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刚果(金)是非洲大陆各种自然资源比较丰富的国家。然而,独立数十年来,刚果(金)的经济发展却是每况愈下,成为世界上最不发达的国家之一。以比利时为首的欧洲殖民主义国家对刚果(金)长期的殖民侵略和统治所遗留下来的诸多政治、经济和文化恶果,刚果(金)独立以后连绵不断的战乱和政局动荡,不合理的国际政治经济秩序,固然是刚果(金)长期贫穷的根源,但刚果(金)历届政府在经济发展战略和政策方面的种种失误,也是不可忽略的原因。  相似文献   
Very little is known about how violent extremist practices are learned, and the role of educational channels through which they are spread. This empirical study extrapolates insights specific to the Bosnian and Herzegovinian context to demonstrate how one ultraconservative ideology, Salafism, can radically alter the dominant thinking and behavior of ordinary individuals once they feel displaced from the mainstream institutions and particularly from the formal education. At the core of the displacement and replacement model of radicalization is an informal and tactful teacher, influencer, or a mentor that individuals connect with either online or in person. Using the primary data collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina through 20 in-depth and semi-structured interviews with radicalized persons, the study sequences a ten-step radicalization model through which the interviewees have transformed from ordinary citizens into radicalized actors with a potential to engage in violent extremism.  相似文献   
偏激一词在我们的文化结构中遭致了长久的误读并导致一系列误解。从真理视角来看,偏激表达对于真理追求有不可或缺的方法论意义;从自由视角来看,偏激表达涉及到主体难能可贵的思想自由;真理的相对性及其方法的多元性与法律下之自由的理念又必然决定偏激表达的限度。  相似文献   
I theorize that the idea of knowledge and education has shifted in Islam from an inclusive and rational search for all knowledge to a narrowed focus on religious knowledge, void of rationality. By synthesizing literature on education and knowledge in Islam, this study identifies three shifts in the cultural history of Islamic education. I argue that those shifts in what was deemed valuable knowledge have played a significant role in the emergence of radicalization today. The study shows that once the social world of Islam destabilized, the sense of belonging and sense making became inward and less reflexive as compared to that of early Muslims. Belief became privileged over the rationality mechanisms that had previously formed Islamic endeavors. I demonstrate that a decline in intellectual and scientific production followed, allowing extremists to skew Islam’s narrative by putting forward an idealized version of the Islamic caliphate divorced from rationality.  相似文献   
Local contexts have been increasingly influenced by the transformative power of cultural globalization. These dynamic processes have proliferated intercultural connectivity, catalyzing both exclusionary reactions of ethnic protection and integrative reactions of multicultural acquisition. To be able to negotiate a globalized cultural diversity, the individual needs to be securely and reliably embedded within the local sociocultural context conceptualized as secure life attachment. The present study investigates the interplay among life attachment, psychological reactions to cultural globalization, and various aspects of radicalization in student samples from Denmark (n = 223) and India (n = 254). Results reveal that insecure life attachment was directly associated with an extremist attitude and with endorsement of both violent and illegal means in relation to extremism. Furthermore, multicultural acquisition and ethnic protection appear to mediate the relationship between insecure life attachment and various aspects of radicalization. Insecure life attachment relates to an extremist attitude and acceptance of illegal means in relation to extremism through ethnic protection. Additionally, insecure life attachment is associated with acceptance of violent means in relation to extremism through both ethnic protection and multicultural acquisition. The results illustrate the key role of contextual safety and reliability as platforms for approaching cultural globalization and avoiding radicalized essentialist pitfalls.  相似文献   
《纽约时报》与“学生争取民主社会组织”的衰落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代是各种社会运动风起云涌的时期,也是新闻媒介充分介入的时代。媒介不仅见证和记录,还隐秘而积极地参与了对这些运动的构建和消解。本文试图从当时的《纽约时报》对新左派学生运动重要组织"学生争取民主社会组织"的报道入手,探究新闻报道在"学民社"走向激进化和衰落的过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   
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