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<正>"’Per aspera ad astra’.The Latin prov erb fits well my experience of 35 years o work in the exchange program of CAS and MPG.In the winter of 1979 my Chi nese colleagues and I shivered in cold unheated rooms in our winter jackets Now the offices and lecture halls are ele gant and modern.The eagerness and high motivation for research have re mained the same.Astronomy is not one of the fields of science that has immedi ate practical applications.But‘in this ba  相似文献   
袁枚的两则涉红诗话一度曾是胡适先生新红学的奠基石之一。后来由于其学生顾颉刚先生的质疑,袁枚就成了对曹家的不知情者,以致他那两则著名的涉红诗话也被打入冷宫,不再被采信。然笔者根据袁枚的人际交往圈的考察后认为:袁枚对曹家不但知情,而且知之甚深。所以对袁枚《随园诗话》中两则涉红诗话的可信性和可靠性,不应再继续采取否定态度。  相似文献   
王勃的“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”这句诗广为流传,其中的“存”一直都理解为“存在”,即“有”的意思。可是,杜沛鹤却在《“思念”方觉“比邻”》一文中指出“存”字应该理解为“存想”“想念”。本文主要对此观点进行反驳,认为“海内存知己”的“存”依然是“存在”,即“有”的意思。  相似文献   
How many times have you heard a friend or colleague talk about the introduction of some new technology or a new piece of equipment which is going to revolutionise their workplace?  相似文献   
俗语故事是我国特有的一种民间叙事作品,凝结着我国历代民众的人生经验,隐含着深刻的生活哲理。“路遥知马力”故事以一种寓言意味,融注了我国民众对人际交往的诸多思考,表达了我国民众复杂的交友观念。故事指代的并非是一种交友范型,而是涵盖了不同层面,不同文化观念所认同的多种理想的人际交往模式,以多向性话语阐释了民间社会对“朋友”这一概念的深刻理解。  相似文献   
人之才力有大小,识见有广狭,情趣有雅俗,学养有高下,故“知音”有不同层次之分;然人之进化发展,又可致“知音”层次发生位移,是亦为“知音其难”一大成因,此乃刘勰一疏略之处,斯文仅作补充。  相似文献   
李白剔骨葬友的宗教原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敦煌文献Ф 176《佛顶尊胜洗骨变胜灵验别行法》以及相关的道教灵宝经典 ,特别是李白自己的《崇明寺佛顶尊胜陀罗尼幢颂》清楚地表明 :诗人剔骨葬友的宗教根源极可能在于盛唐密教之佛顶尊胜信仰和道教救冥思想的影响。  相似文献   
Professional learning is intended to improve teaching, benefit student learning and in the longer term improve achievement of targets in schools. When teachers take responsibility not only for their own learning but also for their colleagues’, it can lead to a shift in attitudes towards collaborative learning. This study presents an example of a professional learning community (PLC) based on teachers’ engagement in systematic inquiries. The aim of the study was to explore crucial factors during the process of critical friendship that could be related to a PLC. The research context was a series of shadowing sessions where teachers were expected to document teaching and provide feedback. The analyses are mainly based on documentation, in the form of shadowing logs produced when teachers study each other in action. Findings indicate that the role of critical friend was hard to internalise and that most of the teachers did not use it to its full potential for learning, according to the Vygotskian concept of the zone of proximal development. Three crucial factors for learning in a PLC are addressed: active choices related to teachers’ and students’ learning during different phases in the inquiry; the complexity of mastering several skills in action research at the same time; and the teachers’ attitudes to professional learning.  相似文献   
本文探究职业教育中班主任的角色转变以及如何把素质教育贯彻于学生思想道德教育。关心学生,提高学生思想道德素质,培养健康心理素质。通过三年的职高教育,使学生成功踏上自己的工作岗位,而在这期间离不开他们的良师益友——班主任。  相似文献   
刘跃进先生之<玉台新咏研究>中提到方弘静曾为<玉台新咏>嘉靖十九年郑玄抚刻本做序一篇.方弘静在明代诗学上也颇有贡献.本文从四个方面对其略作论述:一、方宏静生平及世系;二、方宏静之交游;三、方宏静作品简析;四、方宏静诗学思想受到明代复古思潮影响,但他与前后七子思想也略有不同,在唐诗学史上有其独特价值.  相似文献   
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