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The paintings by Canaletto (1697–1768), made with the help of a camera obscura, are just like real photographs, documenting as they do the Venice of the XVIII century with an accurate reproduction of all the details. The brown–green front left by the Laminaria, an alga living between the high and low tide, constitutes a precise biological indication of the average level of the high tide. By comparing the level of this front at Canaletto’s time with the present level, we can calculate/discover the relative sea level rise which has occurred in the last two and a half centuries.  相似文献   
法应当以实现实质公正作为其根本追求目标和价值标准。虽然形式公正确实具有保护人权等独立的价值功能,但是片面追求形式公正,用形式公正无条件地取代实质公正,那么在二者发生矛盾的时候,就有可能用形式上的公正来掩盖实质上的不公正。戏剧《威尼斯商人》即通过文学的浪漫与虚构性,采用充满诗性的理想正义观来阐释这一寓意,其对今天我们树立正确的法的公正观念及推进司法体制改革仍然具有现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   
During the thirteenth century, competition among the Italian merchants in Alexandria increased and each community sought wider trading privileges. Access to Alexandria's markets was an important addition to Venetian economic power, complementing the contemporary Venetian presence in Aleppo, in Acre and other Frankish ports, and in Constantinople after the fourth crusade in 1204. Venice differed from Pisa and Genoa in the thirteenth century because it was the only Italian merchant city that had signed four trade agreements with the sultans of Egypt. The Venetian treaties with the sultans formed the base of developing the Venetian maritime trade with Alexandria. They obtained privileges that allowed them to exercise commercial supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean. Unlike the other Italian communities settled in the sultan's lands, the Venetian merchants' privileges remained fixed and continued through the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This article aims to study and analyse commercial and diplomatic relations between Venice and the sultans, the Venetian merchants' privileges and their political and juridical status in Egypt.  相似文献   
Takkanot Kandiyah is a collection of Hebrew-written legislative texts regarding the leadership of the Jewish community of Candia, the capital of the Venetian colony of Crete, which were issued by successive generations of communal leaders between the early thirteenth and late sixteenth centuries. The detailed information it provides on many areas of the communal life makes Takkanot Kandiyah a valuable source for historical research into Jewish life in the medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean. Through a study of the texts contained in Takkanot Kandiyah, this article attempts to identify and analyse the ways in which the leadership of the Candiot community responded to the challenges of coexistence with the Greek inhabitants of Crete and the Venetian rulers of the island, as well as with the Jewish immigrants whom the currents of history brought to Crete from various corners of the Mediterranean, and thus to examine the importance of the “Mediterranean dimension” of the life of Cretan Jewry.  相似文献   
威尼斯商人中夏洛克与安东尼奥所订立的合同(契约)遵循合同自由原则,应当受到法律上的保护。本文从夏洛克的权利与界限两方面来解析莎翁笔下的《威尼斯商人》。  相似文献   
托马斯·曼的小说《威尼斯之死》因其扑朔迷离的神话色彩成为一部光芒璀璨的经世之作。许多批评家都从神话原型对艺术家的悲剧进行分析。但是大部分评论文章都简单地把艺术家悲剧的原因归咎于情感与理智的失衡,没有对艺术家悲剧的源头进行分析和论证。文章运用神话原型批评对小说中的神话元素加以分析,论证了艺术家的悲剧是他们追求唯美主义的必然结果,这一悲剧是注定的。  相似文献   
指出人文思想是莎士比亚人物评论的基础,通过阐析《威尼斯商人》中的人物安东尼奥与夏洛克的性格及个性特征,指出永远同情受迫害者是莎士比亚人物评论的模式。  相似文献   

Three case studies (Veneto-Cretan shipping of Egyptian-Arab merchandise, Catalan-Venetian cooperation, and Venice acting on behalf of Latin pilgrims) around the activities of the Venetian consul inform an investigation of the cosmopolitan community formed by local groups and foreign nations, and the role of the Venetian consul in this wider community. It will be argued that the Venetian consul was not only a Venetian envoy but also a Mamlūk official and an informal head of the cosmopolitan business community in late medieval Alexandria.  相似文献   
本文从象征手法的视角对莎士比亚作品《威尼斯商人》中的人物象征、背景象征和物体象征进行探讨。剧中成功地运用象征手法把抽象的理念带入日常生活中的人、背景和物体等,使这些文学作品的构造要素象征化而获得显著象征力的意象,成为可以传达抽象理念的载体,成功地表达了本来不能直接表达的、不便表达的东西(当时封建社会思想的制约)。该剧独到之处表现出莎士比亚娴熟的艺术技巧。同时这些象征在刻划人物真实、丰富性方面、在表达和深化作品主题、加强结构及增强诗剧意境方面具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   
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