在一起。事实证明,这些石雕残块是20世纪40年代日本学者在昙曜五窟前发掘过的,但又不知何因被填埋在远离昙曜五窟的第12窟正前方的南北向探沟内。经我们调查核对,还找到了一些石块在石窟中原来的位置。这些石雕对我们了解云冈石窟造像,进行雕像恢复以及开展学术研究都具有一定的价值。  相似文献   
中国文化博大精深而其中之一就是有着民族特色的丧葬文化。这一民间文化延续千年的传统礼制,深刻地影响着每一个时代与人民。在时代精神与博大的哲学及宗教信仰的相互交织中,丧葬文化背后的陵墓雕刻也丰富多彩,折射着每一个时代的艺术精神与民族文化。  相似文献   
本文首先从纪念性雕塑的形态因素和心理因素两个方面来印证中国当代纪念性雕塑中的仰视性特征,其次通过对中国当代纪念性雕塑仰视性特征的表现种类和仰视性特征溯源两方面来进行论证,从而明确了解仰视性这一中国当代纪念性雕塑的典型的空间审美特征.中国当代纪念性雕塑的仰视性特征呈现出的崇高感体现了缅怀、教育、审美的功能,然而,多样的审美倾向和平等交流的气质是中国当代纪念性雕塑所更应具有的风范.  相似文献   
温州白象塔彩塑像堪称北宋时期彩塑的最高水准.其彩塑服饰具有浓厚的佛教意识,体现古朴世俗的审美特征.对温州白象塔彩塑服饰文化进行研究,旨在发掘民间文化资源,以促进现代服装设计的发展.  相似文献   
历史上保存至今以摩崖造像和摩崖佛寺为主流的巴蜀摩崖石刻建筑,是石窟寺在中国发展的最后一个历程的重要实证,呈现出千姿百态的民族性与地域性的文化特征。文章从环境、空间、艺术、文化等角度,解读巴蜀摩崖石刻建筑的4种基本特征,指出了研究巴蜀摩崖石刻建筑的学术价值及其对现代建筑创作的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
儒家思想是汉代社会的主流思想,影响着汉代社会的方方面面;而汉代画像石刻作为汉代一种特殊的艺术形式,从它的题材内容思想等方面可以形象地复原出整个汉代社会生活。山东嘉祥武梁祠画像石作为汉代祠堂画像石的代表集中反映出儒家"仁"和"忠孝节义"的思想,为研究汉代儒学提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   
This study assessed the effect of the course cycle on theoretical knowledge of dental morphology and the dental carving ability of dental students. Thirty-two dental students from the third semester (initial cycle) and 30 students from the eighth and tenth semesters of the dental course (end cycle) had their theoretical knowledge on dental morphology assessed using a questionnaire with ten closed questions. Their dental carving ability was also assessed using wax carvings in macro models of plaster (for the third [S3] and eight [S8] semesters) and natural-sized artificial teeth (for the tenth [S10] semester). The teeth chosen for the dental carving activity were #16 and #47. The scores were statistically analyzed using the t-test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Mann–Whitney test (α = 0.05). Students from the initial cycle presented better theoretical knowledge than the other groups did (P < 0.007). No significant differences in carving score were found between the initial and end cycles (P > 0.05), although S10 students obtained a higher score for teeth #16 and #47 (P < 0.05). Natural-sized artificial teeth received a higher evaluation score in dental carvings than the macro models (P < 0.001). Within the limits of this study, it was possible to conclude that students from the initial cycle (S3) presented higher theoretical knowledge, whereas no difference in carving ability was observed between the initial and end cycles. The tenth semester (S10) students performed dental carvings with better quality. Furthermore, carvings in natural-sized artificial teeth presented better quality compared with the macro models.  相似文献   

Corrosion noted on a number of nineteenth and twentieth century indoor bronze sculptures in the collection of the National Gallery of Canada was the cause for a major condition survey of its Canadian, American, and European bronzes. The results led to a comprehensive study, which included material analysis. This article outlines the steps undertaken to determine the extent and type of corrosion, its possible cause(s), and potential remediation. The survey included 136 bronzes, of which 40 were selected for an in-depth study. Indoor air quality tests of the current building, housing the collection since 1988, were carried out. The dossiers and database records of the selected sculptures were reviewed to investigate their condition, treatment, and storage history. The metal, patina, and corrosion products were subjected to analysis. More areas of corrosion were generally associated with predominantly green patinas and chloride-containing compounds identified in either patina or corrosion samples. The most frequently identified compounds in the patina samples were atacamite, a copper(II) chloride hydroxide, and cuprite, a copper(I) oxide. The most frequently identified compounds in the corrosion samples were atacamite and rouaite, a copper(II) hydroxide nitrate. The analysis determined that the current environment is not contributing to the surface alterations of the sculptures; however, past storage conditions, chemical residues from artificial patination, and likely casting residues are the main causes of the current condition.  相似文献   
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