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目的:了解不同性别乒乓球运动员完成并步、跳步、跨步3种常用步法时膝关节的负荷特征,并探析乒乓球运动员膝关节的损伤机制。方法:对乒乓球男、女各10名运动员完成3种常用步法动作时的下肢运动学、动力学数据进行采集和处理,并运用方差分析法比较不同性别、不同技术之间的差异。结果:受试者在完成3种步法过程中,膝关节屈角大致范围在20°~60°。当地面反作用力最大时,女运动员比男运动员表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05),跳步比并步和跨步表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05);在三维受力方面,膝关节受到垂直方向上的力最大,水平向后和向左的力次之,未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异;在三维力矩方面,膝关节受到的伸膝力矩较大,也未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异。结论:膝关节屈曲状态下,较大的地面反作用力和膝关节外展角易导致乒乓球运动员前交叉韧带损伤,女运动员的损伤风险小于男运动员,跳步的损伤风险小于并步和跨步;水平向后和向左的力易造成乒乓球运动员软骨和半月板损伤;过大的伸膝力矩易导致乒乓球运动员髌腱末端病和髌骨软化。  相似文献   
通过引入摄影机镜头的内、外方位元素的约束条件,导出了一种修正的DLT(MDLT)方法。该方法用于影片和录相的实测,得到一些有意义的结果。当测量的标定控制点点数较少(6~8个),且这些点的位置在空间和成像面分布不均匀时,用MDLT计算的结果比DLT的结果要好,误差可降低80%以上。  相似文献   
TFPS 教学用运动技术影片分析系统(Teaching's Film Processing System)的应用,彻底改变了以往影片分析方法教学的一般性介绍的状况,以实验部分为核心,采用新的教学方法,借助新的教学仪器,使理论与实践相结合,大大加深了学生对这一方法的理论知识的理解和掌握,同时使学生亲自动手实验,掌握实际实验技能,大大提高了进行运动技术分析的研究能力,填补了这一教学领域的空白,使这一领域的教学水平和教学质量达到了国内领先水平和国际先进水平。  相似文献   
应用三维DLT方法对优秀运动员所做的跳马难度动作进行了分析,得知在起跳的时候,身体的关节角度是不同的,特别是肩的角度。踺子上板和助跑起跳上板具有很大的区别。在起跳的第一腾空中,其时间小于到最高点的时间,所以反映出快速撑马完成第一腾空。第二腾空时间最长达到平均值1.03秒,最高重心高度在2.85米,完成高难动作。在第二腾空开始的时候,增加旋转的角速度要屈臂,紧抱躯干。同时转体是表现为先慢,后快,再慢的变化。快速的助跑和达到最高的第二腾空是完成难度动作的关键。  相似文献   
The effect of anthropometric differences in shank to thigh length ratio upon timing and magnitude of joint power production during the drive phase of the rowing stroke was investigated in 14 elite male rowers. Rowers were tested on the RowPerfect ergometer which was instrumented at the handle and foot stretcher to measure force generation, and a nine segment inverse dynamics model used to calculate the rower's joint and overall power production. Rowers were divided into two groups according to relative shank thigh ratio. Time to half lumbar power generation was significantly earlier in shorter shank rowers (p = 0.028) compared to longer shank rowers, who showed no lumbar power generation during the same period of the drive phase. Rowers with a relatively shorter shank demonstrated earlier lumbar power generation during the drive phase resulting from restricted rotation of the pelvic segment requiring increased lumbar extension in these rowers. Earlier lumbar power generation and extension did not appear to directly affect performance measures of the short shank group, and so can be attributed to a technical adaptation developed to maximise rowing performance.  相似文献   
利用三维红外运动捕捉系统对运动员王丽的跨栏动作进行影像捕捉、分析,揭示其现有技术动作的特点。研究发现王丽跨栏技术的特点:(1)跨栏步幅大,主要体现在起跨步步幅大,这可能对其腾空时间有影响;着地距离较短,比较合理。(2)起跨腿支撑时间和摆动腿支撑时间较短,说明其下肢肌肉较为有力,能够快速支撑其身体质量。(3)腾空时间较长。  相似文献   
运动生物力学标准化问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标准化工作是目前运动生物力学学科相对滞后的一项工作,探讨了运动生物力学标准化工作的意义及内容,并列举了2个实例,目的是引起学术界对标准化问题的关注与重视。  相似文献   
Accelerometer-based systems are often used to quantify human movement. This study’s aim was to assess the reliability and validity of the Myotest® accelerometer-based system for measuring running stride kinematics. Twenty habitual runners ran two 60 m trials at 12, 15, 18 and 21 km·h?1. Contact time, aerial time and step frequency parameters from six consecutive running steps of each trial were extracted using Myotest® data. Between-trial reproducibility of measures was determined by comparing kinematic parameters from the two runs performed at the same speed. Myotest® measures were compared against photocell-based (Optojump Next®) and high-frequency video data to establish concurrent validity. The Myotest®-derived parameters were