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Inverted Index Compression Using Word-Aligned Binary Codes   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
We examine index representation techniques for document-based inverted files, and present a mechanism for compressing them using word-aligned binary codes. The new approach allows extremely fast decoding of inverted lists during query processing, while providing compression rates better than other high-throughput representations. Results are given for several large text collections in support of these claims, both for compression effectiveness and query efficiency.  相似文献   
This paper presents a size reduction method for the inverted file, the most suitable indexing structure for an information retrieval system (IRS). We notice that in an inverted file the document identifiers for a given word are usually clustered. While this clustering property can be used in reducing the size of the inverted file, good compression as well as fast decompression must both be available. In this paper, we present a method that can facilitate coding and decoding processes for interpolative coding using recursion elimination and loop unwinding. We call this method the unique-order interpolative coding. It can calculate the lower and upper bounds of every document identifier for a binary code without using a recursive process, hence the decompression time can be greatly reduced. Moreover, it also can exploit document identifier clustering to compress the inverted file efficiently. Compared with the other well-known compression methods, our method provides fast decoding speed and excellent compression. This method can also be used to support a self-indexing strategy. Therefore our research work in this paper provides a feasible way to build a fast and space-economical IRS.  相似文献   
Variable size motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) are employed to select the best coding mode for each macroblock (MB) in the current joint multiview video model (JMVM).This technique achieves the highest possible coding efficiency,but it results in extremely large computation complexity which obstructs the multiview video coding (MVC) from practical application.This paper proposes an adaptive early termination of fast mode decision algorithm for MVC.It makes use of the coding information o...  相似文献   
空时分组码是利用多输入-多输出(MIMO)无线通信系统的本质特征。给出在瑞利衰落信道下正交空时分组码瞬时接收信噪比的一般表达式,在此基础上推导出正交空时分组码在M—PSK和M—OAM调制下误符号率的闭式表达式,并给出数值分析结果。结果表明,空时分组码是一种适于高速无线通信系统的优选方案。  相似文献   
动态心电监护具有监测时间长、数据量大的特点,所以心电数据压缩十分必要.对于心电信号压缩的方法有很多,文章提出了心电信号小波变换自适应编码压缩方法,与其它压缩方法相比,此方法减少了信号重建时的失真,压缩比5到12.  相似文献   
研究如何利用两粒子形成的EPR-Bell态传输光子的量子态,并提出依赖于两光子缠绕的密集编码实验设想。  相似文献   
柏娟 《青海师专学报》2003,23(6):128-130
随着档案管理现代化程度的不断提高,特别是数字档案的产生,使得档案在分类检索的方法上越来越合理,也更为实用.干部人事档案作为其中一个门类,它的检索手段也不断的得到改进和发展,针对时下对干部人事档案管理的新要求,本文对干部人事档案的编号规则进行了探讨,认为音序编码方式可以适应快速发展的信息管理.  相似文献   
JSP和Servlet是基于Java语言的跨平台W eb开发工具.在进行网络编程设计中,人们常碰见中文字符编码处理等问题.本文通过介绍字符集编码相关理论,并分析JSP和Servlet运行各阶段字符的编码形式,提出解决中文字符编码转换问题的方法.  相似文献   
意志品质的质性分析及模型建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用行为事件访谈法,对运动员以及在意志品质方面具有超凡表现的特质型运动代表克服困难的行为进行现象学访谈,通过质性分析,运用Nvivo编码软件逐级编码,建构了意志品质模型。建构的意志品质模型中,共有两级维度,包括4个一级维度和9个二级子维度。4个一级维度是:自觉性、独立性、果断性和坚韧性。9个二级子维度包含自我实现欲、目标清晰度、自制力、信念确认度、顽强性、智源集中度、决策及时性、倦怠耐久度和困难承受度。其中,自我实现欲、目标清晰度、自制力归属于自觉性;信念确认度、顽强性归属于独立性;智源集中度、决策及时性归属于果断性;倦怠耐久度和困难承受度归属于坚韧性。  相似文献   
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