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目的:运用元分析的方法检验复合式训练对青少年下肢爆发力影响的干预效果,检验并提出最优的运动干预方案。方法:运用STATA 15.1和Review Manager 5.3对纳入的10篇文献和301名被试者通过设置抗阻类型、抗阻强度、间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期等5个调节变量进行亚组分析,采用固定效应模型进行整体效应、异质性、发表偏倚性检验。结果:(1)复合式训练对跳跃类运动表现的影响效应量d0.36,对短跑类运动表现的影响效应量d-0.51,两者达到中等效应且具有统计学意义;(2)本研究纳入的10篇文献异质性较低,间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期的对跳跃类和短跑类运动表现影响的效应量有一定差别。结论:(1)复合式训练能够显著提升青少年跳跃类和短跑类运动表现;(2)抗阻训练选择等张收缩、强度70%1RM以下、小于3分钟的间歇时间、在4~8周内选择每周1-2次的复合式训练能够对青少年运动表现有较好的提升;(3)围绕青少年人群开展的复合式训练较为缺乏,后续研究应加强理论与实践研究。  相似文献   
Published in 1951,The Catcher in the Rye encapsulated teenage angst. Some time ago David Belbin mused about the influence of Catcher on the proliferation and popularity of YA literature. Salinger's recent death has sparked a renewed interest in his work and more attention on Holden and his inheritors. This article discusses how five recent adolescent novels, with male protagonists, mirror Holden's adolescent paralysis. They exist in a liminal state between childhood and adulthood, attempting to understand the phonies around them. These protagonists help define the nature of the ‘lost’ adolescent in the current golden age of YA literature.  相似文献   
中小学生攻击行为干预研究的回顾与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据攻击行为的两种发展轨迹,并通过总结国内外6~18岁儿童攻击行为的干预研究,本文从矫正和预防两个角度,试图探索适用于我国中小学生攻击行为的干预模式。  相似文献   
First-rib stress fractures have been described in adolescent athletes in various sports, with only one prior case report of first-rib stress fractures in an adolescent female swimmer. There is a need for research on the cause, management, and prevention of these injuries as they lead to significant morbidity and critical time away from sport for these aspiring athletes. We aimed to describe first-rib stress fractures as a potential cause for non-specific atraumatic chronic shoulder pain in adolescent swimmers and to discuss the different presentations, unique risk factors, treatment, and potential injury prevention strategies of such fractures. We discussed two such cases which were successfully treated with activity modification with restriction of all overhead activity, gradually progressive physical therapy and a return to swimming protocol. First-rib stress fractures can vary in presentation and should be in the differential diagnosis in adolescent swimmers with chronic shoulder pain. These injuries can be successfully managed with rest from overhead activities and physical therapy. Gradual return to competitive swimming can be achieved even with non-union of a first-rib stress fracture. Emphasis on balanced strength training in different muscle groups and proper swimming technique is essential to prevent these injuries.  相似文献   
体感游戏作为体育运动与电子科技的结合产品,对其在青少年体力活动干预方面的研究有重要意义。研究从体力活动的促进、能量消耗、运动康复、社会价值以及心理效应等方面对体感游戏进行分析,发现体感游戏对青少年体力活动有明显促进作用,能满足其锻炼的需求,且对青少年心理健康具有积极地影响,能作为青少年体力活动干预的有效手段之一。  相似文献   
少年作家的创作实绩及其对中国文学的意义应该值得肯定,与此同时,其未来发展应该永葆童心,持之以恒。  相似文献   
采用自编的《青少年前瞻适应问卷》,调查了13-19岁青少年的前瞻适应情况。结果表明:1.总体上,青少年前瞻适应水平呈正态分布。2.青少年前瞻适应与学习成绩有显著相关。3.青少年前瞻适应存在显著的年龄差异。在13-19岁青少年中,随着年龄的增长,前瞻适应总分以及两个维度的分数,均呈"U"型曲线。4.初中生无论是在前瞻适应总分还是在学习前瞻维度和发展前瞻维度上,均显著高于高中生。  相似文献   
在黑塞的小说中,母亲形象一方面代表感性、情感和爱,另一方面又代表自然天性、原始冲动和生命力(在小说中具象化为"黑暗世界"),而这些都是青春期少年用以抵御和反抗父权世界理性戕害的力量源泉。黑塞早期小说《在轮下》中母亲缺场,现代工具理性社会和父权制的强势规训使主人公没有获得战胜认同危机的力量,最终走向死亡;之后的小说主人公寻找母亲,认识和接受自我的自然天性,并以认同和参与"黑暗世界"的方式来挑战和反叛父亲的权威,确立独立的自我意识,最终走向个体成熟。  相似文献   
Trauma-informed sex education is sensitive to students’ traumatic life experiences. Internet panel data for 600 Louisiana parents/caregivers of school-age youth were used to examine parental support for trauma-informed school-based sex education, and parental characteristics associated with supporting trauma-informed sex education. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of parents agreed that youth are exposed to high levels of trauma, and 86% reported interest in school-based sex education that supports emotional wellness. Of all parental characteristics, the perception that youth are exposed to high levels of trauma was most strongly associated with endorsement of trauma-informed sex education. Louisiana parents recognize the influence of emotional wellness on youth sexual health and support trauma-informed school-based sex education, which is becoming the new standard for youth sex education services.  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study was to assess the effects of doodling on the learning performance of high school female students in Tehran. The design of this research was a pre‐test–post‐test with a control group. A group of 169 junior high school 12–13 year‐old students was chosen for this study. After being taught a section of the Natural Science course, the students were asked to answer questions related to the lessons. After that, their grades were used as the pre‐test scores. The post‐test was carried out after the devised treatment. During ten sessions of the same course and teacher, the students were each given a blank sheet of paper and were asked for doodling if they felt like doing it. After each session, a couple of relevant written questions were asked to evaluate how well students had learned the lessons. The experiment and control group both consisted of 27 randomly selected students; participants in the experiment group were doodlers and those in the control group did not doodle. To evaluate the doodling effect a t‐test analysis was performed. Comparison of the grades showed that the experiment group outperformed the control group significantly.  相似文献   
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