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Genomic DNA from a clinical isolate ofMycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex was purified and cloned in PBR 322 at the tetracycline resistance site using Bam HI restriction enzyme. A 16 kb cloned fragment was purified, radiolabeled and used as a probe. Genomic DNA isolated from nineteen MAC strains, threeM. tuberculosis strains and oneM. kansasii strain were digested with Eco RI restriction enzyme, Southern blotted and hybridized with the 16 kb cloned and labeled fragment. Twelve MAC strains showed positive hybridization although five strains gave faint signals. Positive hybridization was noted in two out of the threeM. tuberculosis strains, possibly due to shared DNA homology. No signal was received from the singleM. kansasii strain used in this study.  相似文献   
施曼玲 《科技通报》2007,23(1):41-45
从浙江宁波雪菜上获得病毒分离物NBXC,病毒提纯后,电镜下可观察到大量长约740 nm的线形粒子。间接ELISA检测结果证实NBXC是芜菁花叶病毒(turnip mosaic virus,TuMV)的分离物。利用IC-RT-PCR对病毒分离物NBXC的CP和HC-Pro基因进行PCR扩增,分别得到约0.8 kb和1.4 kb的两条条带,与预期的TuMV CP和HC-Pro基因大小吻合。扩增产物克隆后进行序列测定,CP基因序列长度为864个核苷酸,编码288个氨基酸;HC-Pro基因序列长度为1374个核苷酸,编码458个氨基酸。NBXC的CP和HC-Pro基因与已报道的TuMV其他分离物的核苷酸序列同源率分别为90.0%~98.3%和82.2%~96.9%,氨基酸同源率分别为95.8%~99.3%和95.6%~99.3%。从CP和HC-Pro基因核苷酸序列同源性来看,NBXC与TuMV芸薹属分离物有更近的亲缘关系,而与萝卜属分离物亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   
siRNA抗肝癌国内研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内siRNA在肝癌治疗中的研究现状.在肝癌治疗中,运用siRNA技术构建相应的siRNA载体,分别作用于与肝癌发生相关的癌基因、抑癌基因及其他相关因子等,可在一定程度上抑制癌基因表达、抑癌基因突变、细胞周期素的过度表达、过度表达的生长因子和受体以及肝癌细胞的侵袭转移能力.这些方面的研究均取得了可喜的成果,部分研究已从体外试验过渡到体内试验,为肝癌的临床治疗奠定了基础.siRNA技术为肝癌以及其他肿瘤的治疗开辟了一条新途径.但siRNA技术作为一项即将应用于临床的新技术仍存在许多问题,因此,作为临床治疗目前条件尚不成熟,仍需进一步研究.  相似文献   
给出智能组卷数据模型,采用遗传算法中编码、初始群体、迭代等步骤,利用交叉概率、变异概率和适合度判断迭代的收敛性,并产生适合规则的群体.对比遗传算法及其他组卷策略,遗传算法在组卷次数及组卷时间上优于传统的组卷策略.  相似文献   
从遗传学产生和发展的四个主要阶段———遗传学的诞生、细胞遗传学的建立、分子遗传学的形成、分子遗传学的发展 ,以遗传学研究的思想发展和认识历程为主线 ,阐述了遗传学百余年来的发展轨迹 ,并分析了遗传学的发展给予我们的若干启示  相似文献   
中西诗画论之文化基因比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本比较了中西诗画论的异同,认为中国诗画论的主导倾向是诗画同源论,西方诗画论的主导倾向是诗画异质论;本从中西哲学观念和思维方法、中西各自的诗画传统、中西诗画论产生的化背景等三个方面,说明了其成因;总结了中西诗画论各自的意义与局限。  相似文献   
摘要基因科学的进展使人类得以在基因的层次上认识和改造人类自身,通过基因技术对人类自身进行改造的美妙前景给人类带来了巨大诱惑,然而由于生命本身的复杂性、科学方法本身的界限以及基因科学与技术本身还原论方法的缺陷,也使人类对自身的改造面临诸多不确定因素和风险。  相似文献   
泛酸是生物体内重要的代谢中间体,广泛存在于微生物和植物中。文章论述了泛酸合成途径关键酶(羟甲基转移酶、泛酸合成酶、天门冬氨酸-α-脱羧酶、酮泛解酸还原酶)及其基因的特性,并探讨其在泛酸工业生产、相关物质的检测、新型抗生素和除草剂研发等方面的应用。  相似文献   
人类STR标记的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
STR是由1~6个核苷酸的串联重复片段构成的,均匀分布于人类基因组中的简单重复序列,由于重复单位的重复次数在个体间呈高度变异性并且数量丰富、分布广且均匀、多态信息含量高、检测快速方便等特点,因此目前被广泛应用于人类基因定位、连锁分析、血缘关系鉴定、群体遗传学、系统发生树构建、遗传做图等方面.  相似文献   
Chinese Meishan and Jiangquhai pigs are two of the most prolific pigs in the world, but their growth rate is lower than that of Duroc, Landrace and Pietrain pigs. It is suggested that growth rate is regulated by growth hormone. The objective of the current study was to analyze the porcine growth hormone (pGH) gene polymorphisms based on the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment-length polymorphism method (PCR-RFLP) for three western meat-type breeds (Duroc, Landrace and Pietrain) and two local Chinese pigs (Meishan and Jiangquhai). Five polymorphic restriction sites were detected with the ApaI, MspI, BspI and HhaI restriction enzymes in two amplified fragments (605 bp, -119 to +486; 506 bp, +206 to +711). Breed difference was found only in the 506 bp fragment. There was no difference in allelic frequencies of BspI and HhaI restriction sites among the five breeds (P>0.05). Landrace and Meishan pigs lacked allele G3 of MspI site. The allele G3 frequency of restriction MspI site of the 506 bp fragment in Pietrain pigs was higher than that in Duroc and Jianquhai pigs (P<0.001). For ApaI site, the Meishan pigs lacked allele G1; no difference was found in allelic frequencies among Pietrain, Duroc, Landrace and Jiangquhai pigs (P>0.05). This new and rapid PCR-RFLP typing method is an attractive tool for analysis of porcine growth hormone gene restriction sites. The differences in MspI and ApaI restriction sites may explain the growth difference between the foreign meat-type breeds above mentioned and local Chinese pigs.  相似文献   
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