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构建新时期高校共青团工作新格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新时期高校共青团工作应以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,扎实推进校园文化建设,大力开展社会实践活动、青年志愿者行动、助学工程,加强大学生思想政治教育、素质教育,培养一支高水平的团干部队伍,与时俱进,构建新时期高校共青团工作新格局。  相似文献   
《古田会议决议》距今已过去了近80个春秋,回顾80年来党和军队建设的曲折历程和取得的丰功伟绩,无不闪耀着《决议》的光芒,实践有力证明《决议》在我党我军建设史这个"坐标系"中有着尤为重要的地位和作用,是毛泽东军队政治工作思想的重要组成部分和光辉典范,重温《决议》对新世纪、新阶段坚持从思想上建党、坚持党对军队绝对领导和熔铸当代革命军人核心价值观有着深刻启示意义。  相似文献   
如何发挥历史学科的教育功能,这是近年来有关领导及历史教育学研究人员所共同关注的问题。本文将“谈古论今”作为一条重要教学原则提出来,试就历史教学“谈古论今”的意义、必要性及可行性等问题予以论证和说明。这对教学大纲有关能力目标的制定是否适当以及如何培养学生运用历史唯物主义观点认识问题的能力等方面都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
通过多个角度对当代宁波帮商人在宁波地区捐资办学的动因进行分析,阐释当代宁波帮商人与宁波地区教育事业发生关联的时代促动力,显现当代宁波帮商人与宁波教育发生关联的内发力量,从而弘扬宁波帮商人的办学精神,为进一步研究地方教育与地方经济的关系提供借鉴.  相似文献   
《为人处世与〈世说新语〉》一书在宣扬利已主义的思想指导下 ,为了迎合市场的需要 ,打着古为今用的招牌 ,以《世说新语》的一些故事为范例 ,断章取义 ,曲解原意 ,牵强附会 ,信口开河 ,以投机取巧的手法来取代认真研究古籍的严肃性。文化出版界应严格把关 ,出版一些科学严谨的学术著作和品味高雅的古为今用的通俗读物  相似文献   
柴静 《今日中学生》2014,(31):28-30
正It was a beautiful spring morning.There wasn't a cloud in the sky,and the sun was warm but not too hot,so Mr Green was surprised when he saw an old man at the bus stop with a big,strong black umbrella in his hand.Mr Green said to him,"Are you going to have rain today,do you think?""No,"said the old man,"I don't think so."Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off  相似文献   
正AA philosopher(哲学家)who went to call on a sick friend was told at thedoor:"He is alreadydeparted(过世).""Well,tell him I called,"replied the philosopher.BSocrates(苏格拉底)had troubles in his marital(婚姻的)life.Out of ithe gave the youth a piece of advice:"If you get a good wife.you will becomevery happy;if you get a bad one,you will become a philosopher—and thatis good for every man."  相似文献   
Howard Woodhouse 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):135-157
The paper analyses a debate from 1936 between Alfred North Whitehead and Robert M. Hutchins over the role of the business universities today. Their contrasting views on vocational training in the modern university underlines the ways in which the logics of education and the market differ. I argue that Whitehead's support for the business school stemmed from a belief in private corporations fulfilling the same role as the Catholic Church in defending the "great liberty" of mediaeval universities. This belief is contradicted by other statements of his that business corporations destroy the very craft required for academic work. Finally, I suggest ways in which both authors might respond to a current situation at my own university where applied research for business is subsidized with millions of dollars from the base budget. While both would have been opposed to the threat this poses to university autonomy, Hutchins' critique of the logic of the market makes his the strongest position.  相似文献   
The Indian Publishing industry has come of age as books published in India are highly acclaimed at the international level. The standards of production are also comparable to the world market. Inspite of all these developments there is a vacuum in sharing information about the industry and its personnel. There is no journal on the publishing industry at the moment. I came up with the first issue in December 2006 containing an interview with a publishing professional and news about the industry with the title Publishing Today (PT). The present article is from the interviews in PT and from my editorials.  相似文献   
沙冰梅  黄颖 《海外英语》2012,(12):265-266,276
根据格莱斯理论,日常生活中的语言交际有时候会通过间接表达来实现,并且对话当中存在规律性(胡壮麟,2006)。基于这些规律性,格莱斯提出了合作原则,以实现正常的交流。该文以小品《今天的幸福》为例,对其对合作原则的遵守和违背进行分析,旨在向读者展示小品的幽默效果是如何得以实现。  相似文献   
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