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No articulation of `historical thinking' has been as influential as Sam Wineburg's position, according to which historical thinking is, fundamentally, the recognition of the ways in which the past is different than the present. Wineburg argues, further, that achieving that state is `unnatural.' This paper critiques both of these claims, arguing instead that we should replace a generic conception of historical thinking with one that is much more rooted in the specific practice of the discipline. It is surely necessary for students to learn this practice, but it is not unnatural. Instead, learning to think historically is learning to speak the language of the discipline that we call ‘history.’  相似文献   
浅析萨姆·谢泼德家庭三部曲中美国梦的幻灭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萨姆.谢泼德被视为当代美国最有影响的剧作家,其家庭三部曲(《饥饿阶级的诅咒》、《被埋葬的孩子》和《真正的西部》)是他的主要代表作。通过三部对失败家庭描写的剧作,萨姆.谢泼德力图揭示美国当今社会物质极大丰富与精神极其贫乏的现状,透析出了美国人所一直追求的美国梦业已幻灭。  相似文献   
Contemporary theories of civic education frequently appeal to an ideal of mutual respect in the context of ethical, ethical and religious disagreement. This paper critically examines two recently popular criticisms of this ideal. The first, coming from a postmodern direction, charges that the ideal is hypocritical in its effort to be maximally impartial and fair. The second, which I associate with such 'new atheists' as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, argues that notions of mutual respect pose a threat to such basic goals of education as the cultivation of critical thinking.  相似文献   
Recent announcements by Michael Sam, Jason Collins, Robbie Rogers, and others belong to a longer tradition that I label the gay male athlete coming out narrative. I chart this rhetorical genre in three waves, corresponding to the historical moment in which each narrative was published and the rhetorical tactics that each set of authors use to reconcile their identities as gay athletes and argue for the existence and suitability of gay men in professional sports. Of particular note are contemporary third-wave narratives which introduce the actively out, visible, gay male body becoming aware of his place in history as a rhetorical opportunity for social intervention. Even as I recognize the limits of athletes’ ability to represent the diversity of interests, values, and politics of the broader LGBTQ movement, I argue that these narratives should become part of what Charles E. Morris III calls “the diverse domain of the usable past.” These narratives indicate the importance of understanding genre evolution alongside individual biography, historical context, and shifting values within broader attempts at social transformation.  相似文献   
“游戏三昧”本身是一个禅学意象,它所指涉的是一种获得禅定或者禅悦之后精神上自在欢愉的圆融境界。东坡诗作被形容为“游戏三昧”,是对其灵活技法和禅学意味的概括。东坡诗作中体现出了对禅味的体会,其人本身又了知般若空义,深悟实相,这将助益他到达“游戏三昧”的境界。“游戏三昧”对自在性的突出,使得自在成为法则之一。同时在宗教层面上,内化的戒律成为其规范法度。相似的,东坡诗在自在无碍之外,也因“致道”与“以意摄文”观念的约束,而没有产生芜秽的弊病。自在与法度,是“游戏三昧”意会通禅学与文学之处。  相似文献   
影视话语是电影中各人物之间交流,表达情感的重要形式。通过对影视话语中对白的分析,人们能够窥探电影人物的内心世界,领会影片所要传达的深层意义以及语言的艺术魅力。话语本身的“字面意义”解释“说了什么”,说话人使用该话语表述的实际“含蓄意义”解决“意味着什么”。格莱斯的合作原则在1967年被正式提出,他把那些违反合作原则下的“四准则”而推导出来“含蓄意义”称作“会话含义”。本文以格莱斯的合作原则和会话含义理论为指导,分析电影《我是山姆》对白中违反合作原则所产生的“爱”的会话含义。  相似文献   
This paper reports the findings in a study of the incidence of periosteal elevation in children and its possible relationship to child abuse. Two separate sets of radiographs of the skeleton of children were taken for a variety of diagnostic purposes. The suspected abuse set consisted of 59 radiographs taken for suspected child abuse. The mean age for all patients examined was 1.22 years whereas, the mean age for patients with cortical thickening was 0.5 years, suggesting that cortical thickening occurs in a relatively young population. Cortical thickening was assessed by reason for examination. A significant difference (p = .05) was detected with 6/8 (75%) of the patients with cortical thickening from the suspected child abuse groups and only 2/8 (25%) of the patients from the seizure-diagnostic category. The two infants who were noted to have periosteal elevation but were not suspected of abuse had experienced unusual circumstances, one was wearing an abduction splint and the other was a severely hypotonic premature. It is our impression that periosteal thickening is not a normal finding in infants and does not represent a consequence of normal infant care practices. In each case in which cortical thickening was detected, there was evidence to suggest that the child had experienced abnormal or rough handling. As a result of these findings, we believe that cortical thickening of the long bones detected on radiograph is an indication of child abuse.  相似文献   
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