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Although Geoffrey Chaucer—the father of English literature wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. It is a collection of stories written in Middle English in the 14th century. The Merchant’s Tale is one of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Chaucer presents us a dark story about an old knight—January and his young wife—May. Chaucer’s attentive skill appears most of all in the characterization in this story.  相似文献   
苏格兰的诗歌历史虽然源远流长,但真正能代表苏格兰诗歌传统的诗歌风格要迟至13、14世纪才得以萌发,其诗歌传统的确立则在15和16世纪,苏格兰的诗人们在乔叟和李德盖特等同胞诗人们的影响下,创作出了形式多样、内容上独具苏格兰特色的诗歌作品。他们创建的苏格兰诗歌传统特色有两大标志:形式上的乔叟派,内容上旗帜鲜明的苏格兰本土性特征与其形式多样的诗歌表现形式的高度统一。"苏格兰乔叟派诗人"将乔叟的真传继承下来并发扬光大,其独具特色的创作,为苏格兰诗歌传统的奠定和开拓作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
This paper takes Mary Warnock’s paper in the first issue of the Oxford Review of Education as its starting point, and explores how both philosophical thinking about equality in education and the landscape of educational provision have changed. It articulates a view of justice in education that emphasises benefiting the least advantaged; and shows that detailed philosophical thinking about values can be valuable for making policy decisions, while also showing that deploying careful value considerations is not a straightforward exercise.  相似文献   
主要以Geoffrey Leech的三部重要著作《语义学》《现代英语语法》和《当代英语语法新介》为例,结合其相关文章,讨论Leech教授在语义学、语法学及语用学方面的部分重要主张,在此基础上分析其语言学研究的三个特点:(1)广阔的研究视野,众多的研究领域;(2)始终以语用为核心和主线;(3)坚定不移的描写主义。  相似文献   
The goal of this essay is to call attention to some of the more positive and ambivalent depictions of Muslims in a set of historical texts associated with the Norman takeover of Sicily in the fifth/eleventh and sixth/twelfth centuries. To achieve that aim, it considers social vocabulary applied to Muslims in five sources written by Amatus of Montecassino, Geoffrey Malaterra, William of Apulia, Alexander of Telese, and Hugo Falcandus. Although recent scholarship has posited that medieval identity was often felt through a “self versus other” or “Christian versus non-Christian” dichotomy, this essay questions the notion that the actual language contained in these sources ever devolved into such simplistic, binary terms. On the contrary, though the perceptions and definitions applied to this group of people were, admittedly, sometimes based on uninformed stereotypes, they were more often deliberately constructed images that were highly dependent on the cultural milieu in which they were created.  相似文献   
中世纪英国文学包括古英语时期文学和中古英语时期文学,中世纪欧洲文学以法国文学最为兴盛。乔叟勤奋学习法国文学,把中世纪法国文学的主要类型如骑士传奇、道德说教故事、讽刺和滑稽故事等介绍到英国文学中来,进行创作,使外国文学的种子在本国文学的土壤中开花结果,丰富了英国文学的社会内容。  相似文献   
对中世纪英国作家乔叟的作品的女性人物予以分析,探讨了这些女性形象的特点以及它们与时代的一致性。通过分析表明,乔叟作品中的女性展现出来以不贞、多言等负面形象为主;这一形象与中世纪男性主流社会对女性的观点是一致的。作品中关于女性的描述还体现出了乔叟作为其时代进步作家的代表对理性与人性的思考以及对更美好未来的期待。  相似文献   
乔叟一方面受到人文主义思潮的影响,关注现实生活中的人生百态,热情讴歌冒险发财的商人,指责教会的腐败堕落;另一方面,他又执著于精神救赎,唯恐对现实生活的热爱影响自己获得彼岸的永生。本文通过分析《坎特伯雷故事》中的宗教主题,试图阐明乔叟宗教观中的两重性。  相似文献   
西方学者对乔叟的妇女观一直颇感兴趣且对此争论不休。许多论者认为乔叟对女性抱有同情,而另外一些论者坚称诗人的女性人物受到了男权主义的厌女传统影响。中国学者对乔叟的女性人物或女性主义研究解读仍有待深入。乔叟的妇女观是复杂和不断发展的。首先他受到所承继的文学传统、所处的社会历史阶段影响。对女性人物带有歧视。另外,诗人对当时女性社会地位和生存境遇的关注使他塑造出巴斯妇人这样表现出新特征的形象。巴斯妇人是诗人和周围世界、诗人和自身理想的“沟通”。  相似文献   
西方的人文主义以及其所引发的文艺复兴并非是激进的社会革命,而更是一场艺术运动,标志着西方思想的美学转向和语言转向。英国乔叟的短篇小说集《坎特伯雷故事集》中《女修道士的故事》综合体现了乔叟的人文主义思想,即对灵知、欲望和语言这三者的共同强调。  相似文献   
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