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热贡地区六月会展示出丰富多彩的少数民族艺术,特别体现在祭祀与舞蹈这两个方面。从中我们不仅能找到民间艺术“礼失求诸野”的影子,还能深刻体味六月会在社会渲泄功能方面、娱乐功能方面、宗教心理平衡方面的作用。  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study is to analyse the role played by an important female figure in early Shī?ite history. The person in question is Fi[ddot][ddot]a l-Nūbiyya, the servant-girl of Fā ?ima, the Prophet's daughter. After a long period of neglect by scholars, who have focused on what to their mind were figures of greater import, we shall here attempt to describe the role played by Fi[ddot][ddot]a in early Shī?ite history by way of analysing her biography and her close relations with Fā ?ima and members of the latter's family (?Alī, [Hdot]asan and [Hdot]usayn). We shall further describe what has been reported of Fi[ddot][ddot]a's personality, her family, her admiration for the Prophet's family, Qur?ānic verses which supposedly mention her, and the great respect in which she was held by Fā ?ima's family.  相似文献   
《青春之歌》中林道静的互文性意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方结构主义文学理论中的互文性概念表明,每一个文本都不会是孤立的存在,它总是利用和征引其前的文本而又被其后的文本所利用和征引,因此,对单个文本的孤立解读,永远不足以阐释文本的实际意指过程。依此理论来观照《青春之歌》,将人物形象林道静置于丰富多彩、摇曳多姿、环环相扣的语义流动场中,发现主人公林道静的塑造绝不是横空出世,其本身折射、渗透、连贯着三重角色,分别是:五四启蒙时代的出走娜拉、讲述话语时代的政党女儿、话语讲述时代的单独个人。  相似文献   
儿童的健康教育问题是一个重要的社会问题。父母亲的教育观念、教育方式和方法直接关系到个体社会化的实现。章从当今父母教育子女方式编差的分析入手。全面论述儿童健康教育的重要性,并根据自己的体验,提出几种正确的教育途径。  相似文献   
特级教师李镇西的"全纳育人"基于"生命影响生命"的理念,目的在于建构尽可能大的成长共同体。李镇西"全纳育人"的类型包括女儿、学生、教师、家长;展开路径表现为先期育己、主动育人、人主动求育;愿景在于实现每一个生命的成长、发展及完善。  相似文献   
文章解读了徐静蕾导演的影片《我和爸爸》中另类父女关系产生的原因、另类父女关系的种种表现、另类父女关系的特殊意义,指出在中国电影史上女性的成长缺席已久的背景下,电影《我和爸爸》将亲情成长主题置于另类父女关系背景下展开是该片的突破,开了风气之先。  相似文献   
Through selected theories of melancholia, this paper seeks to shed some fresh interpretive light on the reproduction and disruption of gender, violence and family turmoil across generations of mothers and daughters. The originality of the paper lies in its exploratory deployment of theories of melancholia to consider issues of women, violence and generation. It addresses these matters through a discussion of the intergenerational emotional archives accumulated by two mother–daughter pairs in relation to their different experiences of sexual and other violence. It shares the mothers’ experiences of violence in their childhood and shows how these help to shape the ways in which they raise their daughters and address the troubles that their daughters experience. Different theories of melancholia assist us to explain the dissimilar emotional dynamics between these mother and daughter pairs. But equally their stories suggest the analytical potential of different theories of melancholia for understanding women’s and girls’ diverse responses to violence. Freud’s, Irigaray’s and Silverman’s constructions of melancholia, which are to some extent based on notions of emptiness, lack and insufficiency, are deployed alongside Eng and Kazanjian’s interpretation of a melancholic state of being which focuses on the creative potential of animating the remains of loss; an interpretation that invokes an agential relationship to the losses that violence provokes. The former help to explain what Eng and Kazanjian might see as the ‘hopeless politics’ associated with certain melancholic responses to violence and the latter help to explain what they might consider more ‘hopeful politics’ associated with responses that mobilise a more agential relationship to loss. Although not subscribing to such a stark binary interpretation, we nonetheless argue for an analysis that acknowledges the different ways that the remains of loss are animated. The paper arises from a wider cross‐generational study in Australia of the lives of educationally, economically and culturally marginalised young women and their mothers.  相似文献   
探望权是修订后的婚姻法新设定的一项离婚后的父母基于亲子关系而产生的身份权。该权利的设立不仅有助于离婚父母亲权的实现,而且有利于未成年人的健康成长,因此,有必要对婚姻法规定的探望权的性质、特征、行使及强制执行等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
女性在父权制中的缺席和缄默,导致女性情谊的历史性空缺。20世纪90年代以降的中国文坛,女性主义写作高潮迭起,女作家们冲破了男权中心话语的压制,勇敢地正面抒写了确定存在的女性情谊。全文通过对陈染小说所蕴涵的女性情谊的论述,高度肯定了陈染为突破男权中心话语和建构女性话语所作出的努力和探索。  相似文献   
《无字》是张洁第二次荣获茅盾文学奖的一部长篇小说,带有极强的自传色彩。本文主要从爱情悲剧、母女亲情两个角度,阐释小说的主题,并通过对禅月的分析,来揭示作者寓于绝境中的希望。  相似文献   
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