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按刑法规定,根据数量型犯罪结果的数量与处刑数量之间的线性关系,将经济计量分析方法应用于处刑量化实践,提出对处刑进行定量分析、计算的模型,确立量刑基准,以准确计算被告人应当承担的刑事责任的数量,限制法官自由裁量的自由度,从而减少司法实践中的量刑误差。  相似文献   
This study explores the long-term impact on participation in the Linda Ray Intervention Program (LRIP) for children (n = 54) who were developmentally delayed and prenatally exposed to cocaine. By identifying a group of programme graduates from a high crime/high poverty neighbourhood in Miami-Dade County using ArcGIS 10.2 software, a quasi-experimental design was used to compare children living in this area who participated in the centre-based modality (5 h a day; 5 days a week) to children living in this area who participated in the home-based modality (3 h per week) on their Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reading and math scale scores in public school. The children who participated in the centre-based modality reported stronger outcomes in both math and reading FCAT scale scores at the p < .05 level and also out-performed their school-age peers on both math and reading FCAT scores at the p < .05 level.  相似文献   
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》于2003年10月23日对中国生效,其中第6条、第7条两个条文分别规定了“洗钱行为的刑事定罪”和“打击洗钱活动的措施”,我国刑法立法中洗钱罪规定应从上游犯罪范围、客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面等做好与公约的衔接,以改变我国目前洗钱犯罪日益严重却很少能够打击的现状。  相似文献   
想象竞合犯具有两个方面的基本特征,一方面,事实上只有一个行为,但是行为事实却是非常复杂的;另一方面,该一个行为触犯了数个罪名,但是这只是观念上触犯数个罪名。很好地把握想象竞合犯这两个基本特征,是解决想象竞合犯的本质,即想象竞合犯的罪数的前提。  相似文献   
路翎与陀思妥耶夫斯基这两位不同时空中的作家是有着某种精神上的内在关联的,以至在他们笔下的人物都是非常相像。在《财主底儿女们》与《罪与罚》中",疯狂"无疑是贯穿于其中的主旋律,本文将针对两部作品中"疯狂"的主旋律进行分析,来深入感悟两位作者之间那种强烈的精神共鸣。  相似文献   
刑事古典学派与刑事近代学派分别以犯罪行为与犯罪人为重心,系统地进行犯罪分类的研究,并提出了相应的犯罪预防措施。刑法学与犯罪学与之相呼应,也分别建构了自己的理论体系,前者主要以行为性质展开,关注的是行为的法益侵害属性,竭力表述不同性质的行为在具体犯罪构成上的区别,而犯罪学主要展示犯罪原因与犯罪预防个别特征的犯罪人的类型。因此,有必要以犯罪学为基础,从犯罪构成的角度探讨犯罪分类,提出微观预防与宏观预防相结合的犯罪预防体系。  相似文献   
蒋楷是清廷派驻中德合作青岛特别高等专门学堂的总稽查,在青岛高等教育史上具有开现代化教育风气之先的重要贡献。他的清宦生涯受惠于张之洞的提携,折射出晚清爱国士子奋争在各种势力博弈中的复杂心态。作为中国近代史上颇有影响的传奇人物,蒋楷曾被认为是镇压平原义和团起义的急先锋,又是山东治理黄河理论和实践的总结者,同时也是"夙精刑名家言"的中国刑法史研究专家。  相似文献   
诉讼欺诈行为具有严重的社会危害性,但由于行为本身带有的复杂性和性质的特殊性,加之我国现行刑法对其也无明文规定,导致司法实践中对此类行为的定性和处罚结果差异甚大,刑法理论界也存在颇多争议。对于诉讼欺诈行为,在目前刑法尚未作出专门评价的情形下,宜按诈骗罪定罪处罚。又因诉讼欺诈行为的社会危害性具有独特性,以诈骗罪论处不足以全面和准确评价之,我国刑法应单独设立“诉讼欺诈罪”。  相似文献   
Policymakers have long been concerned about the large social costs of juvenile crime. Detecting the causes of juvenile crime is an important educational policy concern as many of these crimes happen during the school day. In the 2009–10 school year, the State of Hawaii responded to fiscal strains by furloughing all school teachers employed by the Department of Education and canceling classes for seventeen instructional days. We examine the effects of these non-holiday school closure days to draw conclusions about the relationship between time in school and juvenile arrests in the State of Hawaii on the island of Oahu. We calculate marginal effects from a negative binomial model and find that time off from school is associated with significantly fewer juvenile assault and drug-related arrests, although there are no changes in other types of crimes, such as burglaries. The declines in arrests for assaults are the most pronounced in poorer regions of the island while the decline in drug-related arrests is larger in the relatively more prosperous regions.  相似文献   
不断颁布刑法修正案来惩治犯罪,固然能弥补刑法典缺陷,保持刑法整体框架的稳定和完整,但过于频繁则有损公民的法律信仰,使法律丧失应有的权威。和谐社会应当警惕对犯罪化的过于热情,合理组织对犯罪的反应,抓大放小,建构和谐的刑事法网。  相似文献   
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