highly reproducible between trials at all running speeds (intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC): 0.886 to 0.974). Compared to the photo-cell and high-speed video-based measures, the mean contact times from the Myotest® were 34% shorter and aerial times were 64% longer. Only step frequency was comparable between systems and demonstrated high between-system correlation (ICC ≥ 0.857). The Myotest® is a practical portable device that is reliable for measuring contact time, aerial time and step frequency during running. In terms of validity, it provides accurate step frequency measures but underestimates contact time and overestimates aerial time compared to photocell- and optical-based systems.  相似文献   
Dribbling speed in soccer is considered critical to the outcome of the game and can assist in the talent identification process. However, little is known about the biomechanics of this skill. By means of a motion capture system, we aimed to quantitatively investigate the determinants of effective dribbling skill in a group of 10 Under-13 sub-elite players, divided by the median-split technique according to their dribbling test time (faster and slower groups). Foot-ball contacts cadence, centre of mass (CoM), ranges of motion (RoM), velocity and acceleration, as well as stride length, cadence and variability were computed. Hip and knee joint RoMs were also considered. Faster players, as compared to slower players, showed a 30% higher foot-ball cadence (3.0 ± 0.1 vs. 2.3 ± 0.2 contacts · s?1, < 0.01); reduced CoM mediolateral (0.91 ± 0.05 vs. 1.14 ± 0.16 m, < 0.05) and vertical (0.19 ± 0.01 vs. 0.25 ± 0.03 m, < 0.05) RoMs; higher right stride cadence (+20%, < 0.05) with lower variability (< 0.05); reduced hip and knee flexion RoMs (< 0.05). In conclusion, faster players are able to run with the ball through a shorter path in a more economical way. To effectively develop dribbling skill, coaches are encouraged to design specific practices where high stride frequency and narrow run trajectories are required.  相似文献   
This study investigated the immediate effects of reducing the shoe drop (i.e. the difference between the heel and the forefoot height) on the kinematics and kinetics of the lower extremities of children tennis players performing a tennis-specific movement. Thirteen children tennis players performed a series of simulated open stance forehands wearing 3 pairs of shoes differing only in the drop: 0 (D0), 6 (D6) and the control condition of 12?mm (D12). Two embedded forceplates and a motion capture system were used to analyse the ground reaction forces and ankle and knee joint angles and moments of the leading lower limb. In D6 compared with D12, the peak impact force was reduced by 24% (p?=?.004) and the ankle was less dorsiflexed at foot strike (p?=?.037). In D0 compared with D12, the peak impact force was reduced by 17% (p?=?.049), the ankle was less dorsiflexed at foot strike (p?=?.045) and the knee was more flexed at foot strike (p?=?.007). In addition, 4 out of 13 participants (31%) presented a forefoot strike pattern for some of the trials in D0. No difference was observed across shoe conditions for the peak knee extensor moment (p?=?.658) or the peak ankle plantarflexor moment (p?=?.071). The results provide preliminary data supporting the hypothesis that for children tennis players, using a 6-mm lower shoe drop might reduce heel impact forces and thus limit potentially impact-related injuries.  相似文献   
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