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荣获1925年诺贝尔文学奖的萧伯纳声名卓著,“萧伯纳式”戏剧的独特魅力激发了众多西方学者的探索热情,对于他的研究早巳成为英美等国家的一门显学。自五四新文化运动时期起,萧伯纳其人其作进入了国人的接受视野。在近百年的时间中,萧伯纳的名字在中国耳熟能详,但迄今为止,他的著作被翻译成中文的依然有限,对他的研究也远未达到系统深入的程度。全面梳理萧伯纳在国内的接受历程,透析其在特定社会历史语境中的流播及演变,有助于推动国内萧伯纳研究的深化。  相似文献   
《圣女贞德》被众人推崇为萧伯纳的巨作,被称为“萧伯纳最具有热情的一部作品”.贞德引起了当时社会各种力量的恐慌,最终招致杀身之祸.贞德的悲剧不在她的行为而在于时代的超前性,正是因为她的前卫,所以是个错误,被视为异端,潜意识遭压抑、处处碰壁,只能在短暂的人生中独自承受孤独之苦.  相似文献   

Going via Bernard Stiegler’s theorisation of technology, and his response to Chris Anderson’s claim that the era of hyper-networked, algorithmically driven digital technologies signals the end of theory, this paper aims to place the educational practice of networked learning as a space to think the edge, excess or limit of this proposed algorithmic dominance. The author discusses how networked learning can negotiate the border between educational theory, the practice of teaching and learning, and the processes and systems of educational technology, but suggests that to do this it must engage these disciplines through a thinking of technology which does not decide upon its status in advance. He argues that affirming this particular relation to technology is increasingly urgent given we are at a moment in which educational institutions are asking how to prepare our students for an age of continuing technological disruption.  相似文献   

The student as consumer has emerged as a common motif and point of contestation in educational philosophy over the past two decades, as part of the critique of the neoliberal educational reform agenda that followed Lyotard’s (1984 Lyotard, F. (1984). The postmodern condition: A report on knowledge. Manchester: MUP.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) mapping of the postmodern condition. In addition, the consumer-orientated student has assumed a problematic presence in secondary-school classrooms and higher education institutions, a fact that has led to the general lament for the dehumanisation of education under a market logic. Expanding upon these narratives of ‘loss’, Bernard Stiegler’s account of the student as consumer builds upon the Lyotardian view to reveal the neurological, generational and psychical implications of what he terms the ‘battle for intelligence’, which is a result of the proletarianisation of knowledge via the imposition of marketing technologies on the psyche of the youth. This leads not only to a consumer mind-set co-opting education, but a process of ‘short-circuiting’ disrupting the educative process itself. This article will consider Stiegler’s apocalyptic vision of youth malaise in comparison to the previous notion of students as consumers in the classical and Marxist narratives he revises. It will then outline the new challenges this poses to contemporary educators, as well as the possibility of translating his utopian call to action to pedagogical practice, both of which constitute the 'problem of now'.  相似文献   
本文对世界著名戏剧家萧伯纳的戏剧理论和艺术作出了一定介绍和评价,并谈了萧伯纳对中国的影响。本文指出,萧伯纳是现实主义剧作家,他忠实于戏剧创作的原则,不盲目崇拜莎士比亚等名家。他有自己的理论主张,在实践过程中,他尽力实行自己的理论主张。本文同时还指出,萧伯纳也有着自己严重的不足。不过,瑕不掩瑜,萧伯纳仍然是一位伟大的剧作家,幽默家,他的造访中国,带来了很大的影响。  相似文献   
该文以罗蒂团结思想为指导.通过分析伯纳德·马拉然德的长篇小说《店员》中主人公弗兰克感受美国犹太人的苦难而取得道德进步.进而与犹太人团结,而且马拉默德替受苦受难的美国犹太人发声.提升我们对苦难的敏感度,表达了他的人类团结希望。  相似文献   
An essential and yet often neglected motivation of Bernard Suits’ elevation of gameplay to the ideal of human existence is his account of capacities along perfectionist lines and the function of games in eliciting them. In his work Suits treats the expression of these capacities as implicitly good and the purest expression of the human telos. Although it is a possible interpretation to take Suits’ utopian vision to mean that gameplay in his future utopia must consist of the logically inevitable replaying of activities we conduct in the present for instrumental reasons (playing games-by-default), because gameplay for Suits is identical with the expression of sets of capacities specifically elicited by game rules, it is much more likely that he intends utopian gameplay to be an endless series of carefully crafted opportunities for the elicitation of special capacities (playing games-by-design), and thus embody his ideal of existence. This article therefore provides a new lens for understanding both Suits’ definitional work on gameplay and its connection to his utopian vision in the last chapter of The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia.11. Jon Pike, Alex Barber, Thi Nguyen, Paul Gaffney, and several anonymous reviewers have given helpful feedback on earlier drafts of this paper, for which I am extremely grateful.View all notes  相似文献   
This article is an examination of the recent contribution in this journal by Kreider. In that publication he argued against formalist and non-formalist positions concerning our understanding of game-player and game-playing, focusing his discussion around game rules and their relationship to the two key concepts. This led him to produce alternative conceptions of game-player and game-playing, and it is these conceptions tied closely to the idea of commitment, and Kreider’s arguments surrounding them, which are the subject of my article. Following an introduction, I summarize and evaluate Kreider's dissatisfaction with earlier accounts. Then I present and examine key aspects of his proposals for a different understanding of game-players and game-playing. While I remain uncertain about some of his claims, overall my conclusions are characterized more by disagreement with him than by a sense that he has overcome problems previously expressed theories contain.  相似文献   
This paper documents how a unit of student-designed games can create a more meaningful version of physical education (PE) for disengaged students, a version that enhances the educational legitimacy of the subject matter by affording it worth in and of itself rather than being justified for other, extrinsic or instrumental reasons. Furthermore, it seeks to develop new knowledge relating to the conduct of game instruction within PE, by using Suits' theory of games. Drawing on Suits' theory, we develop a conceptual model that is intended to represent the hierarchical processes that occur in gameplay through student-designed games. This model is then tested via examination of the experiences of a cohort of teachers and their year 10 students from a mixed secondary school in the greater London area. From our discussions with the students, it is argued that the key focus of the games that these students were used to playing was the need to ‘play the game well’. By contrast, we suggest that it is possible to provide more meaningful experiences to students if a more philosophically driven and less efficiency-driven approach to games is taken, following Suits' lead more closely. By exploring the loop between and around lusory means, lusory goals and constitutive rules (the aspects of Suits' theory that have been shown to represent student-designed games), students engage with a more meaningful games experience than simply playing the game well. This ‘new’ approach to games may offer counterbalance to the ideological tendencies now emphasized in countries and contexts that celebrate instrumental outcomes of performative PE and sport rather than affording worth in and of itself to the curriculum’s subject matter.  相似文献   
功能性运动服装的前景研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着体育运动观念的深入人心和新工艺新技术的发展,消费者对运动服装和户外服装在技术和功能上要求更高了,功能性面料的突破促进了功能性运动服的发展,21世纪的运动服将集功能性和时尚性于一体,保护身体健康,提高运动成绩,具有高科技性能的功能性运动服是运动服发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   
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