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杨秀清 《图书与情报》2006,(3):121-123,134
20世纪初,敦煌莫高窟藏经洞的开启,是人类文明史的重大发现。文章在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,介绍了藏经洞文献的主要内容及其价值,以期使普通大众对藏经洞文献有一个基本了解。  相似文献   
韩春平 《家教指南》2011,(5):119-122
敦煌学数字化工作已经开展多年,但其总体目标成果迄未定名,既有的名称数量较多,内含界定也多有歧异。评述了敦煌学数字化总体目标成果既有的名称及其内含,提出了新的名称——"敦煌学网",并主要从内容和功能两个层面对其内含进行了界定。  相似文献   
Public visual spaces, populated by a blend of community murals, unauthorised street art, and historic painted mercantile signs, are often the mark of an urban environment that is both progressive and eclectic. Changes in the aesthetic and cultural value of these urban mural forms have led to an increase in the appreciation and, in some instances, promotion of their artistic merit and cultural significance as examples of public art. However, examining the significance of these works, with a view to implementing a conservation approach is problematic. This is due to a number of practical and theoretical considerations that are primarily a result of the ephemeral existence of urban murals outside conventional exhibition spaces, and issues associated with their often fragmented ownership and uncertain authorship. Consequently, larger thinking on the interpretation, conservation assessment, and advocacy for the conservation of urban murals are required. Key to defining and implementing such strategies is contextualising the public visual spaces that these murals occupy and, as part of this, the local and wider communities’ perception of these murals as culturally significant objects as well as fostering awareness and understanding of appropriate measures aimed at their conservation. This paper examines the role of citizen science, or crowd-sourcing, of local community members in establishing a conservation dialogue and generating conservation- relevant data on urban murals. It looks specifically at a project involving a collection of in situ historic painted mercantile signs — also known as ghost signs — in the City of Port Phillip, Melbourne, Australia. The project fostered the establishment of an informed and open dialogue between conservation specialists and participants from the local community on the significance of local ghost signs whilst transferring knowledge on conservation processes and assessment methods. Working directly with community members, a programme was designed in which conservation and community knowledge of these urban art forms, could be collected and exchanged across digital platforms. This enabled researchers to examine how citizen science can be utilised as a research tool as well as a means to advocate for the conservation of collections of urban murals. It created the opportunity to consider the role of non-specialists and shared authorities in the collection and collation of conservation- relevant data and how information generated from what we call citizen conservation projects, can inform the way in which conservators evaluate and prioritize the conservation of urban cultural heritage. The data gathered and interpreted proved to be the most effective means of ‘conserving’ these often ephemeral forms of cultural material.  相似文献   
张金泉 《家教指南》2001,(1):151-160
1989年敦煌莫高窟B59窟发现了古韵书《排字韵》二叶。此韵书不见载,与《广韵》等比勘,当为唐五代以后的韵书。《排字韵》残存二叶52行,分韵依稀106部,是《广韵》略本之一种,并以《广韵》作了校补。  相似文献   
纪念莫高窟创建1650周年,对于敦煌学界具有重要的现实意义。作者对敦煌学研究现状进行了深刻的反思,认为目前的研究有平庸化、琐碎化的趋势,缺乏较有分量、理论性的成果。在顺应国内外学术思潮的大势下,作者积极倡导敦煌学研究的宏观化与理论化。  相似文献   
莫高窟第98窟是曹氏归义军时期极具代表性和典型性的一所大窟,该窟表现出的现实意味尤为强烈,如供养人像数量众多、涵盖广泛、人物鲜活、身量高大、详列职衔,与之相比窟中诸佛、菩萨造像偏小,神性消退而人性崛起等,所有这些现象都是窟主政治理想和人生哲学的真实反映。从发愿、示愿和现愿三个层次看,曹氏归义军初期洞窟的营建有一个很重要的功能就是要向政权内外充分展示自己的政治抱负、执政理念、外交方略、治理路径和安邦之策,发愿直白,示愿形象,现愿笃行。  相似文献   
杨富学 《家教指南》2001,(2):167-173
宋元时代,景教在回鹘人中相当流行,吐鲁番、敦煌等地发现有为数不少的回鹘文景教文献,此外,吐鲁番、喀什、霍城及福建泉州、江苏扬州、内蒙古自治区赤峰市和达茂联合旗乃至中亚七河流域等地也有回鹘景教遗物发现,都可为回鹘景教的研究提供证据。百年来,回鹘景教一直是国际学术界研究的热门话题,涌现出相当丰富的学术成果,在新旧世纪交替之际对其进行认真的总结、回顾,具有继往开来的意义。  相似文献   
在对敦煌古籍流失进行简述的基础上,着重论述了它的历史价值及其分布现状,并对近百年来的敦煌古籍的收集整理成果作了概括和总结。  相似文献   
全球化背景下的敦煌艺术再生问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敦煌艺术再生既是新的艺术品种和艺术流派的产生,又是经典艺术在新的时代背景下的价值增值。敦煌艺术再生,既是艺术的再创造和文化的自我增值,是民族文化在全球化背景下“化全球”的先声,同时也是经济文化发展的新的增长点。敦煌艺术的再生机制在于全球化背景下的民族艺术张力和人为的发掘提炼,以及市场运作。对敦煌艺术再生问题的研究应该从哲学、美学、宗教、门类艺术的不同角度,运用典型分析法展开。  相似文献   
敦煌莫高窟中保留了许多早期的五台山史料,对于了解当时五台山的历史面貌尤其是文殊信仰的流行具有重大意义。  相似文献   
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