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In this ITEMS module, we introduce the generalized deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (G‐DINA) model, which is a general framework for specifying, estimating, and evaluating a wide variety of cognitive diagnosis models. The module contains a nontechnical introduction to diagnostic measurement, an introductory overview of the G‐DINA model, as well as common special cases, and a review of model‐data fit evaluation practices within this framework. We use the flexible GDINA R package, which is available for free within the R environment and provides a user‐friendly graphical interface in addition to the code‐driven layer. The digital module also contains videos of worked examples, solutions to data activity questions, curated resources, a glossary, and quizzes with diagnostic feedback.  相似文献   
对先进文化内涵的理解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
先进化是包含多个层面的复合体:先进化以邓小平理论为其理论核心,以依法治国和以德治国相结合为实践手段,以吸收古今中外的优秀化为基本出发点,以与时俱进为活力之源。  相似文献   
岳珂继承了宋诗对唐诗的突破,引俗物入诗,以食物为载体展示自己的生活。《玉楮诗稿》中以饮食为题材的诗作反映了当时饮食文化的饮食美学、饮食养生观及饮食消费观。  相似文献   
衡量一个党是否是马克思主义的忠实信徒,首先要看这个党是否科学地回答了什么是马克思主义,怎样对待马克思主义的问题。马克思主义之所以能在中国落地生根,枝繁叶茂,是因为中国共产党人采取了科学的态度,即科学地把握了以民为本这一马克思主义理论的本质,提升了马克思主义的感召力;把马克思主义的普遍真理与中国的具体实际相结合,走自己的路,实事求是地推进了马克思主义的中国化;始终着眼于眼前的历史运动,解放思想,与时俱进,谱写了马克思主义的新篇章。  相似文献   
就商业体育健身俱乐部发展现状对泉州市健身俱乐部的经营管理者进行调查,为商业体育健身俱乐部经营管理的可持续发展提供理论和实践依据.  相似文献   
党的十六大的胜利召开,给民营企业的发展带来空前的历史机遇。作为民营企业的厂长经理,必须树立人才至上的观念,打破家族化的管理模式,调整用人机制。因此,对民营企业的用人准则、民营企业选聘和留用人才等方面的措施和方法进行研究和探讨,无疑具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
工程制图作为一种语言,把工程师的设计思想表达为产品,因此工程制图本身是一门应用性极强的专业基础课程。工程制图在高等工科院校中具有举足轻重的地位,并且历史悠久。但是,近年来我国工业飞速发展,尤其是“中国制造2025”的宏伟战略的提出,使传统工程制图教学模式与现代化工业人才培养的矛盾日益突出[1]。传统的教学模式亟待改进,以适应日新月异的市场需求。  相似文献   
邓小平的马克思主义观是在实践中形成的,具有实事求是、务实管用、与时俱进的理论特色。邓小平用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践,指引我们党高擎理论创新的大旗,继承和发扬科学的马克思主义观,不断开拓马克思主义中国化、时代化和大众化的新境界。  相似文献   
产业共性技术属于准公共产品,“市场失灵”会导致其供给不足,政府的介入无可避免,但如果政府的作用仅限于补贴(或税收减免),供给又将面,瞄“组织失灵”。为此,在产业共性技术面临市场和组织“双重失灵”原因的基础上,基于行业协会的比较优势,提出产业共性技术与行业协会组织的匹配问题及作用机理,并以温州的实践加以佐证。  相似文献   
This article sheds light on an understudied aspect of the transition from school to work: the choice of a training company. It presents findings from qualitative interviews with 69 secondary school students and apprentices from the German states of Berlin and Brandenburg, focusing on their reasons to choose a training company in the dual system. What reasons lead students and apprentices to choose a training company? The most common reason is personal impressions, which future apprentices obtain in their initial, personal encounters with a company and its staff. Students and apprentices often consider location, working atmosphere and soundness. Due to this study’s regional scope, its findings may not be fully generalisable on a national or international level. However, its findings may instigate further research in countries where people pursuing certain types of apprenticeship training have to apply to companies (e.g. Great Britain, Switzerland and Australia).  相似文献   
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